Sword of Coming

Chapter 150: Go to the mountain

Although the little girl of the red cotton jacket appeared short-lived, she was Li Bao’s bottle, and soon she was fighting high-spiritedly, moving quietly, sneaking from the left hand side of the tall woman, around her, and then walking to her. On the right hand side, look at her clothes, licking her big lotus leaf, Li Bao bottle feels good, really beautiful.

After listening to Cui Wei’s resentment and the old man’s reprimand, Chen Ping’s swearing out some meanings, but still can’t believe it, swallowed and whispered to the tall woman: “This old gentleman is Mr. Qi’s husband. What is the sacred name of the Confucian?

No wonder this road has gone so ups and downs. I will encounter A Liang wearing a fight, the land swordsman of Fengxue Temple, and of course the surname Cui.

The tall woman nodded and smiled: "This is the case."

The woman’s real body is the old sword hanging under the stone arch bridge. The sword spirit that was born out of the sword, during the long waiting period of nearly 10,000 years, she witnessed the fall of the last true dragon, the battle of the end of the song The three teachers and the great qi of the philosophers of the philosophers, the joint shots, are still dead and wounded, the bodies of the dead people are like the rain falling on the earth, the soul is not condensed, together with the air transport after the death of the real dragon, confused In the end, she created the Zhuzhu Dongtian, but she was regarded as a child fight and a child play.

The sword spirit is watching from the beginning to the end, and occasionally, when he shines, he secretly picks up a few beautiful and beautiful objects, and he does not know what to expect.

She thought that for the rest of her life, she either slept or yawned, and looked at the magnificent ancient ruins, floating in it, not as good as the ghosts and ghosts, just a little bit in the long river. Waiting for the day when the aura is gone.

However, when the Zhuzhu Cave was broken, she picked Chen Ping as the second master. It was not Ning Yao, who was born with a great sword and immortality. It was not a well-known horse, but it was not a thank-you or Cao Yu. The town of genius.

All of this, Qi Jingchun is a big deal.

First, that night, Qi Jingchun alone sat down on the bridge to Tianming, just below the plaque of the wind and water, in order to convince her to look at the mud bottle alley, even if it was good.

In fact, the first feeling of Jian Ling is that there is no feeling.

She really saw too many surprises.

Therefore, she is indifferent. For her, the smashing of the sacred caves is also good, and the heavens have countered the people’s sufferings and have no influence on her.

But she does have a little curiosity. Qi Jingchun is a scholar who is hailed as a pro- rite of ancestry. Why did he choose a child who has never read a book?

So she looked at the teenager a few times after that day, still did not feel how.

Later, she was really bored. She finally remembered that when Qi Jingchun left, with the identity of the town's saints, she left behind the long river of the past ten years of the Zhuzhu Dongtian—“一抔水”, which was enlarged by Qi Jingchun. Shentong took it and placed it under the bridge.

So she has one day, nothing to do, always have to find something to do? She began to show her body and hovered over the water under the bridge. She combed her hair while watching the water.

All the bits and pieces of the mud bottle alley.

There are thousands of miles behind the scenes of planning, there are chickens and skins in the market, there are good deeds that contain misfortunes, there are unscrupulous disasters, there are short and happy parents in the parents, sad and sincere, there are people who die.

She thinks it is very interesting. It is more interesting than watching a group of children fight and kill and encircle a bug.

For example, a child with a fart is carrying a piggyback that is almost as high as that of most of his people. He said that he was going to go to the mountains to collect medicine, and then he did not go up the mountain, and he cried that it was called earth-shattering.

Another example is that the child is standing on a small bench and holding a spatula and shredding it. Tonight, I must burn a delicious meal. It is not salty or not.

For example, the child who ran away from the candied fruit gourd ran and drooled, and could only try to imagine the taste he had tasted when he was a child.

In the end, for example, the child went fishing in the depths of the river at noon in order to survive. He did not know that the gods were hard to catch the fish at noon, and the sun was darker than black carbon.

Sword spirit knows that these are all sufferings, but she never thinks that this is a difficult suffering.

