System Supplier

Chapter 456: Ben Jun Tian Luo

"You want to beat Tian Luo?"

Yin Kangming shook his head. "Although your strength is strong, Tian Luo ..."

Having just said this, Yin Kangming suddenly snorted and opened his mouth, "wow", spit out blood.

"Huh? Master, you ..."

Li Yu was very surprised to see Yin Kangming's situation. He just shot Yin Kangming's practice and did not attack Yin Kangming directly. What is the situation of his vomiting blood now?

"唔 ... 嗬 ......"

Yin Kangming's eyes widened and seemed to want to speak, but he couldn't speak at all.

"How is this going?"

Li Yu quickly waved a ray of light, a vitality fell into Yin Kangming's body, and constantly repaired Yin Kangming's injury.

"God ... Luo ... back ... come ...!"

Yin Kangming struggled and spat out a few words.

"Tian Luo?"

Li Yu understood it instantly.

Yin Kangming chose to use Tianluo in order to escape from the control of the split-day Zhenjun. However, is Tian Luo such a guy who feeds all beings and treats hundreds of millions of people as food?

Presumably, Yin Kangming just got out of the control of the split sky, and immediately fell into Tian Luo's hands!

"So ... Master has always been at the mercy of others! And ... Master, your so-called plan is meaningless at all."

Li Yu himself has been at the mercy of many people, such as this behind-the-scenes black hand, every move of the chess piece, any mind and mind can not escape the control of black hands.

Yin Kangming's plan was exposed to Tian Luo's eyes from the beginning!

"It's just ... Master can't think of this? Why does he dare to count Tian Luo? It seems there is still a lot of secrets in it!"

The situation in front of him seemed to be that Tian Luo had initiated a restraint on Yin Kangming.

"You want him to die, but I don't want you to do it!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Yu put Yin Kangming into the resource library. In the resource library, even a strong ban would be meaningless.

Li Yu's thoughts moved the system to clear all the restrictions on Yin Kangming.

"Does Tian Luo want to win over She Qinglian? This is really fun!"

As early as Qinglian's testimony, Qinglian's clone was already exposed to Tian Luo's eyes.

Because Tian Luo was fighting Qinglian's idea, Qinglian was able to "prove". Li Yu's nonsense "Ailian said" testimony was completely deliberately by others.

However, Tian Luo hit his idea on Qing Lianfen, which was a tragedy.

Qing Lian is just an avatar of Li Yu. To seize Qing Lian, unless he can destroy Li Yu's spirit, that is dreaming.

"I'll see how good you are."

Li Yu sneered and stepped into the "Luo Tianbao Hall."

Most of Tian Luo's puppets were dealing with the attack of Li Yu's army, and the strength guarding the hall was directly wiped out by Li Yu.

The front hall is already in ruins, but the main hall is still intact. Li Yu walked through the Baiyupu aisle and stepped directly into the main hall.

There was only an endless void in front of him, as if it were another world.

"Om ..."

Streams of light are intertwined in the void, and in the space in front of them, countless interlaced streamers have turned into a large net of light.

The avenues flow and the rules meet, and each streamer is a condensed of the laws of heaven and earth, and it is the realization of the rules of the avenue.

"Sure ... there is another heaven?"

Li Yu knew this situation very well. These boulevard rules are exactly the same as those of the heavens in Dongfu.

"Tian Luo replaced the Tao with a net and controlled the middle of the net. This net is indeed a heaven."

Li Yu's gaze was frozen, his head slammed, and the black and white Taiji Yin Yang fish emerged.

"You have your order, I have my order. Then see who is stronger!"

Li Yu waved his hand and shouted, "Tai Chi Liangyi, Five Elements and Gossip!"

The origin of the order flowed, and the Taiji yin and yang fish boomed.

The Five Elements of Shengke, derived from the Eight Diagrams, the heavens, the earth, the storm, the water, the volcano, and various hexagrams evolved to build a pure land around Li Yu.

Inside is Tai Chi, the middle is the five elements, and the periphery is the gossip. A completed figure of Taiji gossip, centered on Li Yu, spreads out all around.

"Congenital Tai Chi! Hit me!"

Li Yu yelled, and his body rose like a wild beast, slamming into Tiandao Luonet in front of him.


A terrifying explosion, an endless brilliance burst out like a firework.

This is the confrontation between order and order. This is the confrontation between law and law.

Mysterious rules of order collide, annihilating time and space, shattering the world.

Under this explosive force, the laws collided and annihilated each other. In this space, the laws of heaven and earth disappeared, only a chaotic disorder.

"The connection between Luonet and the Middle-Turkish people was cut off with the power of the sky, and there were continuous attacks by the various legions. The strength of this net is still so strong?"

Under the collision of order, the origin of Taiji did not destroy the law of crushing the net directly, which made Li Yu somewhat moved.

"This Tian Luo Zhenjun really is not ordinary!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Li Yu's eyes, "Then let you see my true power!"

"The sky is yellow, the universe is flooded!"

The "hum" of the Taiji gossip picture shook. The birth of heaven and earth manifested.

"The sun and the moon are full, Chen Su is listed."

The sun, moon and sky ~ ~ The shining stars of the stars represent light and darkness, as well as endless space.

"It's cold and summer, and it's harvested in autumn and winter."

The four seasons rotate and the plants and trees are dry and glorious. This is the process of time passing and all things breeding and evolving.

At this moment, the scene of the evolution of heaven and earth circulated around Li Yu. These scenes are the order of heaven and earth, the laws of heaven and earth, and the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

Material and order are intertwined, and heaven and earth are born like this.

This is Li Yu's way!

"Heaven and earth are constant, everything is in order. To be ruthless! Give me ... flatten it out!"

The endless sky and sky rushed up like a tide.


The raging tide of world and earth order swept out, vast and boundless!

Under this blow, the web of light manifested in the void burst into pieces, and the rule of the net that shrouded in this world was crushed by Li Yu and flattened.


The law is broken and the order is dead. This void suddenly collapsed like a broken glass, like a castle on the beach, swept away by the tide.

The scene in the hall finally appeared in front of Li Yu.

This is a beautiful and magnificent palace.

In the empty hall, there is only a gorgeous throne on the high hall.

On the magnificent throne, there is a figure with a breath like a starry sea.

It was a great man in imperial clothing, wearing a flat sky crown, awe-inspiring, majestic sky, like the emperor of heaven.

In front of the man were two long cases, and a girl lying on each case, suddenly Yin Luo. Lying on the other case was Li Yu's Qinglian clone.

"You finally came!"

Seeing Li Yu come in, the imperial man stood up, stared at Li Yu with a proud look, and said loudly, "Ben Jun, Tian Luo!"