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Chapter 1403: Should be installed, still have to be in

"You going to the country of ice and snow?"

After Li Yu said goodbye to Storm Lord and Golia, he was about to leave White Horse City. By the way, I asked Sauron's future plans, but I heard Sauron told him that they were going to the country of ice and snow.

The country of ice and snow, the far north, is known as "the kingdom of the ice goddess".

For this country, "Victor" has only one impression, which is "beautiful women".

Brother and sister Sauron going to the country of snow and ice should be related to Sauron's "player" plan to upgrade and fight.

As a "player", Sauron must have relevant considerations for his leveling method. There is no need for Li Yu to intervene.

"You are going to the country of ice and snow, then we can only be separated!"

Li Yu smiled, reached out and took out a dark red dagger, and handed it to Sauron, "This is the weapon of the legendary wolves assassin, you just use it, I will give it to you."

This is an epic short sword of purple quality, shorter than a long sword, but longer than a dagger. The same applies to Sauron's "Shadow Swordmaster" who was transferred from "Rogue".

"Thank you!"

The importance of a good piece of equipment to "players" naturally goes without saying. Sauron reached out to take the dagger, and thanked him solemnly.

"Then you be careful all the way. Farewell!"

Li Yu waved his hand with a smile, turned on his horse, galloped all the way, and galloped away in the endless wilderness.

After leaving the White Horse Wasteland, Li Yu headed north.

On the entire continent, the area of ​​Amber City and White Horse City belongs to the southern fringe. Going north is the territory of the southern nations.

The southern kingdoms consist of three kingdoms, four principalities, and a few fragmented city-states. White Horse City and Amber City belong to the independent city-states of the southern countries.

Just north of the White Horse Wasteland, more than a thousand miles away, is the Kama Range, which stretches thousands of miles.

The big BOSS scheduled by Li Yu, the ancient red dragon, slept in the underground lava of the Kamo Mountains.

At this time, Li Yuke doesn't plan to run to the Carmo Mountains to get up the ancient Red Dragon.

Go east through the White Horse Wasteland, ahead of the Principality of Rhein.

This is an ancient Principality with a history of thousands of years. The legendary warrior, the "Golden Lion", Duke Andre Rhein, created this country known for its bravery.

However ... For thousands of years, the kingdom of golden lions has gradually lost its glory and has become a bald old lion.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Li Yu.

"It's just ... unlike the 'barbarous city' where the storm lords like White Horse City are stationed, every country on the mainland has a church!"

If Li Yu wants to spread the holy light, it is equivalent to rushing to do business with these temples.

Colleagues are enemies!

It's not so easy to grab someone's plate.

So ... it's time to compete against "pretend technology".

Galloping all the way, it took a week, Li Yu finally stepped out of the vast wilderness and came to the territory of the Principality of Rhine.


"Warriors, for the glory of the Golden Lion! Kill these beasts!"

Having just arrived in the Principality of Rhine, arrived in a small city on the edge of the wasteland, Li Yu caught up with another battle.

"Grey Dwarf? Bear Goblin? And Goblin? What the **** is this?"

Seeing a group of Wuhe people in front of another group fighting with Wuhe people, Li Yu, who had just experienced the battle of White Horse City, just felt that the scene in front of him was like fighting with kindergarten children.

However ... when it is time to pretend, you still have to pretend!

"In the name of the Holy Light, evil will be punished!"

While the soldiers of the Principality of Rhine were fighting with a group of black people, behind the evil creatures, a bright, sacred and glorious light suddenly burst out.

As the sun rises, the earth shines!

The splendid light swept out like a tide, and the sacred flames shrouded the battlefield.

Under the flame of this flame, the gray dwarves, bear gnomes, and dogheads all burned and screamed.

For a moment, the "powerful evil creatures" considered by the soldiers of the Principality of Rhine to be "enemy" actually turned into ashes in this flame.

What a powerful force this is!

Masters in the city, can't cast such a powerful spell?

"Warriors fighting for their homeland will be blessed by the light!"

A gentle and sacred voice sounded again, and the dazzling light dripped like raindrops, impregnating the whole body of these soldiers.

Under the influence of this rain of light, the soldiers who were injured in the "Battle" just now recovered quickly.

What a sacred power this is!

The priests and grandfathers in the city will not be generous enough to treat these miscellaneous soldiers for free!

This is a noble and great pastor!

The soldiers of the Principality of Rhine looked forward gratefully, there ... brilliant! Divine and glorious there.

A figure in a white robe walked from a distance in the divine light.

With a holy aura shining above his head, sacred feathers stretched behind him, just like the **** Lin Linfan, as if walking on the earth sacred!

"Salute to you, great clergyman!"

A group of miscellaneous soldiers of the Principality of Rhine ~ ~ Anyway, they also know etiquette, and quickly salute this sacred figure.

"I am the messenger of the Holy Light, coming with the guidance of the Holy Light. Brave soldier, can you tell me where is this?"

This small border town, Li Yu really didn't know where it was called, so he had to ask these soldiers.

"Dear Angel of Light, here is the Principality of Rhine, Count Kevin, and City of Him. We are the city guards of City of Him."

A fighter who seemed to be the leader stepped forward and saluted Li Yu.

"I want to go to the capital of the Principality of Rhine. I don't know which way to go?"

What a ghost border town, Li Yu has no time to delay here. Half a year later, the ancient Red Dragon is about to wake up, and it is necessary to hurry to the Rhine city to get the legendary power of the Principality of Rhine.

"Sir, go through Count Kevin's collar and head west all the way. After half a month's journey, you can reach the city of Rhine."

"The journey this month ..."

Li Yu frowned slightly. This has been a long time. It's really not worth it to waste time on the journey. So, find a place with a teleportation array.

Raising his eyes and looking at the city of Sim, this small border town also has a small mage tower. Although worn out, there should be teleportation ...

After saying goodbye to these admired city guards, Li Yu stepped into the city of Sim.

After entering the city, Li Yu went straight to the mage tower in the west of the city.


Just arrived near the mage tower, Li Yu hadn't had time to call the door, only to hear the window on the second floor of the mage tower, a loud noise burst.


A black figure wearing a mage's robe was hit by the air waves, screaming and falling from the window.

"I'm going! What's going on?"

Li Yu was stunned!