System Supplier

Chapter 1087: what is happening?

"No 'he', only me!"

The "he" who is about to wake up in the main world is Li Yu himself. Well ... all previous speculations are no longer true.

"No one is blinded by my mind, and there is no systematic black hand. There is no rule in the main world, because ... the law of the main world is me!

"No wonder I will travel to the main world! Because ... this is my place! I am just going home!"

This can also explain why Tianzun has been hung up because ... this is my place. How could Lao Chao be occupied by others when I came home? Who dares to grab it? All chopped off!

Even if those Tianzun did not rob, but ... they may rob! I'm such a stingy person! It might not work!

"Crouch! Is this actually the case?"

After turning around in my head, I made up some plots, and Li Yu suddenly found out, that's exactly what happened.

"But ... what is that blue wall? If the hall above this spike represents the master of the Lord's world. Then ... how many spikes are there on that possible 'world tree'? Yes How many beings like me? "

At this moment, Li Yu was speechless for a while.

The masters of the heavens and earths just mastered a spike, which is a fart for the heavens and earths!

Taking a deep breath, Li Yu glanced around in the hall, except for the statue, nothing.

"It seems that to discover something, you need to start with this statue."

Walked up to the statue, reached out and touched it.

"Om ..."

A radiance rises from the statue, Xuanhuang surges, and the yin and yang divide, which is exactly the same power of Li Yu.

Intertwined by the rules, Li Yu was shocked, as if fused with the statue.


Li Yu saw a shocking scene.


It was a vast battlefield.

Numerous monks are fighting and fighting, and the monstrous blood seems to have stained the whole world.


A bell rang, and a huge bronze bell swept across the world, breaking down time and space.

However ... there are mottled scratches on this bronze bell, the deepest of which is almost to cut the bronze bell.


A large tripod that reveals nine kinds of immortal gold colors and permeates the mysterious yellow motherhood. Immediately after the bronze bell, it once again bombarded in the endless void.

"Well ..."

After the tripod is a bright yellow Jianguang, the tools and try sword revealing the endless virtues of the gas.

The heavy sword, moon and stars engraved on one side, one side carved mountains and vegetation, farming hilt side of the book keeper of the surgery, face book universal unification policy.


A face mask, immediately after the sword, the same fight to the void!

"Boom," a loud noise, the void collapse, four attack together, finally penetrated the void.

"we are coming!"

Void behind, sounded a roar!

A brilliant figure in one hand and carrying handle sword in one hand and holding a nine-storey white tower, roaring rushed out from the hole in the void.

It followed by a hand-held pole figure.

Behind the two men, as well as speeding piercing huge crane, whole body Bik huge willow, long a huge dragon wings, golden ox-cart drove the Taoist, silver phoenix, huge basaltic ......

"Ha ha ha ha! You finally came! This war, we still have hope of victory!"


Force to join this battle fought gruel!

"What's happening here?"

Seeing this, Li Yu has been ignorant!

"Without beginning! Ye Fan! I Ching! Ruthless man! Shortage Heaven! Shaohao! Liu God! This is your ...... ...... What is the situation?"

"Decisive battle over God? They call later? Yes, with a few guys that temper, has since discovered there is such a danger, saved enough power, certainly will not hesitate to kill in the past."

"...... Why can just see from here, 'God above'? Is this the blue block wall, is really a certain kind of tree in the world? Out of existence within the scope of my understanding?"

Front of the screen is just a flash, blink of an eye they disappeared.

Shining on the statue disappeared, everything returned to normal, as if nothing happened.

"Why can I see 'Upper God' here? Is there any connection between the Lord's world and 'Upper God'? But when I controlled the laws of the Lord, I didn't find anything abnormal."

Just solved a mystery, but more and more mysteries.

The "he" of the main world is Li Yu, and it is likely to be "previous life" or something. But ... when Li Yuning practiced Daoguo, he searched for past and present life, but didn't find out what he had.

"Is not enough of my realm? I can't find this past life? If there is no past life, then the Tao fruit will not be complete, and I will not be a Tao fruit. Now, I have clearly achieved the Tao fruit. That shows that the past life and the present life are the only fusion, There are no past lives. "

The statue and the "he" of the main world clearly exist!

What the **** is going on here?

"What's more important, why do you see 'above the sky' through the statue? Is that ... the past? Or the future? Or the present?"

Daoxin condenses Daogu, and order becomes chaos and chaos. In this realm, it should be placed in the heavens and the worlds.

But ... why do I think I'm still too weak? These mysteries, in my current state, why can't I see them?

Time and space, causal fate, are under the control of Li Yu. But ... he couldn't see through his past and future, and his own causal fate!

What's more ... he still can't see through the system!

Even after practicing chaos and chaos and mastering the Three Thousand Avenues, Li Yu still couldn't figure out what the system was.

"At least one thing, the‘ he ’in the main world is myself. There is no possibility for the system to collude with this‘ he ’to give me black hands. After all, I do n’t pit myself.”

Li Yu exhaled a long breath, "The system can still trust for the time being. Crossing the heavens and the world to do experiments to achieve yourself, this road can continue."

However, what exactly is the inseparable spikes and the blue wall? This is the next mystery to be solved.

"It's too many pits! I got used to others ~ ~ and then I fell into the pits myself!"

Helplessly shook his head, Li Yu turned and walked out of the hall.

"Hee hee! Bad guy! Are you here?"

Just turning around, a familiar voice sounded in my ear.

This voice Li Yu is very familiar. That was the "no sound on the timeline."

"Who? Come out!"

Li Yu turned suddenly, and then ... he saw nothing! Found nothing!

In the same way, time, cause and effect, destiny, etc. do not exist in all laws.

"Asshole! Who is playing with me!"

Li Yu's angry roar!

After two contacts, he has understood that the owner of this voice should be malicious. But ... what the **** is going on here?