Sword Spirit

Chapter 628: Retrieve status

Lu Xuan is somewhat dissatisfied, because this chaotic void environment will occupy the entire hall. If you want to cultivate here if you are dependent on each other, isn't there a place for cultivation?

"Small." Lu Xuan heart secretly, with his mind moving, this simulated environment has suddenly become a lot smaller, at least not occupying the entire hall.

Seeing that it can control the specific size, Lu Xuan does not hesitate to control the environment of chaotic void in a small area, which can satisfy the needs of mutual cultivation without affecting Lu Xuan himself.

Then he dropped a single person and went straight to the trial passage. Through the trial of the War Temple, he also had the opportunity to pick a collection and treasure.

Stepping into the passage, Lu Xuan felt that the moment was dark, and then Ye Tian’s voice rang around: “The first battle of the Temple of War, the opponent is a refining god, who needs to be within the three-party beat."

When I heard the first half of the sentence, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but feel a burst of joy. Although the reinforcement of the gods was strong, the chances of his defeat were still small, but the final condition was to make his face stunned. Come down.

This is the refining of the gods and martial artists, not the wheat, a large piece of cut, the time to break the three interest time, it is almost completely to have the ability to crush.

It’s too late to let Lu Xuan think more and more, and the surrounding area suddenly illuminates. Lu Xuan feels that he is in a space without any obstacles. This kind of venue can let the two sides enjoy the expansion, and in front of him, there is a A clear figure, it seems to be a young man in his twenties, presumably this is one of Ye Tian’s young rivals.

"Start timing!" Ye Tian did not bring the slightest emotion to wake up the dazed Lu Xuan.

At this time, the young warrior opposite was already the first to launch an attack, and the sword was like a rainbow. Directly taking Lu Xuan from the door, the offensive alliance, far more than Lu Xuan's understanding of the refining of the gods.

Lu Xuan was shocked. Was robbed by the other side, facing such a fierce attack. He can only choose the defense for the time being, seeing the dragon in the field, with this trick, plus the elemental armor and the armor that has just been worn, it is a successful block to the attack.

However, the attack of the warrior is also extremely sharp. After grabbing the first mover, it is actually a chance to not give Lu Xuan a reaction, and it is a set of tricks. Lu Xuan repeatedly criticized and even had no chance to fight back.

"The time for the three interest rates has arrived, and the customs have failed." Lu Xuan was thinking about how to deal with it. Ye Tian had already announced the end of the Shaoguan. The next moment, Lu Xuan saw that the scene in front of him disappeared instantly, and he himself appeared. At the entrance to the passage.

"The warrior who refines the peak of the gods is so strong?" Lu Xuan has not recovered from the moment, although he has just taken the initiative because of his own loss of consciousness. But the attack of the warrior is indeed very skillful. With the advantage of starting, the hard-boiled will suppress Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan is also considered to be a battle, but it has never fallen to this downwind.

"It seems that it can be used as a warrior of Ye Tian's opponent. It is not an ordinary person. Although this warrior is only a peak of refining the gods, it must have been a man of the moment in the beginning." Lu Xuan exclaimed that he would not think of any peak of refining the gods. The military can have such a strong fighting power.

This short confrontation also made Lu Xuan realize that the war temple is very simple, absolutely not as simple as he imagined, and he needs to face it. Ye Tian was selected from his opponents of the year, and any one is a genius disciple. It is not easy to fight more and more.

But he does not believe in evil. Still have to try again, take a deep breath, Lu Xuan once again entered the channel, familiar scenes, familiar voices, familiar opponents, once again appeared.

This time Lu Xuan did not hesitate, took the lead in attacking, and the time of three interest, this is a fleeting moment, naturally it is necessary to seize the opportunity, otherwise, it will be suppressed by the opposite warrior.

Taking the wind and the rushing flash, Lu Xuan instantly pulled the distance between the two, and then the dragon shot in the celestial moment, the sword was like a lightning bolt!

However, the reaction speed of this warrior was once again out of Lu Xuan’s imagination. He only heard a bang, and Lu Xuan’s sword was almost blocked. Lu Xuan’s heart was slightly shocked and tight. Followed by another dragon, the tail of the dragon, carrying a powerful force suddenly hit.

The warrior was not afraid at all. The long sword swept out and chose to attack and attack with Lu Xuan. This time, under the collision of forces, Lu Xuan failed to gain the upper hand. The advantage was given to the burial, and the opposing warriors seized the opportunity. A crazy counterattack instantly came over. Lu Xuan once again became passive, and the time of the three interest was already over.

