Sword of Coming

Chapter 83: dream

When Chen Ping climbed out of the well with a basket of mud, he was a little embarrassed.

Outside the wellhead stood a group of Gao Guanbo's scholars, who were the first ones. They were standing on the next ladder of the archway, and they were reprimanded by the officials of the bureaucrats. They stood by the predecessor who built the bridge before leaving office. The governor, according to legend, is the Song Daren of Song’s father. The skin is slightly whiter than in the town. The remaining five or six people are mostly in their 30s and 40s. They are very popular. Looking more than the Song Dynasty is more like a big official.

In fact, not only is Chen Ping’s face sluggish, but the group’s most ruthless rite official in the six shackles of Dagu’s family saw the only big rich man in the town who had three bags of gold coins. In front of such a poor and sour teenager, he holds the wealth equivalent to the half-seat bank of the Emperor. Then, I will spend a lot of money and buy the entire five hills that fall into the mountains.

He did not show up, but the girl in Tsing Yi and Xiu Xiu stood side by side with Longquan County, and the latter looked at the nose and nose, his face was indifferent, and his line of sight was slightly low. It seems that Xiao Wu, who is so scared by the mountains, is arrogant with the gang of the rites. After all, on his own site, he will give a bunch of outsiders a piece of fat, who will not be happy.

The turmoil that occurred in the downstairs of the archway, and finally Wu Hao unexpectedly retreated to the end, let the clerk of the right side of the priest Dong Lake to complete the sixteen words, even if a secret squatting from the seventh floor of the practicing spirit, It is determined that the words on the plaques are completely unincorporated, and there is no need to come up with precious winds and thunders. Dong Shilang is still a savage posture that he can’t wait to remove the plaques, and insists on all the winds and thunders that will bring them. After the monument was completed, this was satisfied with the subordinates of the Ministry of Rites and stayed at the house of a large family in Taoye Lane.

Wu Hao was so hard to use the town to build a large-scale civil engineering, and the reputation gained by ordinary people was suddenly returned to its original shape. Fulu Street and Taoye Lane have a good time to see this, and it has become a talk after a meal. Most of them are gloating and feel that Wu Hao is an embroidered pillow. Some people say that if Wu Hao dares to harden his neck, he will admire the boy’s temper with the gang of the rites. Now, he is afraid to be a tortoise at the ritual side, and then formally wear the county magistrate. After the official uniform, it is necessary to be in the nest.

Chen Ping, carrying a basket of mud, gently jumped down the wellhead and stood in front of these big-duty officials. The assistant Lang Donghu smiled and smiled. "You are called Chen Pingan, the old man is Dong, and we are big." I am looking for you, this time is not a business, but the old man is on the rise, want to see what the masters of the five hills look like, now it is worthwhile to make a wish.

At the end of the day, the old assistant Lang looked around and smiled at the same time.

Except for the Song Daren who was born in the kiln governor, there was no movement, and the other officials of the Ministry of Rites all laughed, as if Dong Shilang had said a big joke.

Chen Ping’an is a bit embarrassed. I don’t understand the old man’s words.

Wu Hao's mouth twitched a subtle arc.

Song Daren, who is well versed in the dialect of the town, has no intention of helping the Tuen Mun Shangguan.

Because the two belong to different hills, and the two sides have completely torn the face before, if it is not the emperor's imperial hand, he must accompany him to the south, this is absolutely no difference. The rites of the rituals are all reading people, or the reading seeds that have been smashed by the Qianjun Wanmao wooden bridge. Therefore, the slap in the middle of the door is really beautiful and wonderful. Fortunately, Song Songzhang is a small town in the town. The haunted geek, after returning to the capital, did not feel guilty about doing things, but did not feel that there was anything wrong with resentment.

Dong Shilang’s public door has been practiced for most of his life, almost all of them are climbing in the ritual department. The ritual department is the only one who can compete with the military department. Donghu has achieved the third-handedness. It is obviously a keen old fox. When I went to my own mistakes and thought about finding a step for myself, I turned to smile at the singer’s only daughter, hoping she could help her.

It’s just that Donghu’s thoughts were almost eliminated in a flash. A gentleman who was even a guest of the Emperor’s sorrow, who was a guest of the Fengxue Temple, was a priest, and he dared to work with his daughter’s daughter to do this. If the girl is a I don’t understand the difficult role of the number of rituals. I feel that I have slowed her down. I went back to her and told her that she was stunned. Then the sage teacher only needs to flutter to Beijing to give a sentence and a sentence, and estimate his own from the three officials. When it can still be done, it will definitely be uncomfortable. The old man's mind is in a hurry, but it is actually a matter of a moment. The assistant minister decided to change his original intention and smiled and looked at the girl. He just wanted to ask a lady who lived here to adapt to the situation and did not need the ritual to help in the town. On the side of Lu Street or Taoye Lane, get a clean and elegant house.

But the next moment, the jaw-dropping thing happened. In the minds of all the officials of the rites, the unattainable daughter of the sorcerer, and quickly walked to the mud-legged boy, it was estimated that he had told him the words of Dong Shilang, and the boy was normal. The look of the girl’s words really made these ritual officials shocked.

Where Chen Ping knows such a trivial matter, he can make these distinguished and prominent Beijing capitals seem to have turned their minds into thousands of miles away. After listening carefully to Yan Xiu’s message, Chen Pingan smiled and said to her: "Xiu Xiu, I am in trouble with the old gentleman. I am a dragon kiln worker. Now I am working in the blacksmith shop. I am able to buy those. Shantou, thank you Master."

