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Chapter 601: Extreme Returns

"God robs light!"

This brilliance represents the ultimate calamity of the heavens and the earth. It can't be avoided, and it can't be resisted.

"small stone!"

Shao Hao and Qing Tianpeng exclaimed at the same time.

However, even if it is close at hand, the speed is extremely fast, and Qingtian Peng, who spreads his wings by 90 thousand miles, is too late to rescue.

Because this Guanghua represents the limit of speed.

"My supreme bone ..."

Seeing this Guanghua, feeling this power, Little Stone throbbed in her heart, but she didn't panic at the expression on her face, but with a smile.


The ultimate calamity of heaven and earth, extinct all the glory, hit him **** the small stone.

"Ha ha ha ha! Die! Go die!"

The heavy-eyed man laughed loudly, and the "Goddess of Light" erupting from his chest broke out even more violently.

He is going to obliterate the small stones completely, and there is no ash left. From this world, the traces of the existence of the small stones are completely erased.


The "Goddess of Light" with high hopes has no effect at all.

Destroy all the glory, form a beam of light, and hit it **** the small stone. Then ... as the same drop of water merged into the sea, it disappeared so silently.

It's as if there is a huge black hole in the small stone body, which is constantly devouring this Guanghua.

"You ... how is this possible?"

The heavy eyed man was shocked and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"God robs the light", how can all the forces that destroy everything, the irresistible forces, not work?

"Because ... it was mine!"

Little stone opened his arms like hugging the whole world.

Heiner rivers!

The mighty "Goddess of Light" merged into the sea like a river, and quickly merged into the body of small stones.

"So it is!"

Seeing this scene, Shao Hao and Qing Tianpeng Dasong breathed a sigh of relief on their faces.

"Om ..."

A tremble sounded from the chest of small stones, as if heaven and earth were resonating.

The splendid radiance blooms, just like the rising sun breaks, the radiance is magnificent, and the sacred glory.

In the small stone's chest, where a piece of supreme bone had been dug out, a small piece of crystal-like jade **** bone, like a spring back to the earth, had sprung.

The world resonates! All beings are terrified!

At this moment, Nirvana is born again and the Supreme is back!

After all the hardships and hardships, a born Supreme re-ascended the throne that belongs to him, overlooking all beings, crowning the world!


The monstrous gods soared into the sky, reflecting the world. The boundless power is like the ocean and the sea, and the tide is surging.

"You ... lost!"

Little Stone looked at the heavy eyes calmly, and slowly raised his arm. "Even if you are born with heavy eyes, even if you take my supreme bone, you ... still can't!"

"Ah ... ah ..."

At this time, the heavy eyed person no longer cares about the falling of the small stones.

The rebirth of the supreme bone of the small stone is constantly absorbing the "light from the sky."

The supreme bone transplanted from the chest of the heavy eyer can only continue to absorb his strength and continuously release the light of God.

The strength of the whole body is like a river breaking the dyke. The heavy eyes trembled, unable to speak.

"I used 饕餮 宝 术."

In the splendid brilliance of the small stone's chest, a giant mouth like a black hole faintly appeared.

"Goddess of Light" enters the body, activating the rebirth of the supreme bone of the small stone. At this time, the small stone ran the "Baibao" to absorb this power and further stimulate the regeneration of the Supreme Bone.

"At that time, you took my supreme bone! Until now, my grandpa, my parents, have never been found, or even alive."

Little Rock held out his palm to the eye-heavy man, "Today, I will take everything from you!"

"Well ..."

A huge puppet phantom manifested, like a huge hole like a black hole, and swallowed it towards the eye-catcher.

Suddenly, the ash disappeared! The eye-catcher Shi Yi has fallen, and his strength has become the nutrient of the Supreme Bone Rebirth.


The heavy-eyed person who turned into ashes still left something behind, which was not swallowed up by the magic technique.

Two eyes were crystal clear. A piece of **** bone is brilliant.

"Double Eyes and Supreme Bones!"

Reaching out a hand, three things fell into his hands. The small stone looked at these three things with a complex look, and sighed for a long time.

"Shaohao, please take it for me!"

After killing the heavy eyed person, Little Stone recalled the past, and he felt inexplicably sad, "My grandpa, my parents, where are you? Are you ... alive?"

"Young Master, his subordinates return!"

At this time, Poor Qi and Swallowtail, dragging two huge spiders, one gold and one black, flew all the way.

Surprisingly, the former golden retriever ape has now become a golden retriever monkey. A **** stick was held on one of the paws of the swallowtail.


The golden retriever monkey jumped from Po Qi's back and grinned at the small stone with a tusks.

"This guy ... how did he become a monkey again?"

Seeing the golden retriever monkey, both Little Rock and Shao Hao were very surprised. The golden ape before, the fury was a complete mess, now ... 咋 has become such a stupid look?

"That big guy is asleep. It's not a matter of life and death that he won't wake up."

Qiu Qi put down the big spider and explained to the two.

In fact, this is nothing to do with sleep. It's just that the seal set by Li Yu is working.

"Young master ~ ~ The demon lake is plotting to be wrong, and the intention is not good for the young master, it is absolutely evil! Please ask the young master to order and level the demon lake!"

The gorilla yelled indignantly aside.

This time, defending the young master, Po Qiqi made great achievements. Although the swallowing queen arrived, it was just the icing on the cake, and did not get the opportunity to share the suffering with the young master.

Now, only by leveling the Demon Lake and venting for the young master, can he have a chance to perform.

"Devil Lake, really can't let go!"

Shao Hao and Xiao Shito looked at each other and nodded together.

This nest of spider spirits from the Demon Lake has a very bad attitude towards the human race.

Moreover, they are the forces behind the eye-catchers, colluding with the Yu clan, intending to interfere in Shi's internal affairs, and provoking Shi's internal chaos.

More importantly, Shao Hao and Little Stone were almost killed by the Demon Lake!

With their temperament, how can they swallow this breath?

"Let's go! Flat out the Demon Lake!"

After collecting the bodies of the two big spiders and the big stick of the golden retriever monkey, Shao Hao and Xiao Shitou sat on the backs of Qiu Qi and Tun Que respectively, and hurried to the Demon Lake.

Even if the golden retriever monkey has become a cute pet again, there is no magical power that destroys the world. However, there are Qi Qi, Swallowing Sky Sparrow and Qing Tianpeng, the three pure blood real spirits of the Sovereign's realm, and the demon spirit lake, which can be destroyed with a finger.

"Let the destruction of the Demon Lake give a warning to all forces. My young master, not everyone can mess with it!"

The swallowing bird screamed and burst into the air.

"The critical moment didn't show up. You're so noisy now, it's too late!"

Poor Qi laughed secretly, flapping his wings, galloping all the way.

As a result, Demon Lake is about to usher in a devastating blow.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Three heads of mobile phone reading URL: