System Supplier

Chapter 146: Li Yu's experiment on fusion of differen

"Has Xinxin and Falling Xinxin come in?"

Li Yu saw Tai Danling send the specimens of the two kinds of fire, and nodded with a smile. ?

This time it was considered a different fire, and it was delivered to the door. A few strange fires were collected along the way, and it took no effort. Naturally, you are welcome.

"The system resolves the two different fires."

After the different fire is in hand, Li Yu's processing method is basically scanning, analyzing, understanding the nature of the different fire, and then making the different fire according to the structure of the different fire.

The system quickly sent the results over.

"Haixinyu is a flame with the characteristics of water? This one is very simple. Five elements of real fire and five elements of water and fire, put forward a fusion of lava ground fire, you can create a sea of ​​heart.

Li Yu left Hai Xinxin alone and focused on the falling Xinxin.

"The fall of heart palpitations can hurt people with invisible heart fires, and also has the effect of tempering the spirit and improving the cultivation at any time. This thing is worth paying attention to."

Opening the analysis report submitted by the system, Li Yu frowned slightly, a little surprised.

"The invisible heart fire is nothing, the flame of the fire in the fairy house zhong, Qiqing heart fire is stronger than it. However, the effect of this tempering spirit is actually this principle?"

Fire is born from the heart, quenching the air and making bones.

Falling heart palpitations, calcination in the body every moment. In this never-ending tempering zhong, it is as if the body is in a state of cultivation all the time.

This state of cultivation is subtle and subtle, and the flow of water is long. The effect is better than usual practice, and the tempering is more thorough.

"This principle is actually burning off impurities and continuously purifying the energy of fighting energy in the body. It does not bring about energy growth in itself. But ... in this world, taking elixir to increase fighting energy is undoubtedly very powerful. "

The swelling energy in the body is soaring when swallowing elixir, but it also brings a lot of impurity energy. By falling down, the heart is burned to remove impurities, and the energy is as pure as one.

As long as you continue to take the elixir, you will continue to use the falling heart palpitations to burn impurities and repair them for natural growth.

"This feature is valuable."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, and was very satisfied with the ability of the falling heart.

In many worlds, taking elixir to increase repair is very common. Moreover, there have been problems with taking too much elixir, which has caused the body to suffer from erysipelas.

If you have the ability to burn the impurities and pure energy of the falling heart, the so-called "Essence of Poison" will not matter at all.

"Very good! It's a little unexpectedly pleasant!"

With a smile on his face, Li Yu was very satisfied with the action of collecting different fires.

"But ... Are you going to revise the 'burning down' for Xiao Yan? Hehe!"

Li Yu knocked on the table and smiled slightly.

He certainly didn't have such good intentions to modify what "burning down". However, the "burning tactics" combined with the characteristics of different fires made Li Yusheng a bit interested.

The nine-fold flame of the light of the fairy house, if it can also be integrated into one with the principle of "burning the tactics", the effect is even more ideal.

Therefore, the so-called modification of "burning tactics" is nothing more than an experiment by Li Yu.

"The system is based on the Qinglian ground fire and conducts different fire fusion experiments in accordance with the principle of 'burning down.'"

"The test data is set. Please specify the different fire to be fused."

The system virtualized a scene instantly, just like the "too much illusion" opened in Xiao Feng's system.

"Load Xiao Xiao's data and use Xiao Yuan as the test subject to start the test of fusion of different fires. Is the fusion of different fires ... choose to fall into the heart!

"The test setup is complete and the different fire fusion test is started!"

The system prompts a sound, and the different fire fusion test starts instantly.

In the middle of the virtual scene, Xiao Yan erupted the green lotus ground fire, and then, according to the principle of "burning down", he introduced the falling heart into the body ...


The two different fires collided together, and there was an instant violent explosion, and the overwhelming flames tumbled up. The whole virtual scene was a blast of fire.

As for the fictitious Xiao Xun ... it has long been blown to ashes.

"Let me go! Is it so dangerous? It just exploded into fly ash?"

Seeing this, Li Yu was stunned!

"System, based on the data just now, analyze the probability of success of the fusion of different fires!"

"According to the currently collected data, the chance of the Qinglian Earthfire and the falling heart palpitating is less than 10%."

"Such a low probability? How did Xiao Yi succeed in blending? And he also integrated a variety of different fires, and finally merged the fire of Emperor Yan, becoming Emperor Yan! How did he succeed?"

After hearing the data from the system, Li Yu was stunned again.

If such a small chance can be successful, and it has been successful again and again, how bad luck it is! If you go to buy a lottery ticket, you will be right after you buy it?

Well, probability is really amazing.

If you want Li Yulian to practice such a success rate of only about 10%, he won't do it!

"System, continue the test. Take note of all test data."

With the order of Li Yu, the virtual test field zhong sounded a terrible explosion again and again ...

Until Li Yu planned to give up, a fierce Xiaobi like a jade-like pure flame suddenly emerged from the virtual Xiao Yan.

"The 135th trial is over. The fusion was successful!"


Li Yu heard the prompts from the system, and then he was struck up.

"Record all data on successful fusion. According to the data of this test, start the fusion test again."

Li Yu wants to know if it can be fused again according to the data of successful fusion, can it guarantee a successful fusion?

The virtual scene changes, and the system restarts the fusion experiment with the successful data fusion ...

The experiment was successful again!

"It works!"

Seeing the successful integration again, Li Yu was very satisfied with the result.

"System, the test continues. Next, fuse Hai Xinyu and Gu Ling Cold Fire in turn!"


There was a continuous explosion in the virtual test field.

After handing the test to the system, Li Yu didn't bother to pay attention. As soon as his mind moved, he left the virtual testing ground and lay down on the soft collapse to doze.

"Another fire fusion test is complete."

When Li Yu fell asleep and woke up, the system's test of fusion of different fires was really completed.

"Fusion is complete?"

Li Yu rubbed her eyes ~ ~ turned over and got up, "Show me the test data!"

In the virtual scene zhong, a figure full of blue and blue flames stood upright, and the towering flames tossed behind him.

The turquoise flames were unpredictable, the water was flowing to the ground, the bones were cold and cold, and there was no trace at all. Destructive forces are surging wildly in the flames, like a tsunami landslide.

"The fusion of different fires also has some advantages!"

Seeing this situation, Li Yu smiled and nodded, "The system, based on the data of successful experiments, summarizes a different fire fusion method for Taishang Danling."

Li Yu gave a command and ignored it.

However, he didn't know how much change his casual move would bring.

Book group: 419, 574, 189 (To be continued.)

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