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Chapter 399: Extraterrestrial battlefield

"Of course, that's the future!"

Is it necessary to straighten the timeline of this world? This is too easy.

As long as Wang Lin's wife does not die, there is no such thing as reviving his wife. The timeline naturally straightens.

"Forget it, leave it alone."

Li Yu cast aside the problem of the timeline and turned to look at the memory of Qi Mingzi handed up by Tian Mingzhu.

Yes, this monk, who doesn't even have Yuanying, is interested in him. Because ... his calculations deduced.

Li Yu had the Zhou Yi calculus, and was about to merge the calculus with the practice of qi, so the calculus of this world also needs to be referenced to see if there can be some enlightenment.

"The method of gas induction?"

The calculation method of this world is not the Yijing gossip, but the spirit of the world, which senses the heaven and earth Qi machine, so as to perform the calculation according to the Qi machine induction.

"That's kind of fun!"

Li Yu nodded, and passed the calculus to other thoughts, so that those thoughts that had sunk into the virtual illusion would analyze and understand the method of calculation.

"At this moment, Wang Lao Mo is participating in the Battle of Jue Ming Valley. The war of Jue Ming Valley is to fight for a place to clean up the extraterritorial battlefield. This extraterritorial battlefield is connected to the solitary void, and it seems a bit interesting to swallow the soul!"

Li Yu's thoughts moved Tian Mingzhu to Wang Yue to Jue Ming Valley.

"What happened to Brother Tiezhu?"

Wang Yue floated in the sky, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Jingminggu, and frowned.

Below Wang Yue, a huge manor became an ice sculpture, and the entire vineyard was frozen in this extreme cold.

Before Wang Yue returned to Moxiuhai, he had re-refined Park Nan's real mountain magic weapon into a big seal and gave it to Wang Lin.

In theory, Wang Lin should have no problems. Why did you suddenly cause such a disaster?

Under the fate of Tianmingzhu, Wang Yue was a little worried about Wang Lin, and immediately decided to go to Jingming Valley to find Wang Lin and see what happened.

Driven by the light, Wang Yue let Tianmingzhu cover his breath and rushed all the way to Jue Ming Valley.

At this moment, in Minggu Valley.

Although Wang Lin had not been promoted to the "extreme" state because of his grief, there were two Jindan magic weapons and a Yuanying magic weapon given to him by Wang Yue, which belonged to invincible existence in the entire Ming Valley.

After winning the base, Wang Lin practiced the "Huangquan Shengqiao Method" in the ruins of the wasteland, but unexpectedly got involved in a battle for corpses and robbing the corpses.

Under the threat of Yuanying's corpse, Wang Lin had to enter the corpse yin through the teleportation array. Then the battle of Jingminggu exploded, and Wang Lin was sent to Jingminggu by the corpse teaching.

When Wang Yue rushed to Jingminggu, the battle of Jingminggu was over.

"Is this the Peerless Valley? Sure enough, some weather!"

In front of me is a huge valley. In a high mountain next to the valley, stands a towering sky towering into the clouds.

The multi-colored brilliance blooms on the Tongtian Tower, and the mighty atmosphere makes the surrounding heaven and earth vibrate endlessly.

"The Tongtian Tower established by the Xiuzhen Alliance, the entire Xiuzhen Alliance Star Field, also known as the Kunxu Star Field, has one such tower on every Xiuxing star and in every Xiujing country."

Tianmingzhu explained in Wang Yue's mind.

"The extraterritorial battlefield was also created by the cultivation alliance. To upgrade the cultivation country, in addition to having high-level people who have reached the standard of cultivation, there must be a record in the extraterritorial battlefield."

"The killing and killing of Xiuzhen nations is actually the method of raising nuns. The battle of the Xunzhengs keeps the entire Xiuzhen Alliance enough to deal with the threats of other star domains."

In the interpretation of Tianmingzhu, Wang Yue has fallen out of the Valley of Might.

