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Chapter 1296: Monkeys in Huaguo Mountain ... not yet b

"Haotian's shot means Hongjun?"

At this time, Hong Jun had "combined Taoism" and achieved chaos in the form of "Tiandao".

This form of chaos, in charge of heaven and earth, needs to deal with all the evolution and evolution of the entire world at all times, basically ... it is a "busy man" who can never finish.

Hongjun didn't have time to ask other things. Haotian was a spokesperson from Hongjun.

"This spokesman ... is this pro-poor way for Hongjun? Or did you give yourself some thought?"

There was a sneer on Li Yu's face.

As a spokesperson and being the puppet of others, how can it be compared to being the master of your own? Therefore, it is normal for Haotian to want to kill Li Yu and to replace it.

"By leveraging the power of Hongjun, it really can make the poor road a little disturbed, but that's all. Want to kill the poor road and want to replace it, Haotian, you are seeking your own way!"

Li Yu has done a few things over the sky, and he doesn't care about coming again.

No longer paying attention to Hao Tian ’s blockades, Li Yu stepped out and rose into the air, leaving the coast of the East China Sea.

"There ... is Huaguo Mountain?"

Walking on the clouds, Li Yu was not in a hurry to rush on the road, looking around, looking at the sky, the ground, the wind, and the clouds, just like playing, looking at the flooded world.

After flying for tens of thousands of miles, a majestic mountain in front of the sky soared into Li Yun's heart, and when he was at a loss, he knew it was Huaguo Mountain immediately.

"I'm looking for Haotian to settle accounts, and a thug appears in front of me right away."

Stepping forward, Li Yu's figure fell to the peak of Huaguo Mountain.

On top of the mountain, a huge boulder stood high.

This is a stone as high as ten feet on one side. Seemingly ordinary, there is nothing divine, but under the glance of Li Yu's chaotic eyes, he saw the heaven and earth fortune.

The earth's dragon veins come together and meet under the boulder. The sun and the moon meet here, and Fengyunji will follow this, the heavens and the earth will meet, and the yin and yang will meet.

In addition, the huge boulder itself is also very different.

The five elements are combined, and the yin and yang meet. This is one side of the world.

"Isn't the monkey born yet?"

Looking at this huge stone, Li Yu smiled and shook his head. "The saints in this world are all good at calculation, pay attention to strategy, and pay attention to layout. Monkeys like this tendon are born like this. The pit is half dead. "

Walking to the front of the boulder, Li Yu raised his arm, and a bit of radiance lingered on his fingertips.

A little flick, a little light burst out, and flew towards this boulder.


Suddenly, a Buddhist horn sounded, and a flash of Buddha light blocked the light that Li Yu popped up.

"Donor, there is cause and effect."

Blocking the light that Li Yu popped up, a sound of ethereal and distant sound rang out in the Buddha light.

"As come?"

Li Yuchao glanced at the Buddha light and shook his head with a smile. "Yeah! There is cause and effect. The Buddha light on the Kunlun Snow Mountain in the human world is cause and effect."

In the ice crevices of the Kunlun Snow Mountain, a ray of light burst out, leading Li Yu to the altar underground. This is cause and effect.

"It's not the light of a poor monk. I am afraid that the donor hasn't found the way to this world so quickly. The Buddhists have opened the door of convenience, and the poor monks are kind."

There is a golden Buddha condensed in the light of the Buddha. Rulai folded his hands and smiled, "The donor, everything is already doomed. The stone monkey is destined to learn, and the donor, your destiny is already doomed. Facing it is, why not Looking for trouble? "

"Destined? Haha!"

Li Yu laughed loudly, but a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, reached out and held the hilt, "I ca n’t help my life. Who can doom my destiny? You? Or you? Want to control my destiny, then it depends See how capable you are! "


Rugao folded his hands, smiled and shook his head.

The light of the Buddha flashed away, and this incarnation of Rulai suddenly disappeared like this and just left.

"Rulai ... what does this mean?"

Li Yu thought he was going to do a game, but he didn't expect to hit him in the air with a punch. If he came without a word, he just left.

"Are you destined?"

Taking a deep breath, Li Yu's eyes burst into determination, reaching out and pressing on the stone tire in front of him. "I don't believe in fate, I only believe in myself. Monkey, presumably you don't believe in fate, right?"

"I want this day, and I can't cover my eyes anymore. I want this place, I can't bury my heart anymore! Monkeys, monkeys who are not tamed, monkeys who don't obey the sky, rebelled against this day, and shattered this fate Come on! "

A palm shot, a light burst into the megalithic fetal awakening, awakening the spiritual wisdom of the stone fetus.

"Well ..."

Vaguely, there was a sound of awkward and unyielding ape shouting from the boulder.

Never bow your head, never give in!

"The monkey wearing the hoop spell is no longer a monkey! You don't want to wear the hoop spell, and you don't want to be poor!"

The eight masters in the second step of chaos must be saints in this world. Hongjun, Taishang, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Rulai, Amitabha, Zhunti are eight of them.

With these eight saints who are in the second step of chaos, Li Yu must be very difficult to "gas the chaos".

"Destiny? These eight people work together to suppress, that is almost an unchangeable destiny. But ... will it let me back?"

Li Yu sat up on the side wheel of the giant stone spirit, grabbed the Xuanhuang sword, lay it on his lap, and slowly closed his eyes.

At the peak of Huaguo Mountain, right next to the boulder, Li Yu actually stayed here.

One or two days.

Time goes by ~ ~ in a blink of an eye is ten years.

In the past ten years, Li Yu used the method of dream reincarnation to let the monkeys in the stone fetus experience ... numerous various journeys to the west.

What "The Return of the Great Saint", what "The Moonlight Treasure Box", what "The Big Splash Monkey", Li Yu have heard, seen, and casually fabricated, all kinds of journeys to the west, let the monkey go through it all.

"I don't teach you any truth, just let yourself experience it, let you realize it, let you choose. What kind of monkey do you want to be?"

Countless reincarnations, countless experiences, countless painful long deaths, countless sorrowful roars, presumably ... you have seen it clearly, you have thought it through.

"The road is at your own feet, just go where you want!"

Standing up, Li Yu looked at the conceived monkey among the spirits and nodded with a smile, "You have your way, I have my way. Let's work hard!"

Holding down the long sword, Li Yu waved his hand toward the giant stone spirit, flung his sleeves, turned around and walked up to the clouds, drifting away.