System Supplier

Chapter 78: Make another system

"Good perseverance! Good tenacity!"

I looked at the lonely boy in the field, Li Yu nodded in admiration.

Ten years of persistence as a day, regardless of day and night, regardless of cold and summer efforts, this kind of mentality can be said to be firm and firm, like iron.

He has such a mindset, as long as he is given a chance, he will be able to fly into the sky.

"This is a good seed for the host!"

Seeing such a candidate, Li Yu suddenly felt an unexpected gain.

Such a tough-minded young man has experienced ten years of hardship, and his heart has been tempered and rounded. No matter what difficulties he encounters, he can rise up and never shrink back, never give up.

"This kind of character is just a mass actor who doesn't even have a name in the original work, not even a dragon suit?"

After turning this idea in his head, Li Yu immediately understood the reason.

Xi Tianzi was so close to this level that he was fifteen years old. According to the rules of the Xiao family, at the age of sixteen, he could not reach the seventh power of the fighting force, and the family would no longer support him for spiritual practice.

Obviously, according to this rule, this young man will definitely fade away next year. Can't wait until the beginning of the plot, and has already retired.

少年 "Juvenile, are you still lamenting God's injustice? As a genius, as a background character without a name, without lines, without a camera, are you unwilling? Are you still secretly swearing, don't bully the youth?"

"Come on! Come and buy a system! Guarantee to let you reach the pinnacle of life from now on!"

"As long as 1998, the system will take home!"

With this series of advertisements in mind, Li Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Aren't talents or something for me? Isn't it a hand for me? Take a little vitality from the crocodile ancestor's body, and you will be born again."

豫 Li Yu secretly made up his mind, "This boy is good. I chose him as the host."

"Wait? Wait? What's his name? Xiao Feng? Or Xiao Feng? If it's the latter ... then there's nothing you can do about it. This name is too dangling to be provoked."

I glanced at the teenager who was still sweating on the training ground, Li Yu smiled, "Juvenile, as long as you are not the name behind, you will soon have the opportunity to change your destiny and fly into the sky."

With a stunned figure, Li Yu disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Li Yu's figure appeared in Wuyuan City.

I casually found a hotel to stay, and Li Yu began to consider the issue of manufacturing system.

"In this world, the most powerful profession must be a pharmacist. The practitioners can absorb the growth of heaven and earth, but the pharmacist can use elixir to greatly increase the rate of energy absorption. In this respect of force In the world, pharmacists are bound to be sought after by countless people. "

"In this way, the system I want to make must be related to the pharmacist. So, I want to make a pharmacist system."

Determining the functional scope of the system, Li Yu began to think about the details.

"This world must have the corresponding qualifications to become a pharmacist, otherwise it is impossible to become a pharmacist."

"There are three requirements for the qualification of a pharmacist. One is the flame attribute. This is not a problem at all. The flames in the fire domain are still lighting! Just take a trace and you can get any flame attribute."

"The second requirement is that in addition to the fire attribute, there is a trace of wood attribute in the soul. In this case ..."

豫 Li Yu opened the resource library, looked at the residual souls of the descendants of the Qing Emperor stored in the resource library, and nodded with a smile.

"The Qing emperor's body is a chaotic green lotus. Even if it is transformed into a human, the congenital wood attribute cannot be changed. As a descendant of the Qing emperor, the residual soul must be a wooden attribute."

"As long as you take out the power of the pure soul left by the remnant soul and merge it into the soul, you can have the wood property. This problem is easy to solve."

"The third requirement is soul perception. The effect of soul perception on refining medicine is huge."

豫 Li Yu is well aware of the role of soul perception.

没有 There are no two identical flowers in the world. Even according to the Danfang refining medicine, there must be slight differences between the two same medicinal materials of the same year.

If the soul is not strong enough to perceive the difference, there will be errors in the process of refining. In this way, the success rate of refining medicines cannot be guaranteed at all.

Even the ordinary elixir, if it is the kind of elixir that even the materials are very rare, it takes a lot of hard work to make up the elixir. If the success rate is not high, do you dare to practice it?

More importantly, alchemy in this world is all fire. Without enough soul perception, how can you control the raging flames? Accidentally, all materials will burn to ashes, and no elixir can be made at all.

"Soul perception is related to the strength of the soul. This problem is also easy. The corpses turned up by Zhou Yizi have extracted countless pure soul powers."

"Those are the souls of the monks of the round sea and the Tao Palace, so just take one to add, the power of the soul is absolutely skyrocketing."

With these conditions, anyone can be qualified as a pharmacist. Coupled with all the knowledge scanned and copied from Xiao Yan's ring, with the junior pharmacist knowledge of Jiupin, it is completely enough.

All the conditions are met, there is no problem in manufacturing a pharmacist system ~ ~ Based on the knowledge of Jiupin Pharmacist, a pharmacist system is manufactured. "

Following Li Yu's order, the system workbench was instantly opened, and the scanned and copied knowledge of Jiupin pharmacist was incorporated into the workbench. The colorful lights rose and the workbench was started.

"First is the system naming! The host is the indigenous of this world, it is impossible to know what the system is. So you must also choose a name that can flicker."

"What's the name? The Medicine King Divine Code? Too much scripture? Hey? Why is it too much? Forget it, too much scripture? The last one is too heavenly scripture. "

既然 "Since it is called the Taishang Scripture, its appearance ... The books of this world seem to be in scroll form? Then use the scroll form! The style must be simple and atmospheric, so that people feel very tall at first glance."

Following Li Yu's instructions, a brilliant glow broke out on the workbench, a black golden luster, a scroll full of mysterious characters, floating from the glow.

"Well, it's not bad. This looks like it can fool people."

豫 Li Yu nodded and began to set the specific rules of the "Tai Shang Dan Jing".

首先 "First of all ... there must be an old grandfather! What does it look like ... just like the quaint old man from the east of Ziqi when Zhouyi flickered."

"The grandfather calls himself‘ too great Danling ’and is responsible for answering the host ’s questions, directing the host ’s practice, and helping the host grow.”

"The permission rules refer to the book" Tai Shang Tian Jing ". Hide the true origin of" Tai Shang Dan Jing "and must not disclose any information about the maker. At the same time, set me as the highest authority of" Tai Shang Dan Jing "and hide this One. "

As Li Yu's order was issued, rules were continuously entered. Soon, the "Tai Shang Dan Jing" system had already begun to take shape.