When the girl of Tsing Yi heard the name of "Xiu Xiu", she smiled and became a pair of crescent moons. In the end, she used the Dongbao Pingzhou orthodox ethics in a cheerful tone, and said it to the old sergeant. . Officials of all rituals in Donghu, of course, are proficient in the "Da Ya's words" in a continent. Or is it true that the Daxie dynasty is the paradox of the northern barbarians? Even in Dagujingcheng, it is an important criterion to distinguish between Gaomen’s enthusiasm and fluency.

Dong Hu looked more and more amiable, smiled and gently nodded his head. After listening to Miss Yan’s explanation, she said that she would not bother Chen’s work, and that she worked hard to help them with the teacher’s resignation. It is even more harassment. Otherwise, you will be guilty of sinning for the elders who have long admired the teacher.

Yan Xiu had no interest in these guest words. Oh, there was no such thing as the following. The old assistant who had already become a fine did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. After introducing the scenes of Dagu Jingcheng with Miss Yan, they left the team and left.

Song Yuzhang walked in the end of the team, and Wu Hao walked behind Song Yuzhang.

Yan Xiu accompanied Chen Pingan to dump the soil in the basket. She said as she walked: "I said that buying a mountain will soon be finalized. In addition to the officials of the Ministry of Education, I still need the place of Qin Tianjian. The teacher came forward, plus you, the three parties together to sign the signature, only to be a hammer, but those who are led by the two Mr. Qingwu, are still carefully surveying the terrain of all the hills, it is estimated that there are still a few days to go out."

Chen Ping thought for a moment, put down the basket, looked at the busy figure around, and asked: "Let's go to the creek and talk while walking?"

Yan Xiu laughed and said: "Okay."

Yan Xiu interestingly lowered his voice and whispered: "In addition to the movement of Mr. Qingwu and the general geographers, there are many hundred, and the martyrdom of the sidemen, and there are also two young ones. Moving the mountain, one is a silver-backed scorpion, one arm-armed, and usually stocked in the deep forests, only when needed, will drive to force, crack the mountain or move the hills."

"There is also the unloading sergeant created by the Taoist Fu School. It is a magical thing. A thin piece of paper, after being infuriated by the practicing spirits, can become a tall sergeant with a height of seven or eight feet. Infinity, although it is better to move the mountains, but it is good to obey, there will be no accidents. Moving mountains and temperament, especially young people moving mountains, especially difficult to tame, once out of control, will definitely die, even if the suppression is killing, it is also a I have a big loss. I heard that there are also cardigans created by the Mohist giants. I have never seen them before. If there is a chance, I will definitely go to see them later."

"I helped you pick two shops, one old shop, one grass shop, just next to each other, you are also very familiar. If there is no opinion, I can help you to buy and sell immediately. Because this kind of small transaction does not involve a dynasty's feng shui profit and loss and mountain and river air transport, it is not as troublesome as buying a mountain."

Chen Ping thought for a moment and smiled: "Of course, no problem."

Yan Xiu suddenly remembered something, mysteriously said: "I personally said a message, the emperor of the Dalai Lama personally spoke, since the town has now belonged to the Dagu territory, then those magic weapons left in the city folk, all High price to recover the national treasury. Finally, in the town, I collected about twenty good old things. The things that Taolu Lane and Fuling Street handed over to Fulu Street are half and half, but the price of selling is not high. In the end, the Emperor of Daxie personally took out seven or eight items and made up 30 pieces. As the color head of 30 of them, it was equal to white. The average person did not know which hills had colored heads and which ones. No, but I know that Shenxiu Mountain and Luoshan Mountain will definitely have it, and the quality is very good. It is one of the best. In addition, my family lights up the mountain and your lonely mountain, the Daxie court may have a separate one. The mountain **** sits in the middle."

Chen Pingan took a deep breath and squatted by the stream, his brows wrinkled.

It seems that some are not true.

The mud bottle lane teenager never dreamed that he could have such a day.

The dreams of the sandals and teenagers are only related to the festive Spring Festival couplets, the mighty doormen, the fragrant meat buns and the sizzling copper coins.

Yan Xiu followed him down and curiously asked, "What happened?"

Chen Pingan stopped talking, but it seemed that he couldn’t say a word. He had to shake his head and pull up a licorice. He cooked his mouth and chewed it in his mouth.

After a moment of silence, Chen Pingan turned and smiled and said: "Hey girl, just shouted you in front of outsiders, don't be angry, I saw so many officials, nervous, I thought I was pretending to be familiar with you. Look like."

Yan Xiu blinked and asked a question that didn't touch the edge. "Well, your friend has no news recently, that is the one who wears a sabre and a sword."

Chen Pingan said in a foggy way: "You said Ning girl, after she left, I don't know her news."

Yan Xiu laughed.

Chen Pingan suddenly raised his head and turned to the side of the stone arch bridge. A familiar red color flew away, and the two legs were like a rut.

Chen Pingan had a bad feeling, and quickly stood up. The little girl wearing a dirty and wrinkled red cotton jacket came to him and looked up at him with her small head. She was so full of tears and heartbroken. Wrinkled with a small face that was tanned, he whimpered: "Mr. Hummer died, let me come to you before he died."



((Tomorrow "Swords" is on the shelves, welcome to subscribe. Then Chen Ping also walks out of the town tomorrow.))