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Chapter 447: The other end of time

"Wang Lin, it's hard to flicker!"

It is impossible for Wang Lin to refining the killing avatar and killing the ink with the current strength of Wang Lin.

Therefore, Li Yu can only provide most of the things himself, such as killing the source, annihilating the source ... and then let Wang Lin separate the soul and practice the body.

However, this is exactly the most difficult place.

A guy like Wang Lin is so cunning that it is too difficult for him to provide a distraction.

"If you want to convince Wang Lin, you can only let him convince himself."

Li Yu reached out a little, mysterious light bloomed at the fingertips, time passed, past, present, future, moment, eternity ...

Endless visions circulate in the glory, and the long river of time has unfolded before Li Yu.

"The way of time, this is also the origin of the heaven and earth order I have come into contact with most."

At the beginning of the "No Start", although the main body was refining in the early stage, but after Sendai, they began to come into contact with the time of "the world originates from the beginning and all things return to nothing".

The three classics of the past, present, and future of the Great Zen Temple, the two classics of the Taishang Universe, and the eternal way of the moment.

Until now, Li Yu has achieved the origin of order, manifested yin and yang, and walked the sky. At this moment Li Yu is fully equipped with the power to trace time.

"Killing ink, then I will see you first!"

The river of time flows in front of Li Yu. Li Yu's figure is rippling like water waves, as if it does not exist in this world, as if it has always been there.

"You have the technique of flowing moon, and I also have the method of retrospection!"

Pointing at it, the long river ripples like a wave of water. In front of Li Yu, countless scenes flowed backwards like a movie rewind.

Retrospective! Retrospective!

Until the scene in front of me regressed before Wang Lin was born, the figure Li Yu looked for appeared!

black! Black Robe!

The whole body exudes cold killing intention and deep darkness! As if this figure represents the end of death and extinction.

"who are you?"

The moment Li Yu saw this figure, the dark figure turned suddenly, and the dark and cold eyes were like the abyss.

"Mu Mo, countless dream reincarnations, countless despairs, countless heartbreaking pains, are you ... not tired?"

A little glory bloomed, Li Yu's figure appeared in front of Mo Mo.

"Go to death!"

A light of destruction and darkness condensing, like the same sword light, tearing the sky, facing Li Yu, who just became apparent, beheaded and cut off.

"It is indeed a killing avatar. Without saying a word, it was directly cut off with a sword, and it was really decisive!"

Mo Yu is not good at talking. Li Yu naturally has mental preparations, but ... this is too bad to speak, right?

"It's the most troublesome to stab people with this knife!"

Li Yu sighed helplessly, reached out and pointed out, "OK!"

The fixation technique in Li Yu's hands has evolved into a stillness.

Time is still and space is frozen.

Li Yu's accomplishments in the way of time and the way of space are deeper than those of Mo Mo. Therefore, Mo Mo cannot exempt Li Yu's fixation.

Pointing it out, settled Momo.

Although it wo n’t last for a long time, it only takes a moment!

"I'm not here to fight. I'll show you something!"

Li Yu reached out with a finger and brought himself into this world. All the scenes born on Wang Lin and others passed into the sea of ​​knowledge of killing Mo.

These scenes are naturally recorded by the destiny beads. To persuade Momo, there must be something to show him. Otherwise, you can only roll up your sleeves.

"Tiger ... have been cultivated?"

"Pak Nam is dead? Heng Yuezong didn't destroy the door?"

"Fujiwahara is dead? The Wang family hasn't destroyed the door? Are both parents alive?"

"Red Butterfly, Zhou Yan, Qing Shuang, Qingshui, and ..."

"Waner ... she's not dead!"

Seeing those familiar characters, seeing the completely different destiny, especially seeing the soul-wandering figure, Mo Mo's heart has been violently stirred up.


Mo Mo's eyes widened in horror.

Taking the cultivation of Mo Mo as the realm, it can be naturally discerned that these are not illusions, they are all real, they are all real things.


Li Yuchao smiled slightly and waved his hand to release the fixation, "You boy, you can't do it. I can do it like this!"

"Waner is not dead! Haha! Haha! Waner is not dead!"

Ju Mo's face was no longer cold like facial paralysis, but became ecstatic.

"I reversed time and space, just to keep your weak figure!"

"I turned the world up, just to remember your beautiful face!"

"I smashed the sky, just to guide you home!"

"Time can't stop my footsteps, and heaven and earth can't obliterate my will. It's back, but now, Waner, you're back! You're back!"

"No! She never left!"

Li Yuchao slid a glance at him, and smiled, "Juvenile, are you happy with this ending without sorrow and pain?"

"What do you want me to do?"

Murder certainly knows that there is no such thing as selfless dedication in this world. Since Li Yu has shot, he must have his purpose.

"My purpose is simple: to straighten the timeline that you mess up."

Li Yuchao reached out to kill Mo, "Give me a copy of your memory ~ ~ and then give me a source. I want the future you to make the kill into a separate one."

"It's that simple?"

Mou is somewhat unconvinced of Li Yu's requirements.

"Well! You are suffering too much, and it seems like everyone is going to make your idea. You don't want to think about it. When I am in the realm, what else do you have to make my idea?"

Li Yu snorted, and frowned unhappyly.

"Your strength is better than me!"

Murk nodded, "Your path is different from mine. My things are really useless to you."

Mou reached out his hand and patted his chest, and a ball of darkness like ink and dignity like mercury rushed out of Mou's chest.

Immediately, a crystal-like light spot also flew from the heart of Mo Mo's eyebrow.

"This is my origin and memory!"

Mou reached out and passed the black light group and crystal light dots.


With a wave of his hand, Li Yu put the source and memory of Mo Mo into the resource library.

"So ... see you later!"

Li Yuchao smiled and waved his hand, fluttered, crossed the long river of time, and returned to the moment before.

"It's a meeting for you! It's a long wait for me!"

Mo Mo looked at Li Yu's disappearing figure, a smile appeared on his face, "Is there a world without sorrow and pain? Really ... expecting!"

In the void.

Li Yu crossed the long river and returned to the present.

The ripples of water in front of him disappeared, and the faint figure re-solidified. Everything seems unchanged.

"The real change is coming!"

Li Yu looked at the origin and memory of the ink in the resource library, and a smile appeared on his face.

"The beginning is the end! The starting point is the end! Teenager, the intersection of the past and the future is about to be unlocked in my hands!"