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Chapter 1391: Is it open?

"Master Rev, please point us!"

A group of villagers fell to their knees and asked for guidance from Li Yu.

"To defeat the enemy, to protect the homeland, only strength!"

Li Yu's body shone with sacred light, like a lighthouse in the dark, lighting up the night sky.

"Power? Right! Holy Light! Power of Holy Light!"

The head of Anson Village is the person who is the head of the village. His mind is more flexible than that of the ordinary villagers.

"Master, we feel the sacredness and greatness of the Holy Light. Please give us the power of the Holy Light."

Ansen village chief bowed to the ground and kept hoeing to Li Yu.

"Please give us the power of the Holy Light!"

A number of villagers also responded, and immediately followed the village head to hoe.

"The power of the Holy Light cannot be given."

Li Yu shook his head and held out his hand. A sacred light shone from the hands.

"The power of the Holy Light comes from faith."

"Humility, honesty, compassion, justice, courage, honor, protection, sacrifice. This is the virtue of the Holy Light, and it is our belief."

"To gain the favor of the Holy Light, you must conform your beliefs to the virtues of the Light, and then strengthen your beliefs to obtain a response from the Light."

Li Yu waved his hand, the sky shining brightly, covering everyone in the village. All men and women, young and old, are shrouded in divine light.

"Feel the Holy Light! Tell your beliefs to the Holy Light! As long as your beliefs are consistent with the Light's Way, as long as your beliefs are firm, you will receive the care of the Holy Light."

Isn't it to save the village to spread the Light?

After this battle, the Holy Light was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. People in this village believe in the Holy Light more or less. Although the vast majority are not true believers, at least there is a preliminary good impression.

"Feel the light? Tell the light about my beliefs and get a response from the light?"

The villagers closed their eyes and felt the holy light with their own hearts, and echoed their beliefs with the holy light, according to Li Yu.

However ... the effect is poor.

After waiting for more than an hour, no one's conviction could be answered by the light.

"Well, firm convictions, and convictions for life, are still too difficult for these farmers."

Li Yu shook her head with a sigh.

The biggest wish of the farmers is to have enough food. There is still a gap between this wish and the way of the Holy Light!

"Guard! I want to guard my village, I want to guard my home!"

When Li Yu was about to give up, the head of Anson village suddenly burst into a brilliant light, and the guardian vow echoed in the voice of the Holy Light.

"Finally there is one, and finally no effort."

Li Yu felt relieved and nodded to the head of Anson Village with a smile. "Welcome to you, companion of the Holy Light."

"Salute to you! Guide of the Path of Light!"

The head of Anson Village shone with holy light and bowed to Li Yu.

"The village chief has the favor of the Holy Light!"

"The village chief has become Rev. Holy Light!"

"Great! Great!"

The villagers did not receive the care of the Holy Light. Although they had some regrets, they were very happy to see the village head become a "Pastor of the Holy Light."

With the protection of the village chief, the village has been stable since then.

"I ... shouldn't be a priest?"

The village chief Ansen squeezed his fists, only felt that a strong force was flowing in his body, as if a punch could knock down a wall.

This power does not seem to be the power of the priest's caster?

"This is a Paladin, a powerful warrior with the power of the Light."

Li Yu explained to the village chief Anson, "I am also a paladin. Vivienne is a priest. In addition to the Holy Light spell, the paladin has a strong melee power. It is different from the priest's pure caster."

Although the village head of Ansen is more knowledgeable than the villagers. However, the intellectual, spiritual, and perceptual attributes are not yet up to the standard of a transferred pastor.

Paladins have higher requirements for strength and constitution, and lower requirements for intellectual spirit and perception. The village chief Anson can only become a paladin.

"I'm Victor! Victor Saron Antares."

Li Yu's body shone with radiance, and the ring of holy light appeared on his head, with sacred feathers stretched behind him, like the **** Lin Linfan.

"Victor? It's you!"

The miracles of Amber City have spread, and Victor's name has become a household name.

Hearing Li Yubao ’s calendar, the village chief Anson was surprised and happy, and saluted Li Yu quickly, “Salute to you! His Royal Highness Victor! You are the messenger of the Holy Light, the embodiment of light and justice, and the sacred walking on the earth. ! "

"Meet Your Highness Victor! Meet the Angel of Light!"

Victor is the Pope of the Holy Light Church. Such characters are noble nobles in that country.

A lot of villagers saluted each other.

"No need to be polite, get up!"

The holy light shone like a stream of water drenching the entire village. Under the washing of the Holy Light, all the people in the village, whether suffering from illness or being traumatized, were healed in the baptism of the Holy Light.

Since there is a paladin here, it must be a territory to spread the faith of the Holy Light. Li Yu naturally wanted to be "sanctified before the people."

"Ah! My headache is gone."

"The broken bones on my feet are fine too!"

"Me too! My illness is getting better!"

"Praise the light!"

At this moment, the villagers' belief in the Holy Light was a little firmer.

"Everyone, please!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "Villages, the danger is not far away. We are still under the threat of evil. The evil creatures of the Kamo Mountains have migrated and violated human territory. This war has just begun."

"Her Royal Highness Victor!"

The newly promoted paladin Anson Locke, kneeling in front of Li Yu with a heavy hammer, "His Royal Highness, although I have been favored by the Holy Light, ~ ~ My strength is still very weak. Please give pointers How can I protect my home and defeat evil? "

"On the path of justice, companions are needed! Paladin Anson, there are still many people in this world who do n’t understand the greatness of the Holy Light and the sacredness of the Holy Light. Tell them! Tell them where the Holy Light is! Only countless companions, we To finally defeat evil! "

This is the purpose of Li Yu.

"Dear your teachings, Your Highness Victor!"

Anson nodded solemnly.

Yes, we can defeat evil only by bringing together a group of righteous companions. I can teach people in the village how to perceive the Holy Light and how to get the care of the Holy Light. In the same way, I can also teach people in other villages to let them feel the light.

Bring together a group of righteous companions, and we will defeat evil!

"Anson, although you have received the favor of the Holy Light and become a Paladin. However, you still lack the training of knights. Sword, riding, and Holy Light spells all need to be learned."

"We don't have that much time to learn. I can only imprint these skills in your mind with 'Sacred Light Inheritance Marks.'"

Li Yu flicked his fingers, a holy light fell on Anson's head, packed these skills and passed them on, and opened Anson's "full of skills" plug-in.

"The Inheritance Mark of the Holy Light" can be inherited. When you give others the ‘Enlightenment of the Light’, if he can receive the favor of the Light, you can also give him a ‘Imprint of the Light’. ”

It's open!

However, this is no way!

How long does it take to train a knight? Count Antares said that without more than a decade of training, he would never even want to become a formal knight.

How can Li Yu spare time to "run a training course"? Then you can only hang up.

It's been open all the time, so what happened once more? Whoever disagrees, stand up!