Sword Spirit

Chapter 956: Despicable

"There is still a problem." Yi Yong said: "The special strength of your body is too conspicuous. The strength of the five virtual worlds will definitely attract the attention of Fangjia."

Nan Gonglie waved his hand: "This is no problem. I happen to have a method of hiding strength. After Lu Xiong's practice, disguising the strength at the level of returning to the Yuan Dynasty should be no problem."

Lu Xuan nodded and smiled: "Yes, in fact, I was interested in the practice of the disguise of Nangong brother in the last time, but I have never been interested in opening it."

Nangong Lie haha ​​smiled and said: "Some little tricks, this is something that is so good, I will teach you this set of exercises. After Lu brother, you will not be late after you learn. You are willing to do this. For our Nangong family to take risks, I naturally want to protect your safety."

Nan Gonglie’s words are also from the heart. Lu Xuan is the special envoy of Jiuhua League. He can’t let Lu Xuan go into trouble anyway. After all, Nangong’s family still wants to rely on Jiuhua League.

The Nangong martial art gave Lu Xuan this martial art. It has a very appropriate name, called "hiding the eyes and ears", which can make its own realm reflect the decline of a big realm, or promote five small realms. In other words, Lu Xuan can at a minimum disguise his strength as a return to the Yuan Wujing, or to the peak of the virtual world, but the chances of improving the realm are far greater than lowering the realm.

Although it is a little trick, it can also have an unexpected effect when used at a critical moment. It’s not difficult to hide people’s eyes and ears. However, Lu Xuan couldn’t control what he wanted for a while, so he agreed with Nan Gonglie for three days.

Within these three days, Lu Xuan will seize the time to conceal the success of the people, and Nangong Lie also needs to make some arrangements. Who will follow Lu Xuan to enter the Red Flame Palace to make troubles, capture the inheritance, and who will launch the impact outside, attracting the family. note.

Yi Yong asked Song Jianbai to return Lu Xuan back to the Jiuhua League station to rest, and he himself re-sneaked into the Red Flame City. His identity is, after all, the elder of the Fang family. Can not disappear for a long time, and he is doing something, he has to do some arrangements. In addition, just Nangong Lie also told Yi Yong that some of the whistle of the Nangong family was inserted into the Fang family. Although the identity is not as easy as Yi Yong, it can also play a certain role.

It took less than two days. Lu Xuan has already completely mastered the practice of obscuring the eyes and ears. The military wants to see through the realm of a person. It is generally judged by the atmosphere, the momentum and other aspects. These things are basically instinctual existence for the military, very Hard to change. The deceitful method is a unique method. Forced to change these appearances, but after all, the realm of its own is there, it is really difficult to change too much, so long can only hide the strength of a big realm.

As for the realm that you want to enhance, it is to simulate the atmosphere and momentum that the realm has. But before you can really reach that level, it is still difficult to disguise it. Reducing strength is easy to reveal flaws.

Lu Xuan controlled his own atmosphere to the seventh place of his return to the Yuan Dynasty. His age is sevenfold. It is a very eye-catching strength, but it is not too sultry. It is much stronger than the average warrior, but it is slightly inferior to those of the real heavenly princes.

After three days, Yi Yong came back from Chiyan City, and Song Jianbai took Lu Xuan again to the valley where he met with Nangong Lie. Today, it is the day of acting.

Nangong Lie came as early as ever, and this time, in addition to him, he also brought a lot of people from the Nangong family. These people are all candidates who want to sneak into the Red Flame Palace with Lu Xuan.

"I brought all the people, and the plan was arranged." Nan Gong Lie said: "Lu Xiong, I personally go in with you, even if there is any accident, I will guarantee you innocent."

Nan Gonglie’s considerations are also well thought out. He wants to ensure the safety of Lu Xuan. Naturally, he is best to follow Lu Xuan’s side, and this time causing chaos from inside is the most important thing in this act. Attracting is just a scorpion, only he can go to him personally.

"There are Nangong brothers walking together, that is no better." Lu Xuan nodded, not seen in a year, the strength of Nangong Lie has not only been too imaginary, has reached a virtual and nine-fold, do not touch that In the case of an old monster, this strength has been amazing.

"Then please Lu Lu, you will put us all together, and then things, please come to Lu Lu, you." Nan Gong Lie arched the archway.

This time, the people brought by Nangong Lie, including himself, have a total of twenty-five. Since Lu Xuan boasted that Haikou can bring people in, it is naturally more good.

The people of this group of Nangong family looked at Lu Xuan slightly and uneasy. They had heard about Nan Gonglie before, saying that Lu Xuan had a space to be able to pretend. Although Lu Xuan said vowed, they have not seen it after all. How much is worried.

Lu Xuan did not talk nonsense, took out Taiyi Ding, urging the law to decide, the second layer of Taiyi Ding suddenly opened, a misty white light instantly shrouded 25 people including Nangong Lie, Nan Gonglie et al. It was even a feeling of attraction.

"Don't resist, this force will **** you into my space." Lu Xuan Shen Sheng.

Nan Gonglie did not have any doubts about Lu Xuan, and there was no doubt that it was necessary. Jiuhua League wanted to deal with Nangong’s family without this method. Moreover, he was quite familiar with Lu Xuan. Nangong’s family and Sikong’s family did not share the sky. Lu Xuan and the Eight Temples are also dead.

With a bang, Nangong Lie was first inhaled into the space of Taiyi Ding. After seeing the owner take the lead, the rest of the Nangong family looked at each other and flew into Taiyi.

Looking at this wonderful scene, Yi Yong is very surprised. It seems that this young special envoy is really a bit of a skill. If there is no Lu Xuan, even if he has cooperation, he wants to recapture the inheritance of the Nangong family. It's easy, but now it seems that it's a matter of stability.

"Yi Tangzhu, let's leave." Lu Xuan looked at Yi Yongdao.

Yi Yong nodded, then flew up, and quickly flew in the direction of Chiyan City. In the middle of the air, Yi Yong removed the mask of the face and restored his original appearance. It is the face of the elder "Zhong Yong" who is a surname of Fang.

He saw Lu Xuan still showing up with his true face, and he couldn't help but ask a voice: "Do you not need to change your appearance?"

Lu Xuan smiled and laughed: "Fangjia estimates that no one knows me. It is better to use the mask of Yirong instead of exposing the flaws. It is better to do so." (To be continued~^~)