System Supplier

Chapter 1465: No fear of any challenge

Grete is very happy!

I thought I could only find Charles a genetics expert, but I didn't expect a room expert here.

So Charles, Li Yu, and Rui Wen followed Agent Grete aboard the plane and set foot on American soil.

"Charles, from now on, all three of you are CIA consultants."

When he came to the CIA building and walked into an office, Grete took out three documents and handed them to Li Yu.

"Well, this consultant ... is there a salary?"

Li Yu took the document and looked in front of him, then smiled and looked at Grete.

"Don't make trouble! Sargeras, even with a salary, is not worth your bottle of wine!"

Ruiwen picked up the document and looked at it. When he saw his photo on the document, he pouted and said, "Can I take pictures of this photographer? He takes my photo so ugly!"

"Haha! I want to punch him too!"

Greet seemed to agree with Ruiwen. "That photographer's technique is so bad. The photos he took for me looked like they were twenty years old!"

"Okay, everyone!"

At this time, a big fat man stepped into the office. "I'm Demonster in charge. It's time to start work!"

One document was handed to the three Li Yu, and the director De Munster said to everyone: "Everyone, this is a major task involving the survival of the world. We suspect that a group of mutants is trying to start a nuclear war! "

With his hands on the desk, De Munster glanced up at the crowd with a serious look. "Now, gentlemen, find out their weaknesses! Find out why they are mutating! Your job is to save The whole world!"

"We will do our best!"

The right Charles, who always had a sense of mission to save the world, answered impassionedly.

"Thank you!"

De Munster nodded and turned to leave the office.

"Arrange a nuclear missile in Turkey? My God, who brought it up? Hold him and shoot him!"

After rummaging through the information, Charles yelled in surprise.

"Ha ha! Placing a nuclear bomb in Turkey is tantamount to inserting a dagger on the back of the polar bear, and the polar bear will go crazy!"

Li Yu smiled gleefully.

"In fact, polar bears are crazy!"

Grete sighed helplessly, "It is said that polar bears are discussing the possibility of placing a nuclear bomb in Cuba!"

"Wow, that's over!"

Li Yu made an explosion gesture, "Well! The world is ruined!"

"This is a bunch of mutants doing tricks! We have to find them and stop them! Gentlemen, we know nothing about mutants. Now we need you geneticists to give us advice!"

Grete looked to the three Li Yu with anticipation.

"Comment? No! In fact, there is a better way!"

Charles stood up with a smile, "Only mutants can fight against mutants."


Grete froze, then ... looked at Charles with a shocked expression, "You ... just ... the voice in my head ..."

"As you can see, I am also a mutant!"

Charles looked at Greta with a smile on his face!

"Charles, you must be crazy!"

Ruiwen shook his head helplessly, flashing a blue light all over, turning into a real look of blue skin.

"Charles, if this is your choice, I will stand with you, my brother!"

Li Yu smiled and reached out and grabbed a metal falcon statue on Grete's table, slowly floating in mid-air.

"Oh, who sells cakes!"

Grete covered her mouth, and she didn't return to her mind for a long time.

The CIA responded quickly and learned that Charles, Li Yu, and Ruiwen were mutants, and quickly established an emergency operation team.

Facing the crisis of nuclear war, even if Li Yusan is a mutant, no one cares at all

Only mutants can fight against mutants.

Charles's sentence was understood by the CIA as "use mutants to kill mutants."

At this time, Li Yu and the three of them had become a weapon against the crisis.

"Charles, I have confirmed that Colonel Henkley, the NATO commander, has a relationship with the mutants. Tonight, Colonel Henkley will meet the mutants.

A few days later, in Gretel's office, Gretel informed Charles and Li Yu and others.

"So ... time to act?"

Li Yu smiled and stood up, "I am very curious about the mutants, and finally I can see it!"

"One can turn into a diamond, one has the ability to move like a teleportation, and one has the ability to control the air flow. Be careful, don't take care!"

Greet reminded the three of Li Yu, and then continued: "I will bring an agent team to support you!"

Into the night!

A heavy rain swept through New York Harbor.

In the rain, a cruise ship sailed to the port. The twinkling lights are as if twinkling stars.

"I feel it, it's them!"

Charles pressed his temples, activated psionic powers, and found the target. The cruise ship heading for the port was exactly the mutants he was looking for.


Suddenly, Charles was crying, pale, squatting down, holding his head.

"Charles, how are you doing?"

Ruiwen hurried to Charles and helped Charles.

"I'm fine! We're exposed! The other person also has a mental ability!"

Charles hastened to brief the situation.


Now that it was exposed, Grete made an immediate decision and did not hesitate to order an attack!


Assault boats flew up ~ ~ a group of soldiers with live ammunition, riding on the assault boat, rushing towards the cruise ship ahead.

"Here is the Coast Guard! The ship ahead, stop it immediately! Stop it now!"

On the assault boat, there was a loud shout from the tweeter.


At this time, there was a sudden loud noise on the cruise ship.

A huge anchor chain burst out of the water like an angry dragon, howling towards the cruise ship.

On the winding anchor chain, stood a tall figure.

"Sebastian, our old account should be accounted for!"

The anchor chain that whistled, like the python, was tightly wrapped around the cruise ship, and the huge force caused the cruise ship to quack and twist.

"Eric, you are very disappointed!"

On the cruise ship, a figure in white raised his arm and patted him fiercely against the figure standing on the anchor chain!

There was a loud noise and a violent shock from the twisted anchor chain, and Eric flew out from a distance!

"Do you still not understand my goal? Do you still not understand my ideal? Eric, everything I do is just! For the future of the mutant! I am not afraid of any challenges!"

Sebastian growled angry!

"Don't be afraid of any challenges? Then ... as you wish!"

Li Yu's figure screamed, stretched out his hand and pressed, a huge boundless magnetic storm swept away, squeezing past the cruise ship.


Huge cruise ships, like plasticine, were crumpled into groups.


Seeing this figure, Eric and Sebastian exclaimed together!