Sword Spirit

Chapter 576: Heavenly Jedi

In the hands of Lu Xuan, the dusty swords waved like a stream of water. One stroke and one stroke shot, the Hualong seven swords made by Lu Xuan on the opposite side could not have any influence on him.

In a short time, a set of dragons and seven swords has been finished, all of them have been cracked by Lu Xuan, and the "Lu Xuan" that has been transformed in front of the eyes has suddenly disappeared. Obviously, Lu Xuan has successfully passed. Assessment.

It was so easy to get the qualification to enter the inner hall, so that Lu Xuan had a feeling of being too smooth, and at this moment, the virtual scene before it was restored again, and the voice appeared again.

"You have passed the sword test and obtained the qualification to enter the inner hall. Now you can choose to enter the inner hall directly, or you can continue to accept the other two assessments. The assessment fails and will not affect the qualification to enter the inner court."

Wen Yan, Lu Xuan gave a slight glimpse, what is the meaning of this, have passed, why can you choose to accept the rest of the assessment, is it, what are the benefits?

However, Lu Xuan did not think much, accepting the assessment anyway will not affect the qualifications to enter the inner hall, try it, just look at the difficulty of this assessment and refining assessment.

"I accept the assessment of the array." Lu Xuan chose to follow. "Broken all the formations and enter the hut in the garden. You can get a treasure." A steady voice came to tell Lu Xuan how to pass.

When I heard the words of the treasure, Lu Xuan suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Could it be that the welfare of the two passes? When I first passed the martial arts assessment, there was no mention of treasures.

Although most of the treasures in the outer hall have been destroyed, this place should be protected by the ancient powers. The treasures will not be destroyed, and they will be rewarded. Time Lu Xuan’s heart is hot.

Set the god. Lu Xuan began to move forward. But looking at the garden is in front, but no matter how Lu Xuan walks, he can never pull in the distance, as if he has been standing still.

Lu Xuan paused. There was a smile on his face. He said to himself: "Is it so fast to come across the battle? I think this should be a self-defeating battle." However, this stagnation is not a high-level formation, it can be regarded as one of the basic formations, only Just a five-star spirit array, Lu Xuan has some involvement in it, and now there is no need to rush to view the ancient magical technique, he is concentrating on studying the law of breaking.

About half a quarter of an hour, Lu Xuan was the key point to find the battle. This line of eyes was at his feet. I saw Lu Xuan took out the dusty sword and slammed it on the ground, as if a bubble burst. When the light rang, this self-sealing method was broken.

Lu Xuan continued to move forward. This time, there was no more blocking. He went straight to the garden. It seems to be a real place. When he walked into the garden, a burst of fragrance was introduced into Lu Xuan’s nose and mouth. Let people have a sense of refreshment, of course, do not rule out, these aromas are only formed by the use of magical arrays, a powerful fantasy array, almost impossible to distinguish whether it is a fantasy or reality, a magical array, or even sleepy I have lived for countless years.

However, what makes Lu Xuan strange is that there is no block in the way. He walked through the garden smoothly and walked straight into the hut. The furnishings in the hut were very simple, just like a reclusive place of a hermit. Bed, a table, a futon, nothing else.

"Where is the treasure?" After Lu Xuan wrapped around the hut, he wondered, there was no place to hide things, but he did not find the treasure that the voice said.

Lu Xuan did not give up the place to find a bottom, there is still no gain, and the voice did not prompt him to clear the customs, Lu Xuan could not help but calm down and contemplate, the array assessment should not be so simple, just broke a five-star The solid step of self-sealing can be cleared, and I want to be sure that I have not noticed anything, but he clearly feels that there is no trace of the formation in this room.

Recalling that I had just walked all the way, Lu Xuan was suddenly stunned, and I was already unaware of it!

The hut where I am now is not the hut I saw before, but the illusion! I am afraid that my true body is still in the garden, and the fragrance of flowers and plants is the medium that triggers the array.

This ancient great power is really a master of the array of methods, the wonderful of the array, the average person can not imagine, can make people unconsciously in the middle of the move, the array is not only a technical life, but also a test of wisdom How can the enemy enter the battlefield without any precautions, which is a must for every mage.