Because the sword spirit once followed her master, the battle of the Quartet, the blood of the corpse, the wreckage of the gods, can pile up into mountains. The demon of the big demon can be chained into candied haws once and eat crisply. Those who have turned into the shadows of the outer demon, cover the sky, and destroy a sword.

So after Qi Jingchun found her again, she still refused to nod. It’s just that Qi Jingchun’s sages, who can reason, can’t do anything. Qi Jingchun has regained the glimpse of the time-water, and gently poured into the Longxu River on the covered bridge. The pictures are slowly flowing, from the rush to send a letter. The young man Chen Ping, finally returned to the child in the fairy grave, praying for the peace of mind of the child Chen Ping. Qi Jingchun decided to stop persuading Jian Ling in the first time when he poured water.

He began to walk to the end of the bridge, which was precisely the last moment of his disappointment. There was an unintentional language that finally touched the heart of the sword. "We are all very disappointed with the world."

The sword spirit is not moving, so the water will be fully integrated into the stream. The last scene is that the child bids farewell to his father in the mud bottle lane. "Hey, I am five years old, it is an adult!"

Sword spirit looked at the back and said: "Let him take a trip to the covered bridge. If he can keep going, I can consider it."

Qi Jingchun was shocked and turned around, then burst into laughter and nodded hard. "I believe Chen Pingan, please believe Qi Jingchun!"

The man strode down the steps of the bridge, and the two big sleeves shook so badly that it seemed to be filled with Qi Jingchun’s youth.

Jian Ling was interrupted by a young question.

The teenager carefully asked: "Since it is Mr. Qi's teacher, can we not fight?"

Jianling loosened the snow-white lotus leaf in his hand. It first floated to the sky, and then became huge in a moment, and it propped up a vast canopy of ten miles.

She shook her head: "For Mr. Qi, you have to fight this one."

Chen Pingan scratched his head and said: "Although I don't know why, but since it is related to Mr. Qi, you said so, I believe you..."

The boy paused for a moment, his eyes were determined, staring at the tall woman, grinning and laughing: "Call and fight!"

She smiled, diverted her gaze, and looked at the old man who was still procrastinating. It took a long time to understand the knot that tied the reel, and it was still awkward.

"I used to know that I was hiding in the study and I missed a lot. After I got out of Gongdelin, I wanted to try a life I couldn’t imagine before, such as drinking too much, quarreling with people, eating spicy food, and shirtless. Swimming in the water, I have walked through many places all the way, and I have seen many famous mountains and rivers..."

She joked: "Master Wen Sheng, still not finished, the neck is slashing, um, it is a sword, you drag it so meaningless."

The old man said with amazement: "I am not waiting for you to change your mind."

She blinked coldly: "Old guy, don't get cheap and sell it!"

The old show just laughed, "Old guy?"

Her smile became more and more gentle. "I wrote it down."

The old man broke the meaning of the jar. "When you hit it, who is afraid of it. I really thought that I couldn’t fight. It was just a comparison of my quarrel."

The old show finally untied the knot, the wrist shook, the picture slammed, the horizontal spread spread out, slanting to the ground, the old man holding the scroll side, this mountain river long roll is really long, instantly paved the water well On the ground, Chen Pingan had previously wanted to move, and the tall woman held her shoulder and kept him from moving.

The daring Li Bao bottle simply squatted on the ground, carefully watched it, and did not forget to reach out and poke it there.

Plus the young Cui Wei standing behind the old man, at this time help the old show to hold the bag.

The old man shouted: "Receive!"

Still on the side of the old well, Li Bao, who was on the ground to study the mountains and rivers, was awakened, and the picture on the ground was gone.

Moreover, the younger uncle and the temperamental female ghost sister, and the gentleman of the gentleman, she should be called the old man of the ancestors, disappeared together.

She looked up and recovered into a reel, hovering quietly in the air.

Juvenile Cui Wei is not surprised by this, standing in the same place holding the bag, a look of grief is greater than the expression of resentment.

She suddenly stood up, raised the seal of the square, and asked aloud: "Sui, Cui, my little teacher?? You don't say that I shoot you! I have never been light and careless. I am not responsible for shooting you!"

Cui Wei looked at the little girl, her face was indifferent, and nodded: "You have killed me."

Provocative, right?

