Sword Spirit

Chapter 990: "smooth" attack

Perhaps it was because the rest of the Sikong family had a mess, and the temple had to look a little vigilant. The eight warriors who stood in front of the temple kept scanning around and searching for all possible winds and waves.

But even so, the defensive power here does not seem to change in the slightest. It is exactly the same as Lu Xuan’s intelligence. Perhaps it’s that Sikong’s self-confidence is very self-defense, but they may not think about it. Someone can’t be alarmed. In the case of anyone in front, quietly came to the vicinity of the temple.

In fact, at the beginning, Lu Xuan was thinking about letting the raccoon directly take him to the interior of the hall. However, the raccoon couldn’t control the distance too accurately. Secondly, Lu Xuan also worried about directly exposing the figure, or The location was chosen on the open space not far from the temple.

Staring at the door of the Sumi Temple, Lu Xuan took a deep breath and it was time to start. He left Taiyi Ding in his left hand and stretched his hand slowly over Taiyi Ding. A dazzling white light suddenly appeared, perhaps The fluctuations of the forces here caused the attention of the guards. The eyes of several guards were cast in. Under the direction of one of them, the two men clasped their weapons and approached Lu Xuan.

But at this time, suddenly white light is booming!

A crowd of black people appeared in Lu Xuan without warning. Many people appeared in the moment when they appeared, but soon everyone responded and quickly took out their own weapons. Vigilantly looked around and quickly familiarized with the surrounding environment. After all, Lu Xuan had smashed them before entering Taiyi Ding. It is possible to enter the battle as soon as they appear. But now it seems that the situation is not so bad, at least they are not directly involved in the encirclement.

It’s just that the shadow hall and the appearance of the Nangong family are completely scared of the two Sikong warriors who are ready to come and explore. Although it seems that there seems to be a bit of movement here, they don’t care, because it’s already In the heavy protection of the Sikong family, no one will be able to come here to make trouble.

At this moment, however, their imagination was absolutely broken. Not only did some people come to trouble, but people are not so much. The momentum of nearly 350 strong people is released at the same time. The two men were killed in an instant, and they were almost scared.

"Yu Mi Hall, kill!" Lu Xuan pointed to the front of the temple, and sighed out.


The sound of the anger of the sky shook the world. Everyone did not hesitate to rush to the temple, until now, the two sergeants who came to investigate the situation reacted to escape, but in this case, how can they escape?

Three hundred and fifty people swept through the locusts, and in a flash they left two bodies with scars. I don't know at that moment. How many attacks they have suffered.

"Enemy! Enemy!"

"Protect the temple!"

The six warriors who guarded the door of the Sumi Temple screamed, and the leader’s guard shook his hands and fired a signal flare. The bright and strong red smoke rose to the sky, as long as it was in the empty house. The warriors in the middle can see it. The red signal is the highest level of the alarm of the Sikong family. Anyone who sees the information for help, unless there is an important task in the body, must come to aid.

At this moment, a group of martial artists who are dealing with riots in various parts of Sikong have raised their heads. After seeing the red signal, they can't help but change their faces. Can not help but shouted: "It is the direction of the temple!"

"Go! Support the temple!"

"But the main lord, the sacred hall sends a red signal, is it support?" The **** captain of the worm temple asked the highest authority in the worm temple.

The importance of the worm temple is not under the temple, even if it is not to rescue, but the worm temple is the closest place to the temple, with strong force. If you don’t go, you will meet in the future. The people of the temple must not be able to erase the face.

The lord of the worm temple looked at the red smoke rising from the sky, and the corner of his mouth slightly outlined a smile: "I really don't know how to live and die, rest assured, nothing."

Finished this. After the pause, he added a sentence: "You bring some people to see, and when you grab more people, it is also the merit of our worm house, but the defense of the worm temple should not be relaxed, so as not to smack the West."

"Yes, his subordinates are leading." After the guard captain gave a cry, he hurried away, followed by the sound of his screaming, and the martial artists who belonged to the worm temple were excited. Out, the wormhouse is an important but low-key place in the vacant home. Although it is leisurely on weekdays, it is not good. This time, some people dare not know how to live and live in the sky. They naturally want to be cheaper in the past. It’s also a credit to catch a few prisoners.

Because of this, the captain of the **** was only prepared to take one-third of the people, but half of them were dispatched. No one wanted to miss the opportunity to benefit from it. Because of the feelings, the captain of the guard did not I am very eager to catch people. Anyway, the temple is not far from here. Even if it is the sound of the East, it will come back later. Moreover, the momentum on the side of the temple is so vast. He really does not believe that there is still room for the people to launch the insect temple. attack.