Before returning to the channel, Lu Xuan is still thinking about the coping style of the warrior. It seems that there is nothing surprising. Apart from the power of martial arts is bigger than himself, the biggest feature is that his response is particularly fast. And it is possible to grasp the timing with great precision and expand the advantages of the moment.

"It seems that I am obsessed with martial arts, and I ignore the essence of the sword." Lu Xuan thought thoughtfully, he has realized that his current strength is definitely not the opponent of this warrior, even if it is ten times again, Absolutely the same result.

This is the first time that Lu Xuan expressed his conviction to the warriors of the refining gods. When he was refining the gods, he was enough to defeat Wan Jianfei. Now he has reached the seven-fold refining, but not the opponent of this warrior. Even if it is the same realm, the combat power of the warrior can be completely different. Wan Jianfei is obviously far less than this warrior.

"This war temple is really an excellent place for cultivation. Besides, here, where can I fight like this, I can continue to fight, find my weaknesses, and learn the strengths of others." Lu Xuan’s face showed a hint of relief. The smile is not frustrated because of the failure of the pass, and failure will only inspire his fighting spirit!

"Give me some time, I will beat you upright!" Lu Xuan looked at the deep channel passage. If he only used to pass the customs, he would use other means, but he could not succeed, but he understood that Ye Tianzhi Leaving the Temple of War is not to let yourself pass, but to let yourself learn the real thing.

No longer continue to be unnecessary, Lu Xuan sat down in a distance not far from the distance, took out the soul that has just been obtained from the Treasure Pavilion, this kind of treasure, early use, good soul power Improvement, not only can enhance his control over the sect, he can understand martial arts, and he also has a complementary effect.

Putting the soul into the eyebrows, Lu Xuan began to absorb the power of the soul contained in it, and his own soul power, with the integration of the power of a trace of soul, began to gradually grow and began to move toward the six-star spirit. The pace is slowly approaching.

The soul of the crystal is composed of the power of pure soul, so it absorbs very fast, about a little half an hour, the soul of the crystal is absorbed by Lu Xuan, he suddenly feels his soul The force is unprecedented, the release of perception is open, and the scope is also significantly larger.

Now he is very close to the six-star spirit, but it is still a little worse. The reason why he did not break through this barrier is that Lu Xuan feels that it is not because of the power of the soul, but because of his own use of the power of the soul. not enough.

Before entering the inheritance of Dongfu, he was only a four-star spirit teacher, even if he was a four-star spirit teacher, it was also forced to use the spirit of the soul to improve, and now it has reached the level of the six-star spirit teacher in a short time. Although the promotion is fast, it is inevitable that it will encounter the problem of unstable foundation. Even so far, he has not really mastered a few four-star charms.

"Maybe it's time to practice and understand. With my current strength, I should be able to engrave three seals in my soul. By then, the combat power will definitely show a significant improvement."

Lu Xuan stood up and looked at it. She was obviously addicted to cultivation at the moment. She simply couldn’t understand her maid’s identity. Lu Xuan shook her head, too lazy to take care of her, and left the Temple of War to go to the Hall of Enchanting. There are a lot of materials in the enchanted temple, which is undoubtedly the best place to practice.

When he came to the Hall of Enchanting, Lu Xuan took out a blank scroll in one breath and recalled the charms recorded in the spell of the charm, ready to begin to practice the runes.

Although his soul power has long enough to support him to portray the five-star charm, he did not rush to try, but honestly chose a four-star spirit to practice his hand. The meal should be eaten bit by bit, only when it is stable and stable. The progress is faster, but the heart is eager to eat hot tofu.

Lu Xuan is calm and calm, and the power of the soul is spread out. It instantly evokes the power between the heavens and the earth, forming a line of crystallized Yuanli, which outlines a mysterious rune. As the fingers wave, the elegant fall in the blank. Above the reel.

“嗤!” One portrayed nearly half of the charms instantly turned into nothingness. Obviously it was a failure to portray. Lu Xuan shook his head and took out another blank scroll. Once again, he began to portray. Although the soul power is sufficient, he is not sufficiently skilled. Support him to complete the depiction of this four-star charm.

As a blank scroll was abandoned, Lu Xuan gradually found the state. This feeling seems to have returned to the enchanted temple of Feng Jianzong. It seems that he has not practiced such a concentrated practice for a long time.

Lu Xuan’s spirit is completely concentrated in the depiction of the charms. When the local scrolls are caught in a group, more and more, with a bright flash of light, a four-star magic scroll is finally succeeded by Lu Xuan. Characterized! (To be continued)