Sweet Love 1V1: Spoiled by The Executive

Chapter 2555: See a play

In the auditorium, Yu Qingzi and Mu Guosheng, as parents of Yu Luoluo, sat in the forefront. Zhang Yiche's parents were sitting in a position separated from them, and the two of them could see as long as they turned their heads.

It is not difficult to see from Zhang Yiche's parents' unwilling smile that they do not like Yu Luoluo's daughter-in-law. However, things are coming together. They urgently hope that Zhang Yiche can get rid of homosexuality as soon as possible, so even if they don't like Yu Luoluo again, they can only agree. After a big deal, try to find a way to get Zhang Yiche and her divorce, anyway, the divorce between the stars is not a big deal. Their son was younger than Yu Luoluo, and he was handsome, so he didn't have to worry about marrying later.

Yu Qingzi smiled at Zhang Yiche's parents, and then moved his head close to Mu Guosheng's ears, and whispered, "I don't think the parents of the man like us Luo Luo very much, they laughed so well, I thought I couldn't see it. ? "

After listening, Mu Guosheng looked subconsciously next door. Zhang Yiche's parents also nodded and smiled.

It's really fake and hypocritical!

"Don't think that this is a good day for your daughter to get married. We should be happy for her." Mu Guosheng could only comfort Yu Qingzi in the end. He knew that if his in-laws were not at home, it would be his daughter. So for the happiness of his daughter after marriage, he can bear everything. However, this does not mean that the other party can bully his daughter. Once he knows that Yu Luoluo has been wronged, then the means by which Mu Guosheng teaches people is not covered. After all, he has been a triad man for more than 20 years, and almost became the ultimate man.

"Well, that's what it says." Yu Qingzi was still uneasy, "I don't know why I always think that Luo Luo didn't really want to marry Yi Che, but an irrational decision made under impulse. Marriage is not a trivial matter, I hope she can forget that he got married earlier, but I don't want her to surrender her life casually. Rather than complete her and him ... "

Mu Guosheng's eyes sank. He knew that in Yu Qingzi's mouth he was referring to Cheng Chen. "Don't mention that person on a day like this. Lolo is an adult. She knows what she is doing. Marriage is not a child's play. Why did she make an impulse decision? Don't think too much about it, it's a good thing that her daughter is married now. "

Yu Qingzi gave Mu Guosheng a glance, and then seemed to push him back in disgust, "I really don't understand what you think, and can't communicate with you!"

Because it was a fake marriage, this matter was kept secret from everyone except the company's staff involved, who included both parents.

The wedding is about to begin. The groom Zhang Yiche is standing in front of her in a delicate dress, with a charming smile on her face, and her eyes sparkling. I can see that Zhang Yiche is really happy.

"You see Yi Che's boy laughing so much, you can see that he really likes our daughter. Rest assured, the daughter will be happy in the future." Mu Guosheng vowed to Yu Qingzi, but it seemed to be Say to yourself.

"Hope." Yu Qingzi replied lightly, his eyes staring at Zhang Yiche momentarily.

In the dressing room, when Ling Tianya came in, Yu Luoluo was making the final preparations.

"How about my little bride, are you nervous?" Ling Tianya asked with a smile.

Yu Luoluo slipped his lips. "Others don't know what's going on, don't you know? What makes me nervous?"

Ling Tianya shrugged, "That's right." She patted Yu Luoluo's shoulder again, "Enjoy today, I'll go out to the theater first."

After speaking, Ling Tianya laughed and left the dressing room.

Going to the theater?

Yu Luoluo froze, and then blinked his eyes.

Well, everything is fake. She will be very excited and happy when she goes out. She is acting. Therefore, Sister Tianya said there was nothing wrong with going to the theater!

At this time, the staff came in to inform that the Yuluo Luo ceremony had begun.

In front of the door, Yu Luoluo took a deep breath, and a sweet smile was put on her face.