Sword Spirit

Chapter 908: Weak water three thousand, only take a s

"The younger generation just realized the immortal swordsmanship. For a moment, they didn't like themselves. They couldn't help but make this move. They also hoped that Zengzu would not blame." Lu Xuan laughed.

Ye Wenyan waved his hand and smiled and said: "If Ye Jia can have a few more juniors like you, I am too happy to come, how can I be surprised. No trace is a good son, not brought around. Training, and now it is so good, it is my blessing."

"What is your name? I think this sword is like a natural sword. It is so powerful and wonderful. It is really a rare martial art." Ye Wenyan asked.

"This set of martial arts is called the Starry Sword, which is divided into three types. The one that was just made by the younger generation is the last day. The simulation is the day of the sky. The sun, the moon and the stars are constantly flowing, just in line with the artistic conception of immortal sword. Lu Xuan replied.

Ye Wenyan nodded: "I asked myself to know more about it. In my later years, I have seen countless classics. I have never seen this set of martial arts. I want to come to you for another adventure."

After a pause, Ye Wenyan said again: "Now you have succeeded in killing the kendo and the immortal kendo. This trip to Mount Huashan is no longer empty. According to the history of my family, I can see from the stone sword of Ye Xiu's ancestors. Those who have realized these two kendos are not the ones who are famous in the world. What is even more rare is that you only took two days to successfully comprehend, and have broken the highest record in Ye’s history. In the middle of the road, the heart and the devil, the talents of the mind, are all excellent. Now the younger generation of Ye Family has a genius like you. Even if it is the end of life, I can be laughter and go."

Ye Wenyan is not afraid of Lu Xuan's praise, can get the affirmation of his level of people, it is a great glory.

"Zeng Zu Lao Zong Zhuang Zhuang, Ye Jiatun can be less than you sit in the town, you can certainly live a few hundred years." Lu Xuan Gong Weidao.

Ye Wenyan laughed happily: "Although I know that you are flattering, but I still like to listen. Well, don't delay the time, continue to go above, Jiuhuashan contains the life of countless ancestors, will certainly not let You are disappointed. But I have to send you a sentence, three thousand weak water, only take a scoop."

Finished the conversation. Ye Wenyan did not say much, once again picked up the broom and cleaned the fallen leaves on the ground. Just Lu Xuan could not help but test the sword. It makes it a mess.

After Lu Xuan’s dedication, he turned and crossed the stone sword left by Ye Xiu and began to climb to Tianjian Mountain.

Just comprehending the killing of the kendo and the immortal kendo, it took a full two days, this is still a factor that Ye Wenyan raised. Looking at the long ladder. Lu Xuan understood the words of Ye Wenyan and Ye Wuxun.

There are so many inheritances among Jiuhua Mountain. If you are greedy and you are comprehending each other, I don’t know how much time it will take. This is why Ye Wenyan warned himself that the weak water is three thousand and only one scoop is taken. .

Not long after, Lu Xuan went to the second stone sword before this time. He did not feel the sword's clear sword like the first stone sword, relaxed mood, Lu Xuan carefully perceive the secret of the stone sword.

About a time of fragrant incense, Lu Xuan finally noticed a change. Although he closed his eyes, he could clearly "see" the stone sword in front of him. The stone sword at this moment seems to be alive. A set of swords made like a stream of water.

"The original stone sword is a set of martial arts." Lu Xuan slightly stunned, for him, this is no stranger. When he was still in the Wind Jianzong, he was once passed down to the swordsmanship of the old master of the Fengjianzong, thus learning the dragon sword, which is the most basic version of the Hualong Seven Swords.

With a glimpse of the mind, Lu Xuan carefully appreciates this set of swordsmanship. The swordsmanship is extremely subtle and the moves are quirky. It is almost a dazzling sight. If you use this set of swordsmanship against the enemy, the enemy will be exhausted, as long as a flaw is revealed, it is inevitable. Will be fatal.

"This martial art is worthy of the top grade." Lu Xuan praised that although martial arts is good, but Lu Xuan did not practice his mind, and now he has a lot of powerful martial arts, especially the starry sky. The sword and the sword are nine heavy, and it is a killer-like existence. It is not necessary to spend time to practice this sword.

What's more, Lu Xuan is not good at this kind of tricks, but it is more simple and powerful.

After watching it several times and feeling the subtleties of this set of swordsmanship, Lu Xuan took the mind out and continued on.

All the way up, every time after a stone sword, Lu Xuan will carefully understand what is contained in it, and some contain the concept of kendo, some are kendo rules, and some are pure sword martial arts.

Regardless of whether or not you learn, Lu Xuan will carefully try to figure out how to cultivate. This is a process of accumulation. The assessment of the ice phoenix in the mysterious ice mystery was the destruction of hundreds of martial arts, but now the ancestral home of Yejia The countless inheritance left behind, for Lu Xuan, is simply a huge treasure trove, the most intuitive sense of the audience's essentials.

I don't know how long it took, the sky was dark and bright, bright and black. Whenever it was dark, Lu Xuan sat down in the same place and digested the sentiment of the day. The day was bright and he set off again, continuing to climb the towering Tianjian Mountain.

In a few days, Lu Xuan felt that the gains were almost as good as one year of hard work. He had seen a lightning-fast sword, and he had seen an epee that was as heavy as a thousand, feeling outdated like a breeze. When the wind and the wind are looming, the unpredictable wind kendo, and the gentleman's sword that is just like the rules.

As for the swordsmanship that has been seen, that is more. Each kind of swordsmanship has its own uniqueness, or it is powerful, or very wonderful. It is quite refreshing. It feels like a slap in the face, and the improvement in strength is In this unconsciously.

When Lu Xuan came to the middle of the mountain, he was surprised to find that there was a person sitting next to a stone sword in front. This man had a messy hair and his beard was extremely long. Obviously, he did not know how long it had not been played. I have been treated, and I have a sloppy appearance. At this moment, he is frowning. It is obviously in the understanding of the contents of this stone sword, but it seems to be in a bottleneck.

I noticed that Lu Xuan came over. This person just looked at him and he ignored it. He still pondered his own.

Looking at this person, Lu Xuan shook his head slightly. Nowadays, it is not the time to open Jiuhua Mountain. This person is still in Jiuhua Mountain. It must be the kind of person that Ye Wuxue said that he is indulged in the subtle meaning of Jiuhua Mountain. But he is also a bit curious, what kind of things can make this person addicted. (To be continued~^~)