Sword Spirit

Chapter 64: parting

After receiving the call of Emperor Xu, the martial artists came forward and handed the number plate at the time of registration to the deacon of Feng Jianzong. After verification, they were successively boarded the giant sword-shaped flying treasure.

As the martial arts all came up, Xu Changchun immediately started the giant sword and slowly rose from the ground. Soon, it rose to the heights. At the same time, a light blue light curtain was released. Everyone is covered in it.

"This light curtain can protect you from the hurricane. Now, all the warriors sit down and kneel and can't move until they reach the Fengjianzong." Xu Chang's voice rang again.

Hearing the words, the martial artists quickly sat down and chatted, joking, such a high place, if they fell, relying on their strength, it must be no bones.

"Now, let me introduce you to the composition of my Jianjian sect. I am a sword sect. They are divided into nine major sects, namely Jianzong and the knives..."

Taking advantage of this to go to the Fengjianzong, Xu Changla began to explain to the many warriors the nine major divisions of Feng Jianzong, so that these warriors can have a better understanding of Fengjianzong, and also let them decide the points they want to travel. Zong.

Although I have heard Xu once said once, Lu Xuan is still listening carefully, this is a kind of respect for Xu Elder.

"Now, you need to make a decision. When you arrive at the Fengjianzong, there will be nine major people who will lead you to their respective branches. However, you don't have to be too nervous. If you feel that your choice is not suitable. Then, after half a year, there will be a chance to change the selection!"

Although he is an elder of Jianzong, Xu has not deliberately preached Jianzong. This is the pride of the swordsman. Even if the sword is re-declining, he will not use this method to pull people, let alone he knows that the left Naturally, if you want to leave, you will still go.

With the completion of the elders of Xu, many of the warriors on the giant sword suddenly whispered, apparently, they were discussing which branch to choose.

Lu Xuan has already decided to repair the sword. Naturally, he does not have to think about it. He suddenly closes his eyes and slowly adjusts his interest. For a time, except for the whispering discussion of the martial artists on the entire giant sword, it is only I heard the sound of the whistling sound. I can think of the speed of the giant sword flying very fast.

When I adjusted the interest rate, I didn’t know how long it took. Lu Xuan only felt that the flying speed of the giant sword suddenly dropped. I couldn’t help but open my eyes. Looking out, I saw a lush forest. I couldn’t help but sigh. A good place for a good view.

At this time, the giant sword began to slowly decline, and soon, it was stopped on a flat land, Lu Xuan looked at it and found that there are still many people waiting here.

"All disciples, follow me down." Xu Changsong once again called, the public martial arts began to get up, followed by the elders of Xu, the giant sword.

"Haha, Xu Elder, you are the slowest one, but I have been waiting for a long time. Hey, how can you not see the elders of the sun?" With the elders Xu coming down with a man, a man with a long sword The middle-aged warrior stepped forward and said hello.

"He has left beforehand, just because one person has spurred the giant sword, only me and Li Changsao, so they dragged down the speed." Xu elder did not elaborate, just explained one sentence.

The warrior did not ask, crossed the elders of Xu, stood in front of the public martial arts, and looked at the crowd, and then said loudly: "Who is Xia Chen? Now go with me to the cultivation of the core disciples."

As soon as this was said, the eyes of the martial artists immediately bet on the body of Xia Chenxi, and the eyes were full of envy. Just from the mouth of Xu’s elders, they have already learned the three levels of Fengjian’s disciples, the core disciples. Undoubtedly the highest level, most of them are just foreign disciples, even the inner disciples are not, far from the core disciples, can be described as very far away.

Hearing the words, Xia Chen suddenly became more and more popular. He rushed to the middle-aged warrior and said: "Go back to the elders, the disciples are."

Seeing the summer morning, this middle-aged warrior couldn’t help but be a little surprised. It was obviously shocked by the beautiful appearance of Xia Chen’s, but even nodded: “I am not an elder, no elders in the core disciples, I It is the instructor of the core disciple. You can call me Yang Yang’s instructor. If there is nothing, I will leave with me now. The specific things, I will tell you in detail on the way."

"Also ask the instructor to wait a little, the disciple wants to say goodbye to his companion, I don't know if it can be accommodating?" Xia Chen said apologetically.

"Well, don't delay too long." For the request of Xia Chenxi, this Yang instructor did not say much. The identity of the core disciple is extremely high among the Fengjianzong, and naturally it will not be bound by the ordinary disciples.

After getting the answer, Xia Chenxi walked to Lu Xuan and others. He first took Lin Xinyi’s hand and smiled. “Xinyi, your surname is active, but Fengjianzong is no better than Lincheng. Don’t be too arrogant in the future. I am not too worried about you, but now there is Lu Xuan, I am relieved, and listen to Lu Xuan later."

Wen Yan, Lin Xinyi's eyes are also a bit red, she and Xia Chenxi from a younger childhood is a close friend, almost never separated, and now suddenly parting, naturally very sad.

"Don't worry, Dawn, there is Lu Xuan, no one will bully me, I will certainly practice in the future, and I will try to find someone in the future to go to the core disciples."

Xia Chen nodded and reached out to help Lin Xinyi dry the tears in his eyes, and then looked at the summer night.

"Cousin, although you are two years older, I still want to marry you two sentences. Your surname is too proud and self-esteemed. However, there are people outside, there are days outside, and the wind swords are geniuses, not even the Lincheng can be compared. Don't be too proud of it in the future, so as not to bring disaster."

I heard a smile in the summer night: "I used to be like this. However, since I saw Lu Xuan, I only know the name of my so-called second day of Lincheng, but it is a joke. I will pay attention to it later. Now, Lu Xuan is my goal!"

After finishing the two, Xia Chenxi looked at Lu Xuan, and there was a lingering embarrassment in her eyes. She didn’t know why. In just half a month, Lu Xuan didn’t know when, she was unconscious. , quietly broke into her heart, opened the door of her heart.

Biting his lip, Xia Chenxi just said a short sentence: "I am waiting for you at the core disciple."

Looking at the deep contrast between Xia Chen and Xia Chen, Lu Xuan saw the tender feelings hidden in her eyes. In her mind, she involuntarily emerged from the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion. He taught the summer enchantment of the ancient enchantment. .

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile and said: "I won't wait too long. If I don't have a year, I will go to find you! If there is nothing, you can practice the enchantment."

Xia Chenxiong did not know what Lu Xuan meant. He remembered the scene that Lu Xuanyuan was in his arms. Xia Chenxi couldn’t help but some of his ears were hot, and suddenly he was not paying attention, and he took a look at Lu Xuan.

"If this is the case, then I will take a step first. If you have time, you will definitely come to see you." After Xia Chenxi finished, he turned and left.

Seeing that she had already finished her explanation, the Yang instructor did not say much. With a big hand wave, a group of invisible Yuan Li suddenly covered him and Xia Chen, and instantly went away.