The white woman is fine. Are you a bad guy too?

Li Bao bottle smashed, then angered, and then ran away without saying anything. After bypassing the scroll, she was shorter than the white teenager, a quick-jumping jump, and the seal in her hand screamed at Cui Wei’s head. on.

Juvenile Cui Wei’s face was incredulous, his eyes were mad, and he reached out and touched the more red-skinned forehead. He suddenly lost his bag and squatted on the floor, shouting his head and shouting: “This day can’t be over, anyone can bully Laozi!”

The little girl didn't come from some embarrassment. The hand holding the seal was wrapped around her back, and the crime tool was quietly hidden. Then she began to study the drawing axis, hoping to find out the little teacher.


Chen Ping looked around, a bit similar to the first time that the sword spirit was pulled into the "bottom", and all around it was nothing, so it seemed that the "physical" was exceptionally "real", such as a distant wall and a high wall. Chen Pingan stretched his neck and could not see the end of the wall.

The white woman standing next to him, reaching out and holding the blue silk that was tied together by the golden silk, smiled and said: "This is both in the mountains and rivers, and in the consciousness of the sage, it is more complicated and troublesome. You As long as I know that there is a sword here, you and I can have no worries. This is one of the reasons why I have to promise the old man, or else I will start playing on the riverside cliff."

Her other hand suddenly pressed Chen Ping’s shoulder. "Now it is too close, so you can't see the true face. I will take you back, and I will retreat for a hundred."

Chen Pingan feels that the whole person is rushing, and he does not know how far it is. After the final meeting, the teenager refuses to accept the physical discomfort and the boiling of the gas house, open his mouth and look to the "mountain", far away from 800 miles away. Looking at a mountain, can it be so huge?

Compared with it, the hometown of Phiyun Mountain should be like a small mound?

The tall woman’s face is solemn. “There is a more important reason. If Wen Sheng promises to fight here, I can give you a little extra treatment.”

Chen Pingan has been shocked to be overwhelmed, and some of them are dry, "Hey?"

She stared at the teenager's eyes. "Where, when you are out of the sword, you will have a similar cultivation of ten spirits. Of course, this is an illusion, but it is an extremely real illusion. I hope that you will be there. After that, I can understand it carefully, which is not useful for your future practice..."

She was amused by herself, and Junjun couldn’t help but say, “Well, I just want to let you know one thing, don’t just try to practice boxing, especially if you always feel that practicing boxing is to survive, it’s too good, how is it possible? The ambition is only so big? You think, who are you?"

Chen Pingan stunned and answered: "Chen Pingan?"

The answer is not to ask, the key is that you are not Chen Pingan or someone else?

She bent down and licked the boy's head. "Besides Chen Pingan, my master."

The teenager is a little embarrassed.

At the top of the mountain, some old people angrily said: "Well, I was very anxious before, now I am not in a hurry?"

Jian Ling took a deep breath and pointed to the mountain. "That is the largest Wuyue Mountain in the Middle Kingdom."

Chen Ping nodded.

She looked into the distant mountains and her eyes were hot. "So what if the mountains block your avenue?"

Chen Pingan whispered: "Climb over."

Her mouth was tilted, not annoyed, and asked: "But when you have a sword in your hand?"

Chen Pingan remembered the scene with his hatchet opening the road and asked: "Where to open the mountain?"

She laughed loudly: "Yes!"

The tall woman strode forward and stood in front of Chen Ping. She stretched out her fingers and slowly wiped it from left to right in front of her.

A very small and very small light, in the leftmost position, suddenly burst.

If the day is empty.

Then spread all the way to the right.

The glare of the brilliance shines an inch, and the tall woman's figure fades.

In the end, Chen Pingan saw a non-sheathed sword in front of him, as if he had been holding a sword for thousands of years.

The light has dispersed.

The boy slowly moved forward and took the hilt of the sword.

For a moment, the sandals of the sword holding the sword only felt upturned, all the gas and acupoints were shaking, the air around the body was tangled, and the teenager could barely open his eyes.

Chen Pingan closed his eyes and his heart said: "Peer!"

The long sword screamed wildly.

For example, Qiu Jin is at the highest branch, and the sound of the world!