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Chapter 1475: 1 easy fight

Caribbean Sea.

Among the vast ocean, a freighter sailed through the waves, heading northward, heading for Cuba.

This freighter carries nuclear missiles that Polar Bear intends to deploy in Cuba.

On the sea ahead, a huge fleet lined up in a battle formation, and the huge muzzle pointed at the freighter, which was to be verified.

Behind the freighter, there is also a fleet. Thick gun barrels pointed towards the fleet ahead.

"Warning! Crossing the blockade is equivalent to declaring war!"

On American battleships, huge tweeters kept yelling at the forward freighter and the Russian fleet.

But ... the freighter didn't mean to stop moving at all.

"Ready to fight!"

Sounded the battle alert. Both fleets were in combat. The fire broke out.

"Commander, just received headquarters order. Operation cancelled! Operation cancelled!"

Just as the war was about to erupt, the Russian fleet received the latest order. The operation was cancelled. The deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba was cancelled.

"North Star! Action canceled! Action canceled! Stop going! Stop going!"

The Russian fleet rushed to the freighter and ordered the freighter to stop moving forward.


The freighter has not accepted the order at all and is still moving forward.

"What's going on? What's going on? Why didn't Polaris obey orders?"

Frightened by the Russian fleet commander, he quickly communicated to the US fleet, "We lost control of the Polaris! Don't fire! Don't fire!"

"Huh! This trick, keep the kids!"

The US fleet commander remained unmoved and continued to order, "Ready for fire! Once the North Star breaks through the blockade, fire immediately!"

"Charles, what happened next?"

The roaring plane rushed out of the clouds, and Gretel looked at the grim situation below and hurriedly asked Charles.

"Red Devil! The Red Devil killed everyone on Polaris. Polaris lost control!"

Through telepathy, Charles saw what was happening on the Polaris.

"Damn! Polaris is about to break through the blockade! Stop him! Stop him! Otherwise, war will break out!"

Griet roared anxiously!


Charles quickly mobilized his spiritual power and controlled a "political commissar" of the Russian fleet.

At an emergency, the "political commissar" stepped forward, personally controlled the missile launcher, and fired an anti-ship missile towards the Polaris!


With a loud noise, the anti-ship missile sank the Polaris.


The US fleet was relieved.

"Comrade, you stopped a nuclear war!"

In the Russian fleet, a group of officers looked at the "political commissar" with admiration. The "political commissar" was aggressive!

"Sebastian, the Polaris was destroyed. Our plan failed!"

In a nuclear submarine at the bottom of the sea, the Red Devil landed on Sebastian's side and reported anxiously.

"I still have a backup plan! This is a nuclear submarine. Although there are no nuclear missiles, it has a nuclear reactor. As long as I absorb the reactor's nuclear energy, I am a nuclear weapon! Nuclear war will still erupt!"

Sebastian turned into the reactor cabin, reached out and held the fuel rod, and began to absorb nuclear energy!

"Sebastian is on the ocean floor. He wants to absorb the nuclear power of the nuclear reactor and release a nuclear explosion in the United States. It has once again triggered a nuclear war."

Charles looked anxious, "They dived to the bottom of the sea, and the water was too deep, affecting my telepathic range. I can't find them!"

"We need sonar!"

Hank yelled.

"Sonar? Am I not just sonar?"

Sonic opened the door and jumped out of the plane. Open your hands, pull up your wing-like glider and rush down towards the sea.

With a bang, Sinbo plunged into the sea water.

"Om ..."

A huge sound wave burst from his mouth and swept across the sea.

"Find them!"

Echo positioning, Sonic has found the submarine hidden under the sea.


Li Yuchao's Wanciwang signaled, "Catch it out."

"Catch a submarine?"

Eric shook his head. "It's too big! I can't do it."

"Eric, your power can lift the earth! What is a submarine? Feel the power of the earth, the magnetic field is everywhere!"

Li Yu reached out and patted Eric's shoulder. "Brother, do you remember the concentration camp? Roar! Magneto! Catch Sebastian!"

"it is good!"

Out of the cabin, Eric stood on the plane's landing gear, facing out to the sea, and extended his palm in the direction indicated by the sound waves.

"Give me ... come out!"

With a loud roar, Eric burst out with a huge magnetic storm. The huge boundless force rolled up the submarine at the bottom of the sea and reached out, pulling the huge nuclear submarine out of the sea.

"Oh, for cakes!"

On the sea, all officers and soldiers of the two fleets opened their mouths and gasped wildly when they saw this.

It takes only one person to get a submarine out of the sea. What a terrifying power this is?

Mutant ... terrible!

Fear causes uneasiness! Fear brings hatred! Mutant talent is the biggest enemy! Mutants must be destroyed!

The frontline situation is continuously reported to headquarters. They were just two sides of the hostile relationship and reached an agreement in an instant. Mutants must be destroyed!


He was caught out of the sea, caught in a mid-air submarine, and the whirlwind opened the hatch and came out. A wave of his hands set off a fierce storm, which swept out of the plane above.

The storm rolled up the plane and the stalled plane went down.

The severe impact made Eric only hold the landing gear to prevent himself from falling. He caught the submarine, which has been thrown away!

"Boom", the submarine slammed on a nearby island ~ ~ Wow, it was a perfect landing! "

Li Yu released magnetic control, held up the falling plane and landed on the beach.

"Sebastian, get out of me!"

Eric shouted, waved his hand, and the metal shells on the submarine ripped off. Standing up, Eric rushed into the submarine and went to Sebastian to settle the account.

"call out!"

The Red Devil moved for a moment, rushed behind Eric, raised his sword and stabbed at Eric.


With a wave of his hand, a steel plate hit the red devil heavily and smashed the red devil out.

"Hey, look here!"

Hurrying and teleporting, escaped the fate of being crushed by the iron plate, the red devil who had not stood still, and suddenly heard a roar.

With a bang, a huge fist covered with golden retriever slammed heavily on the red devil's head, smashing his eyes black and falling to the ground.


The "whirlwind" just before the storm suddenly heard a roar, the eardrum trembled violently, the brain was trembling violently, and the body was trembling violently.

"Let's fall!"

Sonic had a "snap" in his mouth, a whirlwind, a dizzy head, shaking his head and falling to the ground, and was stunned by the "infrasound wave".

"That's it! An easy fight!"

Clapping his hands, Sonic smiled.

"Wow, that's great!"

Others raised their thumbs.

"Where is Sebastian? Where is he?"

Grete rushed out of the plane and asked everyone.

"Eric talked to him."

Li Yu shrugged. "Let them talk slowly! No rush, we have time!"