Sword Spirit

Chapter 983: Puppet

For this change in attitude, Lu Xuan did not feel the slightest accident. When he got up, he led a small dark room in the secret room.

At this moment, Takizawa is stupid, and I know that this Wanbao Building is somewhat unusual. Lu Xuan is here to buy and sell things. It is clearly to meet people. In fact, just like his conjecture, the gesture that Lu Xuan inadvertently made before was the secret code of the communication between the people in the shadow hall. It was because of the sight of the secret number that this management would personally entertain Lu Xuan.

Of course, in order to be on the safe side, this matter did not disclose any special information, until the two men finished all the secret numbers to truly determine Lu Xuan’s identity. A Kowloon Yu Ding, on behalf of Lu Xuan is not a person in the Shadow Hall of the Eight Dynasties Temple, but from the headquarters of the Jiuhua League, and Lu Xuan said that only the good dragon of Ye Gong’s office means Lu Xuan is from Jiuhua League Ye Family.

The position of Yeujia League’s Ye Family in Jiuhua League is equivalent to the position of Sikong’s temple in the Eight-Party Temple. This will naturally be more respectful, just like the forces under the Eight-Party Temple meet the Sikong family and the Fang family. The treatment of the two will naturally not be the same.

Lu Xuan sat quietly in the dark room for a long while, the door of the dark room was pushed open, and a middle-aged man with a slightly fat Chinese uniform came in alone, but the management was gone.

"In the lower Wanbao Building, the big treasurer Ning Yi, also asked the son to show the treasures that need to be sold." Ning Zhang counter smiled and looked at Lu Xuan said, his face is full of qi color, squinting at first glance, it is indeed like a merchant.

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Ning the treasurer is polite."

After all, Lu Xuan reached out and smashed over the storage ring. A black non-golden stone black token appeared in his hand. Nine gold dragons hovered over the token, and in the encirclement of Kowloon, engraved A big "special" word.

This is the last link of the two joints, gestures, secret numbers, tokens, all three are indispensable. If Lu Xuan can't get a token, the organ of the chamber will be launched in an instant, and he will kill Lu Xuan.

Although I have known that Jiuhua League sent a special envoy. However, after seeing this token representing the identity of the Jiuhua League envoy, Ning Yi finally had no doubts any more, and his face was solemn, and he respectfully bowed his hand to say: "His Ning Yi. See Special Envoy!"

Lu Xuan haha ​​smiled and got up and held up Ning Yidao: "Ning the treasurer does not have to be polite, you have been lurking in Tiansheng City for so long, it is really hard, I should thank you for the nine Huameng up and down."

Ning Yi’s face flashed a grateful color: “The special envoy is heavy, this is my duty. Besides, I have the identity on the bright side in the temple of the Eight Senses. In fact, there is no special feeling that you think so sad, then In addition, there is the existence of Wanbaolou, and there is no shortage of cultivation resources. We enjoy so many benefits, that is, in order to one day, we can make a contribution to the Jiuhua League. Now, we are finally looking forward to the special envoy."

Ning Yi’s remarks can be said to be eloquent, but whether it’s from the heart or the surface, Lu Xuan can’t tell, but it should be a credible person.

"Ning the treasurer please sit. This is my entourage." Lu Xuan introduced Ning Yi to Zhai Ze.

"Oh, my brother is good." Ning Yi said a little hello to Yan Ze and asked: "The special envoy, why don't you see the owner of Yitang?"

"This time I transferred all the shadow church forces on the boundary of the temple to the vicinity of Tiansheng City. The owner of Yitang is setting up them. I am alone to visit Tiansheng City to understand the situation."

Ning Yi heard the secret and was shocked. The special envoy even concentrated all the shadows of the church, could it be a big move? Or is it true that the lord finally decided to completely implement the singer?

Although the mind turned these thoughts, Ning Yi did not easily ask, let him know. The envoy will naturally say it. After thinking about it, Ning Yi said: "We have not relaxed the penetration of the Sikong family, and have mastered a lot of information, and the situation of the Tiansheng City is also in our grasp. What the special envoy wants to know, even if asked about it. It is."

Lu Xuan nodded. He wanted to completely understand Tiansheng City and Sikongjia in a short period of time. It is only through the most important intelligence gathering agency of Wanbaolou. To achieve the goal, and this is why he came here.

"Sikong's yin and yang smashed the soul, should the Ning dispensers know?" Lu Xuan asked.

Ning Yi nodded: "This is nature, the yin and yang is the unique poison of the Sima family. Not only does it rely on its killing of the enemy, but it can also rely on its control. We have abolished many thoughts to acquire the yin and yang. The formula of cockroaches, but the secrets of the scorpion are very strict. The secret recipe for cultivating locusts is only in the hands of a few elders. Although we have made some efforts, we have nothing to gain."

After a pause, Ning Yi said a little bit of doubt: "Is this special envoy for you to come up with a recipe for yin and yang?"

Ning Yi feels that some can't figure out, although the yin and yang break the soul is worth a lot, but if it is to expose all the forces of the shadow hall, it is a pity.

Lu Xuan nodded and shook his head: "It is indeed for the yin and yang to break the soul, but it is not for the yin and yang to break the soul of the formula, I need to win the yin and yang to break the soul of the beginning of the worm!"

Ning Yi was shocked by the news. Since he had planned the yin and yang to break the soul, he naturally knew what the beginning worm was. From a certain level, the beginning worm was even more precious than the formula of yin and yang!

Because even if you get the formula to cultivate the yin and yang, then the first thing to do is to get the first worm, and the worm is very difficult to breed. It takes countless hours, and it takes more effort to grow the first worm into the existence of a future generation. If it is not so difficult to cultivate the first worm, the yin and yang will not become the scorpion of the singer. It is.

After so many years of training, Sikong’s hands have no more than three initial insects. If Lu Xuan really succeeds, the threat of the smuggling of Sikong’s family will disappear instantly, because as long as there is a beginning worm, Then it is possible to completely remove the toxins of any person's yin and yang, and even Jiuhuameng can use detoxification as a reward to win over the strong and powerful forces controlled by the Sikong family.

Ning Yi’s fingers can’t help but knock on the table. Obviously, he is also thinking about the feasibility of this matter. It’s hard to say that the profit of the first insect is big, but the difficulty is beyond imagination. It's even harder than getting a recipe. The formula can also try to use all kinds of means, but to get the first worm, there is no other way than to win it. (To be continued~^~)