System Supplier

Chapter 181: A different kind of fox

Follow the old fox and go all the way.

Soon after, a valley appeared in front of Li Yu. This valley is surrounded by mountains, and only one canyon leads to the outside.

Because of the blocking of the mountains, the cold current cannot invade, and the green grass and lush green wood in the entire valley are like walking into another world compared with the blizzards outside.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

In the valley, a group of snow-white foxes were running and jumping cheerfully, carefree and very happy.

"Brother, brother, so many beautiful little foxes!"

Xiaoting Ting cheered when she saw these playful foxes.

"How dare you be lazy?"

When he walked into the valley, the old fox saw the scene in front of him. He was immediately furious, and yelled at the group of foxes with a beard and stare. "How long have I been out? Have you truanted school? No one at all?"


Hearing the old fox's wrath, the jokeful white foxes screamed in a fright, quickly stood up, and walked down in dismay.

"Look at you, and still crawl on the ground with your hands? After teaching you so long, you can't change your walking posture? How can animals grow without changing their habits?"

The old fox reprimanded and sighed, looking like iron and steel.

"That's ... really interesting."

Seeing this scene, Li Yu only felt ridiculous and incredible. A group of foxes who treat themselves as human beings, and behave in a manner that aligns with human beings, is truly a world of thousands and thousands of wonders.

"The junior is bad, making the guests laugh."

The old fox looked a little awkward. It seems that Li Yu and the two people saw this and made him lose face.

"The old deceased surname Tu, Mingyuan, the beginning of the word play."

The old fox bowed to Li Yu, "I don't know the two surnames?"

"Little boy Li Yu, this is my sister Jiang Ting."

Although Li Yu thought the behavior of the old fox was a little funny, he was also curious about this old fox who wanted to be a human.

"Good name!"

Hearing Li Yu's introduction, the old fox's eyes lighted up, shaking his head and sighing in admiration, "Yu, follow the nature!"

The old fox dragged the text and began to show off his knowledge. "The heavens and the earth move smoothly, so the sun and the moon pass, but not at four o'clock; if the saints move smoothly, the punishment is cleared and the people serve. Righteousness!"


Li Yu gaped and didn't know what the old fox was talking about.

At this moment, Li Yu inexplicably gave birth to a shame, "I'll go, I'm still from Cangwu Academy, Qinglian's clones have become the ancestors of Confucianism, but have been compared by a fox?"

Why is Li Yu willing to lose such a face?

Must pretend! There is no pretense to pretend, you must pretend to create conditions!

"System, according to the old fox, find some sentences with similar meanings."

After searching the Cangwu Academy for thousands of years, Li Yu didn't believe he couldn't even match a fox.

The system instantly responded to Li Yu's request, and a large number of mouthful articles came over.

"Tu old is too good. Xiaosheng is ashamed not to be!"

With confidence in his heart, Li Yu coped very well.

The modest fox smiled at the old fox, Li Yu said, "Yu, just move as you please, follow the move. Follow the move, so the world is like it. Although the naughty has this ambition, he is not good enough.

"Little brother is really a learned man!"

The old fox lifted his head to the top of the mountain and looked at Li Yu's eyes full of admiration and envy. Li Yu said something that he didn't understand, the effect was surprisingly good.

"The human race is really blessed!"

The old fox admired with admiration, "I'm just sixteen or seven years old? I'm young, but my knowledge is so extraordinary. I waited for the fox family. I was sixteen or seventeen years old, and I couldn't even understand a few words. ... "

"Compare me to a group of foxes? Let me go ..."

Li Yu twitched in the corner of her mouth, and didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the old fox did not continue this topic, and took Li Yu and Xiao Tingting towards the cave in the valley. Behind them was a group of foxes, who stood up and swayed behind.

Entering the cave, Li Yu placed rows of tall bookshelves. The bookshelf is full of books.

Li Yu glanced and found that although these books were neatly placed on the bookshelf, they were still cluttered. There was no classification at all, so they were randomly arranged.

But ... Here's what Li Yu needs.

"This group of foxes took the book of the Great Zen Temple, and they didn't know they had brought the" Midaya Sutra "in the past."

There was a smile on the corner of Li Yu's mouth, and he issued an order to the system, "System, scan all the books in the cave. In particular, pay attention to the" Midaya Sutra of the Past "hidden in a book of sutras.

An invisible wave swept silently, and all the books in the entire cave were recorded in the system resource library. Among them is the "Midaya Sutra" in the past, which Li Yu paid particular attention to.

"Brother, we are white foxes. We lived near the Dachen Temple in Zhongzhou. When we listened to the monks in the Dazen Temple every day, we learned the truth and learned to read and read."

The old fox pointed at the various books in the cave and smiled. "After the Dachen Temple was destroyed by the Dagan Dynasty, we collected some books and brought them here."

"Zhongzhou Great Zen Temple? It turns out that Tu Lao people still have this history."

Li Yu pretended to be surprised, and asked the old fox again: "Since it came from the holy land of Dachen Temple, presumably Tu Lao has also cultivated magical power?"

"Where can I call what magic power?"

The old fox led Li Yu and Xiao Tingting to the cave and sat down, held up a teapot and made a cup of tea for the two.

"Different practice is also the way to learn the practice of the human race. We foxes must give birth to wisdom, read, literate, and rationalize, and then learn the practice of cultivation. Human beings are the spirit of all things, the proud of heaven!"

The old fox sighed, "I am waiting for a different kind. Only by practicing the spirit and soul, transcendent, and promoted to the realm of ghosts and immortals, will it be possible to dissolve the demon body and reincarnate. However, how difficult is the realm of ghosts and immortals!"

"Oh? The little boy knows very little about the spirit and soul, and he also asked Tu Lao to explain it to me. How?"

Li Yu was very interested in the spirit of this world, and naturally wanted to hear Tu Yuan's indigenous saying.

"Brother joked."

Tu Yuan shook his head with a smile. "The younger brother is full of blood and sun, and the martial arts are so unfathomable. Where can we use old age to explain it?"

"I really want to ask Tu Lao. I don't understand the spirit."

Li Yuchao Tu Yuan explained.

He certainly knew that he was very powerful. When Xiao Feng's world broke through, the spirit of blood and blood bloomed, the flames of purple gold were soaring, and even the stones in the cave were burned into lava.

At this moment ~ ~ If it wasn't for his whole body's blood and blood were the same, he wouldn't be exposed anymore. I am afraid that the breath alone will shock these foxes directly.

Even if Li Yu had converged on Qi and blood, the tyrannical nature of the congenital sacrificial fetus still made Li Yu look like blood and the sun.

"If the brother is interested, he will be ugly."

Tu Yuan also stopped investigating whether Li Yu really didn't understand, and went along with Li Yu's meaning.

"Cultivation of spirits is actually the cultivation of one's own soul. There are ten realms. Settlement, out of the shell, night travel, day travel, expulsion, manifestation, possession, seizure of houses, thunder, thunder, sun god.

Speaking of this, the old fox pointed to the bookshelf in the cave behind him and said, "In the collection of books here, there are some books of spiritual practice. If you are interested, you can go and see."

"Thank you so much!"

Li Yu grinned and thanked Tu Yuan, but he laughed, "These books have fallen into my hands." (To be continued.)