At this time, the battle for Jingminggu has ended.

"In the Battle of Zheminggu, the winning Zongmen was ... the dead god!"

The ambassador of the Alliance for Control of Zhao Guotong's Sky Tower announced the result aloud.

"It turned out to be dead yin religion?"

After hearing this result, all the patriarchs of Zhao Guo faced each other.

In the past battles of the Ming Valley, the dead yin religion has never won. This time it turned out that the dead yin religion has won?

In fact, the dead yin does not care about the victory of Jue Minggu at all. Participating in the Battle of Jue Minggu was entirely for the corpse to take their house.

Shiyinjiao is basically doing the business of robbing the house, providing the robbing body specifically for all the cultivation nations participating in the battlefields outside the world.

Every disciple teaches a disciple, in fact, it is someone else's predatory body.

Now that the dead yin religion has won, the task of cleaning the battlefield outside the territory falls to the dead yin religion.

But ... Zhao Guo, a branch of corpse yin teaching, even palm teaching is the flesh of others.

All the disciples who participated in the battle for the Mingming Valley were either eaten by the corpse as nourishment or taken away from the house, and no one in Zhao Guo's corporal teaching ignored it.

Wang Lin turned out to be the only corpse master disciple here. So, this task was turned over to Wang Lin.

In the process of cleaning the extraterrestrial battlefield and collecting corpses, many babies can also be harvested. This opportunity made Zhao Guo's other ancestors very envious. But the big picture is set, and they can't do anything about it.

"Brother Tie Zhu!"

After Wang Lin came out, he was planning to go to the Tongtian Tower and teleport to the extraterrestrial battlefield. He saw Wang Yue come face to face.

"Tiger? Are you coming?"

Wang Lin glanced at Hu Zi unexpectedly, suddenly remembering the disappearance of the cursed mark on his forehead, his face suddenly changed, "Hu Zi, did you kill a monk named Yuan Ying?"

"I was about to ask you!"

Wang Yue stared at Wang Lin angrily, "If it weren't for my timely return, our Wang family would have been destroyed."


Wang Lin took a long breath and was very happy. "A monk named Fujii was going to grab my treasure and was killed by me. I didn't expect it to lead to a strange old baby. What's more unexpected is that he still returned Wangjiacun can be found, but fortunately you returned in time. "

"By the way, do you eliminate the aftermath?"

The power of the Teng family is not small. Even if the monk Yuan Ying is killed, it still poses a threat to the Wang family, and Wang Lin will not neglect.

"Rest assured. The rattan family is out."

"That's good!"

Wang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm going to the extraterrestrial battlefield, will I go together?"

"Okay. I'm also interested!"

Later, the two came to the Tongtian Tower and teleported to the extraterritorial battlefield in the name of the Dead Yin religion.

"This is the extraterritorial battlefield ..."

Passing through the teleportation array, the two came into a vast void.

This void is filled with a strong **** smell, and the surrounding space flashes red light, as if even the void has been stained red.

In this vast space, there are everywhere broken bodies, broken weapons, broken magic weapons.

Such a **** killing scene, even if the two brothers of the Wang family are both cruel and ruthless, could not help taking a breath.


In the distance ~ ~ A void suddenly trembled, as if swallowed up by something, a square of space disappeared.

"This is the collapse of the void! Boy, there are void cracks everywhere in this space. Behind the void is the vanishing void, so don't mess around, otherwise the husband will not have time to save you!"

Tian Ming Zhu reminded Wang Yue's mind.

Wang Lin also received the same reminder from Situ Nan.

"I'm afraid there are still some treasures in it. Since they are here, they can't be wasted!"

Either the corpse or the broken weapon magic weapon, for Tianmingzhu, they are all things that can be used. Compared with Mo Xiuhai, they have to kill by themselves to have a harvest. This is simply picking up.

"Okay, let's break up. Contact me with a messenger!"

The two exchanged a messenger, each drove up Guangguang, and began a treasure hunt.