Now that I know the reason for the formation, it is not so difficult to break the line. I think of the floral fragrance. Lu Xuan soon thought of a formation, a six-star spirit, and a fascinating array of flowers!

If you want to break this battle, it is actually easier than breaking the straits. When Lu Xuan directly sits on his knees, he first closes the foreign interest and turns into the inner interest, blocking the introduction of flowers, followed by the nose and nose. Heart, let yourself completely calm down.

When he felt that his mentality was completely peaceful, he blinked again. Everything in the hut had long since disappeared. What appeared in front of him was a beautiful flower. Lu Xuan took a breath and sure enough, he had been standing there. No, there is no treasure in the hut, because it is simply an illusion.

In order to avoid falling into the illusion again, Lu Xuan did not dare to open his breath, kept his interest, and continued to walk toward the hut with a hint of vigilance. He is now afraid to relax. This ancient and powerful layout is really ingenious. If you are not careful, you will be recruited.

This time, Lu Xuan finally succeeded in getting to the hut before, but he stopped again, because the hut was completely shrouded in a battle, and he did not break it. Lu Xuan wanted to Stepping into it, if it was a dark film, it is now a clear array.

Lu Xuan tried to step into the law. A burst of cold and bones suddenly rushed over. Lu Xuan quickly stepped back and promptly withdrew from the formation. He had no doubt that he would stay in it. During the break of time, it is bound to move.

This is another six-star spirit array, the seven-story array, which is the most aggressive one in the six-star array. It is generally used to protect something, if it is not broken, unless Relying on its own powerful strength to force the invasion of suffocating, otherwise it can not pass through.

For this method, Lu Xuan’s own knowledge is not enough. I have to look at the records in the ancient magical technique. Although it is cheating, for cheating, cheating is cheating, let alone Cheating is not a kind of chance? It is impossible for ordinary people to want to cheat.

"Seven 煞 煞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ""

Seeing the description in the technique of the ancient genius, Lu Xuan thoughtfully said: "It seems that this should be a chill."

Immediately after Lu Xuan began to look at the smashing of the shackles, no matter what method is broken, the most important thing is to find the eye, and the different arrays, the orientation and hidden methods of the eyes Different, some composite array methods, the array of eyes is extremely difficult to find.

Fortunately, the Six Stars array is not too high-end array method, it is relatively simple, the ancient power obviously does not think that the spirits division under the age of 25 will have deep knowledge, the Six Star Spirits will be used to assess It is very affordable.

According to the records in the ancient magical technique, under the calculation, Lu Xuan determined that the three directions may be the eye, without hesitation, taking the dusty sword is to send a sword to the seven gods. In the midst of the squad, there is no ban on the squad in the assessment of the tactics. After all, for the sympathizer, whether it is a formation or a break, you need to use the power.

When Lu Xuan tried to reach the second position, the suffocating sighs in the Seven Miles array, and even disappeared, the front was no longer blocked, and this method was broken.

After three bursts, the hut is close at hand, Lu Xuan has finally successfully entered the hut, the inside of the hut and Lu Xuan in the illusion are generally the same, the only difference is that the cabin table above There is a small box.

Lu Xuanxin can't help but jump, this is the treasure, right? Many words

Reaching out and picking up the small box, Lu Xuan found that there was a thumb-sized crystal, and there was a piece of paper next to the crystal, which was written about the crystal.

"The soul of the crystal, produced in the land of the ghostland of one of the heavens, is quite rare, for the top nine treasures, can be used to enhance the power of the soul."

After reading this note, Lu Xuan couldn't help but be surprised. What surprised him was not the grade of the nine-level product. Although the different treasures of the nine-level product were very high for him, he really let him Shocked is the source of the soul of the crystal, the heavens Jedi!

This power also knows Tianyu? Is this soul crystallization not obtained by himself? If so, does that mean that this ancient power has traveled to Tianyu? And how strong will those who can enter the Jedi of the celestial world?

For a moment, this ancient power has cast a mysterious color on Lu Xuan’s heart. He seems to think that this ancient power that has passed away may not be so simple...

Ps: This chapter was coded last night, but it has been disconnected from the net, and it’s only now... I’m greatly forgiven...