System Supplier

Chapter 1424: Boss Li plans to double open

A great victory!

A brilliant victory!

His Highness Victor, Victor, led a group of legendary powerhouses to conquer the disaster's nest, to kill the ancient red dragons, and save the southern nations.

Justice overcomes evil! The nations of the South avoided the fate of becoming a sea of ​​fire!

This is the redemption given to the earth by the Holy Light!

His "sacred" His Highness Victor hinted a little that the kings and nobles of the southern nations immediately understood and tried their best to publicize this great victory.

"Praise the Holy Light! Praise Your Highness Victor! Praise the heroic Dragon Slayer!"

Cheers! Every human territory in the entire southern continent is chanting this "victory of justice"!

The greatness and sacredness of the Holy Light further penetrates the hearts of the people.

"The foundation has been established! The next step is to seal the gods!"

Li Yu looked up at the sky, frowned slightly, "Why didn't you fall down? If you don't fall down, I'm embarrassed to go directly to the Kingdom of God!"

The gods are still trying to maintain the crumbling kingdom of God. Because Li Yu transmitted the holy light to the churches of the gods, saving the gods from maintaining the power of the priest's divine magic, it seems that the time for these gods to linger is a little longer.

"Well, sooner or later, I don't care much more than a day or two."

Even if the oracles save the power of maintaining the priest's divine magic, it is not possible to persist for a long time, it is still time to fall.

Although ... this made Li Yu's plan to "grab a few deities to study it" and had to postpone it later, it did not affect the overall situation.

"I haven't caught the research of the gods thoroughly, and I can't pretend to be godless. The problem of believers' beliefs eroding the mind is not well researched. I dare not easily absorb the power of these messy beliefs into the spirit, even if ... It's just a distraction. "

The soul must be pure, otherwise it will shake the foundation and affect the integrity of the "self".

"Then let's take a break!"

The practice of "the third step of chaos" cannot be rushed. The light foundation of the main plane has been laid down, and it is necessary to settle for a period of time.

"But I can't be idle either."

Li Yu had already made a plan. The God of Light is only part of the plan.

The Holy Light represents order and light. According to Li Yu's plan, the power of "chaos and darkness" is also needed.

Light and order, darkness and chaos, blend with each other and become one, thereby deifying chaos.

This is an attempt by Li Yu in this world, an attempt to "deify chaos".

"So, I'm going to start the idea of ​​bottomless abyss now."

The demon in the bottomless abyss represents the chaos and evil of the entire multiverse, which is very suitable for Li Yu's plan. The "orderly evil" creature of the devil is not very suitable.

"Now, you need to get a demon clone in the bottomless abyss."

Li Yu reached out and grabbed a dragon soul in his hand. This is the dragon soul of the ancient red dragon, the disaster and the dragon of destruction.

"Souls from all parts of the multiverse, in addition to the souls returned to the kingdom of God by the deities, many souls fell into the endless abyss. Under the washing of the Styx River, they became worms on the bank of the Styx. The abyss worm is the initial form of the devil. "

Li Yu looked at the dragon soul in his hand and smiled, "I don't know if the dragon's soul fell into the abyss, will it turn into an abyss worm, or the abyss dragon?"

The abyss represents the chaos and evil of the entire multiverse. Li Yu wants to manifest a dark and chaotic god, and entering the bottomless abyss is also a shortcut.

"So ... what's the name of the new vest? What about 'Death Wings' Nesario, or 'Dark Dragon' Auduin? Or, Orduin Nesario?"

Reaching out a hand, the dragon soul in his hand was immediately collected into the "resource library" and passed to the body.

With the current strength of "Victor", it is not enough to be silent and unnoticed. To send a soul into the bottomless abyss, naturally only the power of the body can be used.

Unlike occupying the vest of "Victor", the souls in the bottomless abyss are marked with "chaos and evil", Li Yu cannot make his soul truly polluted by the abyss.

Of course ... the abyss has no way to pollute Li Yu's soul. Therefore, as soon as Li Yu's distraction enters the endless abyss, it will immediately cause the shock of the abyss law to produce a fierce confrontation. This is not in line with the intention of sneaking in.

The soul of the ancient Red Dragon is a perfect substitute.

First of all, it is not Li Yu's own soul, and it is not a pity to be polluted by the chaos and evil forces of the abyss.

Secondly, the quality of this soul is high, its foundation is not bad, and its development potential is great.

As long as the ancient souls of the ancient red dragon are washed away and a "fictional" Li Yu is made, it is also very simple.

"System, reshape the soul of the ancient red dragon, and record my own memory into the dragon soul."

Just a moment, Li Yu created a "self" soul. The "self" of the dragon soul form.

"Having my own memory has also imprinted this soul on the soul. In a sense, this soul can be regarded as me."

The nature of the soul is very different, and it is very convenient to recycle and merge, and ... there is no independent "self" at all, it is very suitable to enter the abyss to accept the pollution of "chaos" and "evil" ~ The Mark of the True Spirit is not the soul and does not cause interference in the laws of the abyss, but it can keep the soul sober and not dominated by chaos and evil. Fine, just do it. "

A little streamer flickered and fell across the void into the bottomless abyss.

Endless abyss, chaotic and evil representative of the entire multiverse. Every inch of land here, every scent of breath, carries endless evil.

The structure of the endless abyss is similar to a book. Each page represents a layer in the endless abyss. I don't know how many pages there are in this "book". This is also the origin of the word "endless" in the endless abyss.

On one level of the endless abyss, the wind of revival blew on the Styx.

The murky river tumbles in the mighty waters of the Styx River, and countless souls float in the waves. As the wind of resurgence blew across the water, souls drifted from the waves and blew towards the shore of the Styx River.


The blood-colored clouds condensed in mid-air, and the blood rain fell from the sky.

"Wind of Resurrection" rolled up souls and rushed into the sky. For a while, it was stormy.

The soul floating in the wind merged with the raindrops in the blood rain, dripping continuously, and landed on the bank of the Styx River, turning into blood cocoons.

Countless evil lives are bred in blood cocoons. Among them ... also includes an "unusual" dragon soul.


One day, among the blood cocoons on the bank of the Styx River, a cocoon larger than other blood cocoons, and a black rune cocoon flowing on the shell burst suddenly.

A weird black abyss, about two meters long, with long horns on its head and a pair of dragon-winged abyssal abyss worms, came out of the cocoon.

"My name ... Auduin Nesario! Under my wings everything is ashes!"

Boss Li officially double-opened, this is a suffocating operation!