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Chapter 211: Yin and Yang evolution, Tai Chi Golden B

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"Oh? Here is Concubine Yuan?"

At this time, Tu Yuan came out of the attic. Seeing Yuan Fei, Tu Yuan hurriedly greeted.

"Tu old, you ..."

When Yuan Fei saw Tu Yuan, her eyes widened again.

Before Tu Yuan's qi and blood were weak, he was all old. At this moment, Tu Yuan was full of vitality and blood, his spirit was like wolf smoke, his body was strong, and his spirit was full, just like the golden wolf deep in the Yunmeng grassland.

The golden wolf is a fierce beast in the Yunmeng grassland. It has golden hair and looks like a calf. It is a totem beast in the kingdom of Yunmeng. It fiercely beats the tiger.

At this moment, Tu Yuan, with his old fox body, is no less powerful than the golden wolf.

"Her Majesty the Emperor of Yu Yu, pass down the true law of the Sky Fox, and create a one-day thoroughfare for my Fox clan. I'll wait for Thanksgiving Dade!"

The old fox said to Princess Yuan, his heart was filled with emotion. Her Majesty the Emperor Yuhuang, I and other foxes finally had a foundation.

"Tianhu true law? Tongtian Avenue?"

Yuan Fei thought of the statue of the nine-tailed fox, and then contacted the mighty blood of several foxes. She was shocked, "Cultivate immortals by fox body? You can have two lives without reincarnation? This ... how can that be?"

There has never been a foreign practice in this world. Any alien can only practice human exercises. Except for the beasts who are born with supernatural powers, only monkeys can be reborn without reincarnation, and their bodies and spirits can practice together.

This is because the monkey and human body structures are very similar, and no monkey has been able to achieve Yangshen Avenue since ancient times.

Now, a fox tribe? Practice with the fox body directly, you can practice with the body and spirit directly without reincarnation.

This is simply unthinkable!

"Her Majesty the Emperor Yu is magnificent!"

The old fox sighed, and then looked at Concubine Yuan with a bit of pity, "Unfortunately, you are no longer a fox. Otherwise, with your talent, you will soon become a nine-tailed fox. . "

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox Really?"

Yuan Fei turned her head to look at the huge nine-tailed fox statue standing tall.

"Well! That's the real body of the nine-tailed fox."

The old fox nodded, and Chao Yuanfei explained: "In order to facilitate our meditation, His Majesty Yu Huang used a large mana to shape the stone to form an image of a nine-tailed sky fox."

"Her Majesty the Emperor Yu once said that the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is a peerless **** beast that goes hand in hand with the dragon and phoenix unicorn. Unfortunately, I waited for future generations to be ashamed, and made the ancestors ashamed. Fortunately, Her Majesty the Emperor Yu Emperor's grace, and gave the Sky Fox the true law, I'll wait to reproduce the ancestral name of our ancestors. "

Tu Yuanang raised his head, and seemed to have seen the unique style of Jiuwei Tianhu prestige.

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox? Go with the dragon and phoenix unicorn? We Fox family still have such a history?"

Yuan Fei's face was full of surprise.

Yuan Fei naturally believed in the existence of the nine-tailed fox. The ancient emperor of the Emperor Yu, Yang Shen is real, and what he said must be true.

Well, Yu Huang's name is really scary, even if it is deceiving, no one will doubt it.

The nine-tailed fox ... wasn't it just made by Li Yu?

Of course ... Nine-tailed foxes will appear in this world as soon as the foxes come out. As for whether it is the same as the nine-tailed sky fox that Li Yu heard, who knows?

"Tu Lao, where is Her Majesty Yu Huang? I ... Can I meet with Her Majesty Yu Huang?"

Concubine Yuan looked at Tu Yuan with excitement. It was a rare Yang Shen who cared so much for the fox family. It is a great blessing to meet with Her Majesty Yu Huang.

"Her Majesty Yu is here. And ..."

Tu Yuan smiled strangely, "Also, you have seen him!"

"Have you seen it?"

Yuanfei was full of fog.

"Come on! Her Majesty Yu Huang is so busy now, you can see me! Maybe you can get a chance."

Tu Yuan smiled and pointed at the attic behind him.

"Oh, okay!"

Yuanfei had no time to think about it, and hurried towards the attic.

Entering the attic, a glass of clear light like a wave of water waved slightly, as if passing through a layer of water curtain, the scene in front of it changed for a moment, and instantly changed a world.

In front of me is a vast world.

Mountains, plains, breeze, flowing water. The jungle is lush and green.

Huge palaces stood on top of the mountains, Yuan Fei glanced and found a total of more than 20 halls.

"This is ... a world? Yang Shen is real, evolutionary world. Original legends are true?"

Looking at this vast and thin world, Yuanfei was shocked.

"Well? Someone is here! Come in!"

A light but easy-going voice sounded in the air, a brilliant golden light descended from the sky and turned into a huge golden golden bridge, extending from the void to the feet of Yuan Fei.

This golden bridge manifested, a set of heaven and earth, four poles, water, fire and wind, the will to dominate the world, the whole space suddenly stagnated, as if everything in the world was completely stopped, time and space have been frozen.


Yuan Fei took a sigh of cold air, and her heart was horrified. "It is indeed the emperor Yuhuang. When you raise your hands and throw your feet, there is the weather that dominates the world and controls everything."

Yuan Fei became more restrained. She stepped on the Golden Bridge, and stepped out, but it was empty at the same time. In an instant, Yuan Fei embarked on a simple hall.

"this is……"

When Yuan Fei stepped into the hall, she saw the scene inside again.

In the hall, while the light was shining, the darkness was deep. Darkness and light swirl around each other, forming a huge half-black and half-white ring.

There seems to be a confluence of yin and yang between the light and the dark, and time and space ~ ~ means the evolution of thousands of things, as if everything in the world is in it.

The black and white iris is constantly rotating and shrinking, and eventually turns into an inconspicuous light spot and falls into the hands of the teenager.

"Hello Concubine!"

Li Yu put away the light, dark, and two enchantments as the foundation, added the concept of Taiji Liangyi, and then integrated the characteristics of yin and yang two qi, newly evolved, and named it "temple" spell.

After systematic deduction, to this day, this spell has finally taken shape. And also produced some unexpected changes in Li Yu.

"My Tianlou spell ended up being a Taiji figure?"

A golden bridge just now, the four poles of the heavens and the earth, and the wind, water, and wind of the town are just a variation of this spell. This change ... How similar is the legendary Tai Chi diagram!

Suddenly, Li Yu felt that she had been "too high" for a long time, and she had inertia.

The purpose of making a spell was to create a seal spell "Tianlou", which resulted in the "Taichi". Although the spell effect seems to be stronger than expected, ... next time, "the poor way is too high"?

"You ... you ... are you Her Majesty?"

After the vision disappeared, Yuan Fei saw Li Yu sitting in the middle of the hall and was shocked that her chin was about to fall out.

No wonder Tu Lao said that we've seen it, no wonder he would take care of the Fox family so much. It turns out ... Yu Huang has always lived here!

"Meet Your Majesty Yu Huang!"

Yuan Fei settled down, Yingying bowed down! ). If you like this work, you are welcome to come and vote. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. )

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