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Chapter 446: Ascension Gate

"Iron pillar! Why is it missing?"

The moment Wang Lin disappeared, Wang Yue, Red Butterfly, and Li Muwan were all shocked.

"Boy, this is the magical moon fishing in the well from the outside world, and he took Wang Lin boy into the illusory space."

Tian Ming Zhu explained to Wang Yue.

"Palm respect?"

Wang Yue's face changed greatly. He has heard about Zhang Zun's strength. The power of the third step, this kind of power is not something they can resist at all.

"Boy, consume all fairy jade and spirit stone, the old man pulls Wang Lin boy out of the unreal space with the power of heaven."

"it is good!"

Hearing Tian Mingzhu's words, Wang Yue agreed without hesitation.

"In the name of heaven, true to true, and unreal to unreal."

Tian Mingzhu's voice sounded in Wang Yue's mind. A mysterious force, the rules of heaven and earth, the power of world order, swept through the void and enveloped the entire Suzaku star.

In the illusion of fishing in the well.

The overwhelming giant palm patted it fiercely.

There was a loud bang, and the whole illusory world was shocking.

Then ... he didn't fight!


Zhang Zun suddenly appeared, his palm was even short. At the moment of his palm, Wang Lin was gone.

To be precise, Wang Lin has escaped from the unreal space!

"Who is this? What else does Suzaku exist? It even broke the moon in my well?"

Zhang Zun raised his head in surprise, glanced around, but did not find any equivalent or close to his strength.

"Such a surprise? The old man would have to be serious ..."

Zhang Zun is about to get serious and intends to start directly at Wang Lin. Just about to start, the world is changing.


There was a loud noise.

The entire world of Dongfu shuddered in this loud noise.

"The portal of material construction, the law of order construction."

A vast voice sounded in the sky, echoing throughout the Dongfu realm.

"The gate of Dongfu, open!"

Order the world, follow your words.

Under this cry, in the void of the cave world, a huge portal, a brilliant portal, a portal to freedom and hope, opened!

The gate of glorious condensedness, like the gate of heaven, slowly opened in the horror of countless people and in the expectations of countless people.

The splendid brilliance circulates, and the sight across the portal is displayed in the eyes of all living beings in the cave realm.

The world opposite the portal, Jiuyang is extremely bright and brilliant.

The world across the portal is surrounded by fairy clouds and aura.

"Is that ... Fairyland?"

Those who didn't know the existence of Xianzhu Da6 looked up at the scene and murmured in stun.

"Immortal! That's immortal!"

"The portal is open! The gate of Dongfujie is open!"

"Great! Great!"

"How many years? How many years have you been trapped in Dongfu World? Now, you can finally go back!"

Among the colorful fairy priests opening up the dongfu realm, there are still many from the fairy tale da 6 existence. They are mostly disciples and relatives of the colorful fairy.

Since Liandao broke through the door, knocked the colorful fairy away, and after reincarnation, these people have been stranded in Dongfu Realm and have been unable to go out.

"Da da da!"

At this time, hanging high in the portal of the sky, there was a sound of footsteps.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be slight, but the slight footsteps spread throughout the Dongfu realm.

"Someone came out!"

"Who will it be? Fairy?"

In Dongfu circles, countless people who saw this scene became curious.

"Which one is here? Is it the power of the imperial imperial city? At that time, the master ... Lian Daofei fell into the cave realm. Did someone finally open the portal to find it?"

Zhang Zun's eyes flickered, and he had no intention of hitting Wang Lin's idea for a long time.

Because ... if someone from the imperial imperial city really came here. Then he's in trouble.

As Lian Daofei's palm seal, Xiaozun didn't know where Lian Daofei was, whether he was dead or alive.

If he asked, he couldn't answer. With the temper of those deities, I'm afraid he will be slapped to death.

"Damn! This is a big deal!"

I always wanted to leave the Dongfu realm, but when it was time to leave, he showed up. If he didn't find Lin Daofei, he would n’t be able to go back, and he could n’t make up.

Unlike Zhangzun, the subordinates who stayed behind Colorful Fairyzun are very much looking forward to it.

"Da da da!"

Footsteps were getting closer and closer, and gradually, a young boy in a golden crown and white robe stepped out of the light gate, appeared in the cave realm, and appeared in front of all beings.

"It's him! It's the former Supreme!"

Seeing Li Yu's appearance clearly, everyone was relieved, and at the same time they were very confused. Why does this Supreme Master come out again in Dongfu? What is he going to do?

"Announce all beings!"

"The Dongfujie portal has been opened!"

"This gate is the gate of ascension. Every living being in Dongfu Realm, after entering the third step, cannot stay, but must rise to the upper realm!"

"The second step monk, there is no problem in passing within three days. After three days, the door of ascension is closed. Only the third step of promotion can fly to the upper bound.

Li Yu stood before the light gate, and the mighty voice spread through the world.

Words follow the rules, this is the rule, this is the order!

Li Yu copied the rules of the heavens into his own avenue. The body of the rule of heaven is stored in the beads of destiny.

In Tianmingzhu ~ ~ it is no different from Li Yu.

Using the power of the heavenly rules of Tianmingzhu, Li Yu's words are the rules of heaven and earth.

"Keep the law!"

All the monks in the third step felt a repulsion from heaven and earth, and flew towards the light gate of the sky involuntarily.

This includes palm respect. This unintentional move by Li Yu directly resolved the biggest crisis facing Wang Lin.

The third step of the monk soared, and the second step of the monks couldn't sit still. Many of the second step monks who wanted to leave broke up and flew towards the door of ascension.

"We are grateful to Tianzun!"

The monks in the second step and the third step in the cave realm came to the Guangmen, worshipped Li Yu, and then passed through the Guangmen and stepped into Xianxian Da 6.

No longer paying attention to the monks who left through the light gate, Li Yu walked through the void and walked all the way through the four immortal realms of wind, rain, thunder, and electricity.

The dark yellow air flows, and the broken fairyland 6 merges and condenses into one. The flow of yin and yang was changed, and the rules of the four immortal realms of storms and lightning were re-formulated.

When the remodeling of the four immortals was completed, Li Yu made the second announcement.

"Announce all beings!"

"I open up the four immortal realms of storms and lightning in this realm. Those who step into the second step can fly up to the immortal realm. Within the cave realm, all monks in the second step must ascend to the immortal realm and must not stay in the world!

As soon as this announcement came out, the monks in the Dongfu realm who were unwilling to go to the second step of the Fairy Six, soared into the four realms.

At this point, the new order in the entire Dongfu community has been rebuilt.

Tianmingzhu became the heavenly path of the Dongfu realm, and Wang Yue, the Lord of Destiny, is already worthy of the name.

As for Wang Lin ... even if his wife is not dead, with his temperament, he will continue to practice all the way to the sky.

"Now there is only one thing left. Killing Mo, let Wang Lin refine it."