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Chapter 1279: I promise your mom to take care of you

"Jin-Zhu Er has been an maid to the husband for five years, and she can't treat her badly!"

Li Yu's figure instantly appeared in Silongdian, in front of Jin Zhuer.

"Basilon ..."

Seeing Li Yu's sudden appearance, Jin Zhuer quickly got up and met. Before she could finish speaking, Li Yu pointed a finger at her forehead.

"Being a poor girl for five years, this is your blessing! This is your creation!"

Reaching for a hand, through the void and across the space, Li Yu grabbed a multicolored butterfly directly from "Lang Shengdong"!

This is "mountain butterfly"!

This is the trail left behind by the East River Flow for the entire mountain and sea boundary, leaving a trace of vitality.

"Water flows east, you sacrificed 90% of the life of the mountains and seas, and driven this dead mountain and sea butterfly with soul power. That would be terrible! The poor road will give you a living mountain and sea butterfly!"

Reaching out a hand, the mountain and sea butterfly burst instantly and turned into a radiance and fell into Jin Zhuer's body.


Multicolored radiance blooms, and Jin Zhuer's figure has undergone tremendous changes in this colorful radiance.

After the colorful lights disappeared, Jin Zhuer was wearing a colorful clothes, with a pair of colorful butterfly wings stretched on her back. Her body was immense and immense, as if carrying a world!

This is Shanhai Butterfly!

This is the mountain and sea butterfly that can hold the entire mountain and sea world!

"Dashiron, I ..."

In an instant, a monk from a base has become a powerful and powerful mountain and sea butterfly. Jin Zhu'er is horrified and doesn't know what happened!

"This is what you pay for being a maid for five years. This is your chance!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "The power is strong, but your responsibilities are also great. With the war in the mountains and the seas, you will work hard. Naturally, someone will come to you!"

"Fate is gone, and the poor are gone!"

Li Yu stepped forward and disappeared without a trace, no trace at all.

"Thank you for your grace!"

In the direction that Li Yu disappeared, Jin Zhuer bowed down and thanked him.

The next moment, Li Yu's figure appeared outside the Jin Roar.

"Water flows, since it's here, isn't it out yet?"

Just now Li Yu grabbed the mountain and sea butterfly, leaving a hint of breath on purpose, and let Shuidong Liu follow this breath to find it.

"Shui Dongliu meets seniors!"

A little flickering in the void, a man with white hair appeared in front of Li Yu.

Seeing this figure with white hair, Li Yu had a feeling of seeing Wang Lin. The appearance of Shui Dongliu is indeed too similar to Wang Lin. It is indeed Wang Lin's son.

"Wang Ping, Poor Dao promised your mother, Li Muwan, to take care of you. You don't need to be nervous. Poor Dao will not be against you."

Li Yu smiled and greeted Dongshui Liu.

In fact ... Li Yu knew that Wang Ping was not Li Muwan's son.

In the original fate, Wang Ping was Liu Mei's son. After being tossed by Li Yu, Wang Lin and Liu Mei had no intersection, and naturally, Wang Ping did not exist.

Now Wang Ping is just an illusive soul captured by Mo Mo from his memory. He turned false into reality and devoted himself to the reincarnation of the mountains and seas, so that Wang Ping merged the nine supreme remnants into a stream of water.

"Senior ... Do you ... know your mother?"

Wang Ping's reincarnation in the mountains and seas, "Li Zhu" cared for countless years. Shui Dongliu also regarded Li Muwan as his mother.

"People in your royal family know a lot about poverty. Wang Lin, Wang Yue, Li Muwan, Hongdie, and Mo Mo, etc. all have a relationship with poverty."

Li Yu smiled and nodded. "Well, I won't talk to you about these gossips. You chase after you because you took your mountain and sea butterfly."

Reaching out to the Dragon Hall of the Golden Roar, Li Yu said, "The poor have resurrected the mountain and sea butterfly and turned it into a woman named Jin Zhuer. When you need her later, go to her!"

Speaking, Li Yu pointed to the main city of the Golden Roar, "There, there are twelve gold saints in the main city of the Golden Roar. There will be even more silver and bronze saints in the future. You Cannon fodder is needed ... Oh, when soldiers are needed, just call them. "

"These ... is that what the seniors cared for me? Thank you seniors!"

The mountain and sea butterfly has been resurrected, and it is not surprising that many people can sacrifice the lives of the mountains and seas to lift the mountains and seas and fly high.

The twelve golden saints, Shui Dongliu, also sensed their breath. They are indeed very powerful and rare helpers.

"of course not!"

Li Yu shook his head for a while, "Since Poor Dao has shot, how can he be so small? How can this be done? If there is only such care, Poor Dao will be laughed to death by your parents!"

A finger was stretched out, and a chaotic air lingered at the fingertips.

"You merged with Jiufeng Supreme, but you haven't reached the state of Jiufeng Supreme. The Jiufeng Supreme of that year has already practiced the body to the source of Tao, and has a half-step detachment."

Chaos lingering fingers point to Shuidongliu's forehead. Chaos generates everything, and the creation is in one thought.

A huge force shrouded Shui Dongliu's whole body, and the endless brilliance burst out.

"I have restored you to the state of Jiufeng Supreme, and transformed your body into a source of Taoism, achieving a half-step detachment. With this strength, you have no problem responding to the changes in the mountains and seas."

Withdrawing his fingers, Li Yu smiled at the streamer.

Even if it is to create a transcendence, it is very easy for Li Yu to become a realm of chaos ~ ~.

But ... the way of transcendence needs to go on its own. Demon ghosts and gods have their own ways, and are all detached from their own ways.

Li Yu naturally couldn't pull the seedlings to help, and the scourge of Shuidongliu was too miserable. I am embarrassed to see Wang Lin and theirs in the future!

The body becomes a Tao source, with the power of a half-step detachment. To take the path of detachment, you still have to go on your own. This will not have much impact.

"Is this the power of the Dowon Realm?"

Feeling the power of the nine seals from the same source in the body, Shui Dongliu took a deep breath and bowed down to Li Yu, "Thank you for your generosity."

With the supreme combat power of nine seals, Shuidongliu has enough confidence to fight against the fierce barbarian and fairyland continents of Luo Tian for thirty-three days.

There is no need to sacrifice so many people, and there is no need to pay countless deaths and injuries.

"It's just a hand."

Li Yu waved her hand, looked up at the void, and a smile appeared on her face, "Your father is in this world, do you want to meet him?"

"Father? He ... haven't they left this world?"

Even his father used "them", and Shui Dongliu was very helpless!

Wang Lin and Mo Mo are one, but ... both are transcended and have independence from each other.

Two "fathers" are both the same person and not the same person. This feeling ... really awkward!

"Mu Mo has been watching you! Uh ... well, now he's gone!"

"It's really irresponsible! His own son, regardless of whether he was killed or killed, only looked at one side to prevent his soul from flying away. The way of education of Lao Wang's family is really amazing!"

Senior ... I can't answer that!

The water flowed helplessly. Is it really appropriate to arrange his father in front of his son?