Sweetness Drowning, Callous Boss and Awkward Wife

Chapter 100: Give cake

Yu Fei walked to the edge of the lake and gradually stopped. There were several children around holding the ball running back and forth. Yu Fei's eyes moved with their movements, and the smile on his face was particularly gentle.

Ke Chen was worried that he would be spotted by the other party. Behind a big tree, the cat carefully poked out half of his head, paying close attention to Yu Fei's every move, and he could see God.

Suddenly, he was hit by a ball on his leg, and Ke Chen turned his head blankly.

A boy holding the ball looked at him timidly, and seeing Ke Chen's gaze fell on him, he quickly apologized, "Uncle I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

The expression on the boy's face looked exceptionally scared. He didn't hear Ke Chen's answer. The corners of his mouth curled downwards, and his big eyes immediately turned red.

The appearance of Hyun Ran's weeping made Ke Chen panicked.

Ke Chen squatted down and stared at the boy, wiped the tears from his face with his sleeves, and explained: "Uncle is not angry with you, he is really not angry, don't cry."

After listening to Ke Chen's comfort, the boy slowly stopped crying, but the lingering rhyme of crying had not completely dissipated. He sniffed his nose from time to time, and he looked like a little pitiful.

This child was born very beautiful. Ke Chen stared at his face for a while, and his thoughts drifted to him and Yu Fei’s child unconsciously. The unborn child did not know what it would look like. But since it is his and Yu Fei's child, it must look good.

The boy noticed that Ke Chen was in a trance, stretched out his hand and placed a few times in front of his face, making Ke Chen regain his consciousness.

The previous fear has long since disappeared. The boy raised a big smile and warmly invited Ke Chen to play with him, "Uncle, come and play with me."

The boy was not loud, but his voice was loud and loud. The corner of Ke Chen's eyes noticed that Yu Fei turned in his direction, and hurriedly hid behind the tree.

When the boy saw this, he thought Ke Chen was playing a game with him, and he was jumping with excitement.

Ke Chen swallowed nervously. If Yu Fei finds that he has been following in the dark, plus those things before, Yu Fei is likely to be aware of his plan.

Thinking of this, Ke Chen beckoned to the child in front of him.

The boy ran to him excitedly, innocent and cute, "Uncle, what game are you playing, I haven't played it."

Ke Chen placed his index finger in front of his mouth and made a silent motion.

The boy looked at him like this, and learned that he put his index finger in front of his mouth, his big round black eyeballs turned left and right, and spoke carefully with a breath, as if he was talking about secrets with Ke Chen, "Uncle, Don't worry, no one can find us."

The nervousness was relieved by the little guy's cute behavior. Ke Chen couldn't help but smiled faintly, touched the top of the boy's head, and praised: "Good job, no one finds us, we win."

The boy was even more excited when he heard it, his eyes flashed brightly, and he squatted down in front of Ke Chen holding the ball and shrank into a small ball, not to mention how cute he was.

"Three, two, one, time is up!"

Ke Chen gestured with his fingers. The countdown ended and he gave the boy a thumbs up.

The boy bounced from the ground excitedly, his eyes turned into two crescents with a charming smile.

Ke Chen mysteriously leaned in front of the boy, pretending to be mysterious, and whispered in his ear: "We played the game together, we are little friends. Uncle will give you a task. Can you complete it?"

The little boy looked excited and didn't know where he learned the movement. He held the ball in his left hand and saluted the right hand in a standard way. He looked serious, as if he was really a little officer about to perform the task.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Ke Chen was completely amused by this little guy, and his nervous mood eased a lot. He took the ball from the child and put the cake that he had been holding in his hands into his arms, and pulled the boy out from behind the tree. A head, just can see Yu Fei.

Yu Fei was watching the children playing in front of him intently, without noticing the big and small behind him.

Ke Chen pointed to Yu Fei and said to the little boy: "Did you see that sister in yellow casual clothes? Just give her this cake in the past."

The boy said that he had received it, and if he was anxious, he would go out.

But Ke Chen stopped him, and told him: "If that sister asks you who gave the cake, you must not say that it is me, do you know? Uncle's identity is a secret, and you can't let others I know, only the two of us know."

After telling him several times, Ke Chen let the boy go out, but he was still uneasy, and kept quietly staring at the little boy's movements behind the tree.

Seeing him walk behind Yu Fei and stop, probably with a cry, Yu Fei turned around and saw the villain behind him, with a face full of confusion and perplexity.

Because of the distance, Ke Chen couldn't hear their conversation. Yu Fei bent down and touched the boy's head twice, and opened his mouth twice, as if asking who this cake is. given.

The boy suddenly turned around and was about to point in his direction. Ke Chen quickly retracted his head and couldn't help laughing at himself, actually believing that a little older child could be tight-lipped.

Ke Chen hurriedly looked around. He didn't dare to look out anymore, but even if he didn't look, he could guess that Yu Fei was now being led by the little guy towards this side. He had to find a way to get out of here. .

"Sister, it's here." Yu Fei took the boy's hand and walked under the tree, following the direction of his fingers to go behind the tree, except for a ball on the ground, not a single figure was seen.

Going over to pick up the ball, Yu Fei showed it to the boy and asked gently, "Is this yours?"

The boy nodded and took it happily. He held the ball and walked to Yu Fei. Seeing that there was nothing in front of him, he became more excited and jumped up on the spot. "Uncle must be playing games with me again, big sister, you Do you want to play with us?"

Yu Fei lowered his head and glanced at the cake in his hand, feeling puzzled, so he asked again: "Little brother, tell my sister, what is the uncle who gave you the cake?"

The boy remembered holding the ball, his face was full of innocent expressions, and recalled: "Uncle is very handsome and tall, he likes to play games with me."

Hearing the boy's answer, Yu Fei immediately laughed. She actually tried to hear a detailed description of the appearance from such a small child. It seemed that she was thinking too much.

However, to satisfy curiosity, Yu Fei couldn't help but ask the last question, "What color is the uncle's clothes?"


With just such a description, Yu Fei couldn't guess who the mysterious uncle was, although a voice in my heart always hinted at her.

Maybe it's Ke Chen.