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Chapter 1124: Xuanzang ancestor ... originally a fello

"Xuanhuang Daozu, the Master of the Immortals! How could there still be such a person in this world?"

After Xuanhuanggong preaching, a group of immortal Buddhas and gods returned to their respective stations. I can no longer calm my mind about the sermon just experienced.

The mysterious and profound "moral truth", the inscrutable "Three Thousand Avenues", and the infinite and extraterrestrial world, the "ultimate supremacy" state that holds the heavenly avenues makes all the immortal gods who hear the Tao It's hot.

As for those "no chance to hear", from the mouth of friends and other people's discussions, they learned the grandeur of "Xuanhuanggong Preaching", and they felt a sigh of sorrow in their hearts, and the feeling of depression was beyond words.

A thousand words finally turned into a long sigh, "No chance and Wen Dadao, missed opportunity." Failed to go to the Xuanhuang Palace to hear, it was really embarrassed to say hello to people when they went out!

Some Jinxian Daozu and Chunyang Zhenxian had no chance to listen. Qi Heng and Ji Ning, two ants in the realm of Zifu, could actually sit high in the first row. This matter naturally attracted countless powerful attention.

"Huh? Can't figure it out?"

Many powerful people can calculate the origin of the two in private, but they have no clue whatsoever.

"Sure enough, he is the destined person of Xuan Zhuang.

Seeing the result of this calculation, even if some powerful minds are careful, they dare not make any ideas.

This matter has nothing to do with Li Yu, not that he shot to cover the secret, but ... Fuxi.

Good old man with "strong character", can the Emperor Fuxi see the two descendants of the human race who "have a relationship with Xuanhuangdaozu"? The two people's roots were directly covered with "Congenital Taiyi Avenue".

"I didn't expect me to have a relationship with Xuan Zhuangzu."

Qi Heng sighed, shook her head with a smile, and walked into the inn door.

"Xuanhuang Daozu's cultivation is a realm, which is higher than when I was‘ Hunyuan Supreme ’in my previous life. I did not expect that this kind of character was born after the origin of the mainland was broken.”

If you want to talk about the benefits of listening, I am afraid that Qi Heng's income is the highest among all the people who listened to Xuanhuanggong.

Hunyuan Supreme is the ultimate Supreme. With the experience of that life as a reference, Qi Heng understood the "Three Thousand Avenues" of Xuanhuang Daozu's preaching demonstration.

"The power of the earth is really not just the power of earth-moving. Although I have evolved the five elements in the past, the foundation has always been the power of earth-moving."

Sitting on the bed of the inn, Qi Heng recalled the feelings he had heard before, and he had a clear understanding in his heart, "What is the earth? The earth ... is the mother of all things!"

The earth breeds life and breeds everything.

Flowers and trees were born from the earth, and birds, beetles, and fish survived on the earth. Various metal minerals were born from the earth, geothermal lava was born from the earth, and rivers, lakes and seas were also in the earth.

"No wonder when my previous life was the Supreme of Hunyuan, I always felt that this road to the earth had not been deduced to its peak, and it had not reached the extreme. So it is!"

There is already a consciousness in mind, and Qi Heng has awakened to a higher level from the "lord of the earth", that is, "the mother of all things."


In the sea, the thick earth scene exploded.

Various flowers and trees were born on the earth, metal minerals appeared in the earth, and geothermal lava appeared in the ground. Above the earth, rivers and lakes were born.

The five elements manifest, everything is born!

One hearing and one clear realization gave Qi Heng's practice path a further sublimation. At this point, his power is no longer based on soil, but on the basis of five behaviors.

For this change ... Boss Li expressed his great appreciation.

"Host, isn't it thunder mine?" Poorly preached, even though he had a playful mind, wouldn't I still use you as a mouse?

His Majesty Yu Huang, has never been a person with "good will and good will"!

"Large-scale experiments, extensive experiments, and various experiments are all looking for ways to promote 'chaos and nothing'. Although the probability of success of the experiment is very low, what if it succeeds?"

To practice "chaos and nothing", the biggest difficulty is ... Everything is attributed to chaos and turned into nothingness, but Li Yu himself is also one of "all things."

One of the biggest obstacles is how to maintain your own existence when the incarnation is chaotic.

Can't think of a way, of course, they can only be "born for misfortune" and "all over the world."

Qi Heng is an experimental subject, so is Ji Ning, and even all the immortals who came to hear from the Three Realms were experimental.

"Poor Dao is a 'conscience merchant', full of discipline, even if the experiment is unsuccessful, it will only be good for you. After all ... in your realm, even if you want to train yourself, you still don't have that ability."

As for the master of the Sith universe, will the yin and yang supreme old black cows have lost themselves, Li Yu said ... this is a detail that can be ignored.

Qi Heng is deeply impressed here, and Ji Ning is also very rewarding.

"I didn't expect me to have this opportunity."

The Xuanhuanggong listened, and Ji Ning, an "Earthman", opened his eyes.

Legends and legends of the Buddha and God, one by one familiar, appear in front of him. In addition, Ji Ning was able to "learn with the class" with these characters, it was like a pie in the sky.

"It's a pity that my realm is not enough. I can't understand a lot of things that Xuanhuang Daozu talked about ~ The moral truth is completely confused. In the Three Thousand Avenues, I only realized the words of" killing "and 'Destruction' two avenues. What a pity ... "

Ji Ning lamented, and regretted that he could not learn more.

But I don't know ... All the Three Realms of God who attended the lesson, at best, just realized a avenue. It was already Boss Li who had already hanged him for two avenues like him.

"Killing and destruction are very much in line with my 'Sword of Oblivion', which is exactly the same .........?"

Thinking of this, Ji Ning was shocked.

At the time of reincarnation in the local government, a "townshipman" gave him this "annihilation sword".

Although I only saw a little vagueness, but the "old man" was also fluttering in white, how similar to the Xuanhuangdaozu!

"Is ... Xuanhuang Daozu ... is my fellow?"

Ji Ning gaped and couldn't speak for a long time!

"My God! No wonder I can only go to the Xuanhuang Palace to listen to the realm of Zifu. No wonder I can be" fate "! No wonder I can sit in the first row! It turns out ... Xuanhuang Daozu is my hometown? Wait for the backstage? "

Ji Ning was shocked and happy!

No wonder the "Sword of Oblivion" is so arrogant that even real people in Vientiane can't stop me from a sword. It turns out that this is the Supreme Kendo pioneered by Xuanhuangdao.

"Is the sword of annihilation not killing and destroying? What is the sword used for? No matter how many mysterious things people give to the 'sword', in essence, the sword is used to kill people!"

There is Ming Wu in my heart, and a sharp sword in my head!

"Well ..."

A sword howling rose into the sky, and the five-colored sword light burst into the sky.

Kill! Destroy!

Everything in the world, all beings in the world, but those who are against my heart, count them with one sword!