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Chapter 1393: Is the chest big without brain

"Brother Victor, is that White Horse City?"

The next day, the mist of dawn shrouded the wilderness. Even the rising sun never let the morning mist dissipate.

On the road outside the city of White Horse, the horseshoes "taped". Li Yu took Sauron's siblings along the road and came to White Horse City.

For a month, Li Yu and his brother and sister Sauron visited all the villages and towns around Baima City, and spread the light once in each village and town.

The three have been fighting almost all the time this month. It wiped out countless evil creatures who dared to invade human territory, and left the seeds of the Holy Light in villages and towns everywhere.

In fifty-three villages and towns, Li Yu harvested a total of sixty "quick-edition" paladins, and also unexpectedly harvested two "priests of the light."

In a town called Muzhen, the owner of a grocery store turned out to be a descendant of aristocracy and even read a book.

After being summoned by the Holy Light, the grocery store owner and his daughter transferred to the "Pastor Holy Light" together.

Sixty paladins, two priests, let Li Yu have a small "Holy Light Church" near White Horse City, and also formed a small "Holy Knight".

Silver hand.

Yes! At Sauron's proposal, the Paladin was called the Silver Hand.

Of course, Li Yu knew the reason. He finally managed to hold back the vomit, "Why don't you call it" Silver Dawn "?"

After explaining that the villages and towns are united, and the city ’s "joint defense team" has made joint advances and retreats, Li Yu took Sauron's brother and sister and stepped into White Horse City.

Hundreds of thousands of people are also a good place to spread the teachings of the Holy Light. Li Yu, who didn't miss even the villages and towns, naturally will not forget the feast of White Horse City.

"Unfortunately, compared with the simple farmer, these idiots in Baima City are not so good."

Li Yu had a smile on her face, a gentle and kind smile.

"Without evil attacks and without facing a life and death crisis, people will not know the greatness and sacredness of the Holy Light. So ..."

Looking up at the wilderness, a smile appeared in Li Yu's eyes, "The ogre lord, the lizard man shaman, the gnoll assassin, these three legendary monsters should be coming?"

After swaying outside the city for a month, the evil creatures migrating from the Kamo Mountains were about to reach the White Horse Wasteland.

A big war is about to begin.

"White Horse City has only one legendary warrior, Storm Storm, and no one else is legendary. It must be very difficult to deal with three legendary powerhouses, and countless ogres, lizards, and wolfmen."

Is n’t the Holy Light "saving suffering?"

Li Yu held the horse and walked into the city of White Horse along the streets of the city gate.

With its tall and sturdy city walls and the guardianship of the legendary strong storm lord, White Horse City can't see the slightest state of war, and it is still prosperous.

Do business, do business at a banquet. The tension outside the city seemed to be blocked out of the city walls, without affecting the city at all.

"Never actually mobilized before the battle? This white horse city lord, the legendary warrior known as the" lord of the storm, "all muscles in his brain?"

Li Yu shook his head silently, "Find a hotel and settle down!"

Along the street, a hotel was found at the end of the street.

"Well? Lord Victor, have you come to Whitehorse?"

Just before entering the hotel, Li Yu suddenly heard a call and quickly looked back.

The North Witch with a scarf on her head came out of a yard opposite the hotel.

"Goria, are you here?"

Li Yu smiled and greeted the North Witch.

"Sister Golia, we are back!"

Vivian waved to Golia.

Sauron nodded to the mighty witch, saying hello.

"You ... are you going to stay?"

Goriya saw the three men going into the hotel, pointed to the yard behind them, and smiled. "This North China Chamber of Commerce's resident in White Horse City, there are some empty rooms inside. Otherwise, do you live with me?"

"How sorry to bother."

Li Yu didn't care about staying at the store or entering the chamber of commerce. Anyway, it was the same everywhere.

"Some things are going to be discussed with His Excellency Victor, please stay here!"

White Horse City is facing a crisis, and Galia wants to talk to Li Yu and discuss the response. Naturally, she wants to invite Li Yu.


Li Yu nodded and turned to look at Sauron. "How about you? Let's go together?"

"We will not pass!"

Sauron spent a month of experience in the wilderness and officially rose to the tenth level.

Tenth-level Shadow Swordmaster, professional ability has been greatly improved. However, Sauron's happiest time was the "thief." This shadow swordsman's profession seems to be a combination of thieves and swordsmen, also has the professional ability of the thieves.

Tenth-level thieves have a powerful skill, "Detoxification"!

After entering the city, Sauron planned to find a local underground organization, buy some "prohibited items" and prepare some "poisons" for himself.

The dark means of "poisoning", Sauron did not intend to let the "sacred Victor" and the "good northern witch" know.

Without them ~ ~ Sauron is more free to act.

"Well, be careful yourself!"

Sauron wants freedom, and Li Yu won't stop. With the skills of Sauron and Vivienne, they are not difficult to deal with as long as they do not meet high-level professionals above the twelfth level.

"Her Victor, please here!"

Gorilla greeted her brother and sister Sauron and took Li Yu to the North Chamber of Commerce.

"Victor, your noble move has saved countless people during this time. Goliath admires it."

Sitting in the living room, Goriya solemnly saluted to Li Yu.

Rescued villages and towns near White Horse City, and wiped out evil creatures that invaded human territory. Since this time, the reputation of the Messenger of Light has hardly been known to people near White Horse City.

"Protect the weak and fight against evil, this is the responsibility of the Holy Light."

Li Yu smiled indifferently. "It's just that evil forces are still strong. White Horse City is still in danger. Unfortunately ... I don't seem to see any response in the city."

"The Elders don't believe that evil creatures will attack the city. They think that the evil creatures just pass by the White Horse Wasteland and will leave soon. The Elders will not agree to send troops, and Landis can't help it."

Goriya sighed and shook her head helplessly.

"Short-sighted people, everywhere. Lord of the Storm should be more determined."

Li Yu was very speechless when she heard Goliath's explanation.

The "Lord of the Storm" really had no brains. It is said that the Storm Lord has the blood of the Amazon? Really responded to that sentence, "the chest is big and brainless."

You are a legendary warrior! In White Horse City, you are the strongest being. A legendary powerhouse would be bound by something like Parliament? Don't you give them a slap and wake them up?