At the time when the squadrons of Sikong’s countless martial arts were rushing to the side of the temple, Lu Xuan led the people to start the murder, and the six guards at the entrance to the temple had almost no resistance. Was killed in an instant, and the door to the temple was not closed.

"Crush in! Do everything possible to destroy!" Lu Xuan shouted.

Not to mention Lu Xuan reminded that a group of warriors have already been red-eyed. The Nangong family don’t have to say that their heart is excited at this moment. They feel that their whole body's blood is boiling at this moment.

Just over a year ago, the Sikong family and the rest of the people broke into their Red Flame Palace, and the undercover of the undercover in the Red Flame Palace was almost out of the way. The ability to stop its effective resistance has been completely passive, and it will face the result of total destruction. Fortunately, Nangong, the owner of the Nangong family, took the initiative and decided to abandon the Red Flame Palace and flee with the Nangong family. .

Nowadays, the offensive and defensive trend has been reversed. In exchange for their Nangong family's raid on Sikong, this is a moment of revenge!

Although they know that their actions are more like moths, the moths also have the reason for the moths. They are the moths. They know that the front is a fire, and they are rushing to them. They have to tell Sikong. Nangong home, has not died!

They have to leave a profound lesson to the Sikong family. Even if they are all here, the descendants of the Nangong family have already moved. Sooner or later, the Nangong family will stand up again, everything they are doing now, Will become the new blood of the Nangong family!

As for the people in the Shadow Hall, there is no need for a reason. They are the people of the Jiuhua League and they are in the land of the Eight Temples. This is their duty. Lu Xuan’s order is their mission. They only need to do everything possible. The destruction of the House of Sumi is the greatest contribution to the Jiuhua League.

Burn, kill, fight, oh!

At this moment, all three hundred and fifty people were turned into bandits and robbers, and madly destroyed everything here. At the moment, Nangong Lie and Nangong Tianyou became a sharp knife, especially Nangong Tianyou. Because he lost his ability to speak, he seemed very silent on weekdays, but his silence became cold at this moment.

The Sumi Temple is the place where Sikong’s storage resources are located. All the buildings themselves are very strong. They also portray various reinforcement methods, but all of them are not under the rifles of Nangong Tianyou. It's really not a look.

A dazzling gun smashed through the sky, bursting into a tightly closed house like a lightning bolt, and the sturdy door was instantly blasted into a big hole, followed by seven or eight flames burning the city. I shot it inside, and then burst it completely, and the whole house was bombarded.

Nangongjia is an expert in setting fire. Almost everyone is a good player to play with fire. It is too easy for them to set things on fire. The profession has specialization, so people in Shadow Hall will not go to Nangong. They set fire to them. Their goal was to kill people. They rushed into a yard and broke a house. Anyone who saw Sikong’s family, regardless of men, women and children, did not show mercy, except for killing. The second option.

It was only at this moment that Lu Xuan felt that something was wrong. There were too few people. Although they said that the attack was so sudden, they had to be caught off guard by the temple. However, as an important warehouse of the Sikong family, the temple was not It should be so resistant, and he just noticed some details. Some of the warehouses that were broken by the Nangong family, although there are some materials, but not many, this is not worthy of the need for the temple. The reputation of the largest warehouse in the home.

"Stop! Stop!" Lu Xuan suddenly shouted.

The people who are rushing to rush can not help but stagnate, and doubts look at Lu Xuan. This trip is so smooth, why stop?

However, Lu Xuan had said it before he acted. This time he was mainly based on his orders. No matter what order he gave, everyone must obey.

"All close together!" Lu Xuan face is a bit gloomy.

"Lu brother, the situation is somewhat wrong." Nan Gonglie also came to Lu Xuan at the moment, his face was dignified.

"Oh!" At this moment, a burst of applause suddenly rang, because everyone had already stopped the action and heard the applause very clearly.

A man in a robes slowly flew over a roof in front of Lu Xuan, and his hands were applauding. Obviously, the applause was just from his hands.

When I saw the appearance of this person, everyone’s heart suddenly rose up. This person’s appearance was so calm, I am afraid it was not ordinary, and the subsequent situation made the hearts of all people fall to the bottom. I almost don't know how many people, the brush appeared in the back of the man, and more than that, there are people on the roof in all directions, they are already surrounded by ... (to be continued ~ ^ ~ )