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Chapter 840: Li Yu's Harvest

"The copycat version of Sanqing is now alive."

Li Yu retracted his gaze, and stretched out his hand, and a branch of Jianmu appeared in his hand.

This is a piece of construction wood collected by Xiaomeng in the "Nine Heavy Sky".

"Daoguo is a mysterious collection of all the world. The world tree of Jianmu is also the embodiment of world rules."

In this world, Rulai Buddha swallowed a fruit of building wood, and achieved ... half a "dao fruit".

"The Tao fruit is not a foreign object. The way to come to Buddha is wrong. Swallowing the fruit of Jianmu cannot truly become enlightenment. However, Jianmu contains the rules of heaven and earth and endless mystery, but it is true."

For Li Yu, the rules of heaven and earth are his goal and the food of his own path.

Such things naturally cannot be ignored.

"Although there are only a few branches, I remotely manipulated Xiaomeng's" master **** props ", and copied all the rules of heaven and earth contained in Jianmu and stored them in this branch."

Li Yu releases his soul, divides his soul into hundreds of millions, and enters this section of construction wood branches, realizing the rules of the heaven and earth in this world.

"Sure enough, heaven and earth are mysterious.

The spirit entered the branches of Jianmu, feeling the rules of heaven and earth, Li Yu smiled and nodded.

In the current state of Li Yu, being distracted by hundreds of millions, even if it is a rule of one world, it will not take long for him to realize it.

"The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was the beginning of chaos, too high was the order of heaven and earth, and heaven was the source of material. Sure enough, my path is similar to that of Sanqing."

There is a glorious flow of fingertips, as if there is an endless world, billions of time and space are hidden in it.

Everything in heaven and earth evolved in it.

Matter and energy blend into a yellowish air. Retrograde retrospectively, from Xuanhuang Qi to yin and yang. Then matter and order intertwine and continually condense, as if to condense into a single point.

As if heaven and earth were in the beginning, Hongmeng had not sentenced. There seemed to be a black hole flowing around Li Yu's body.

Matter and law are extremely condensed, as if to be transformed into chaos and nothingness.


This black hole, looming out of chaos, was instantly destroyed, and all visions disappeared.

"Sure enough, even if you simulate the road of Sanqing, you can't really be a chaos."

Yuanshi is chaos. However, after breaking new ground, he is no longer chaotic, just a bit chaotic.

What is real chaos?

Chaos is nothingness.

No time, no space. No matter, no energy. No order, no rules.

In essence, chaos is "nameless."

Name Chaos "Chaos". This naming process is an order. But ... chaos is out of order.

Road to Road, very Avenue.

"It turns out ... the moment he was born in Yuanshi, he was no longer chaotic!"

After understanding this truth, Li Yu found that his path to trace chaos and achieve the "root" is very difficult.

Because chaos is nothingness, it doesn't have any "things" or "concepts," and it doesn't have any "rules" or "orders."

Once Li Yu achieves chaos, then ... does this existence named "Li Yu" also become nothingness?

If even "Li Yu" is gone, and it has become nothing, what is the significance of my achievement of "chaos"?

At this moment, Li Yu was a little confused.


Suddenly surprised, Li Yu quickly cut off the meaning of "blank".

"Dao Xin cannot be shaken!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Yu's heart instantly turned into glaze, pure and immaculate, not dusty.

"The avenue is difficult. Only when the heart is as strong as iron and the difficulties are overcome, can the path be made."

After re-training his mind, Li Yu also let go of the "chaos" problem. "In my current state, I can't fully understand" chaos ", and now I think it may be wrong."

Leaving aside this question, Li Yu's eyes are on the "Daoguo" of this world.

"There are also unknowable, unpredictable, and unspeakable features in this world. But it is certainly not as good as chaos. Because ... chaos doesn't even have the concept of" dao fruit. "

With a slight smile, Li Yu reached out his hand, and the three "copycat versions" of San Qing's traditions were manifested in front of Li Yu.

"Yuan Shi is the closest existence to chaos. His skills are still worth learning from."

Li Yu's gaze was on the "Nine Seals of the Yuan Dynasty."

"The Nine Seals of the Yuan Dynasty, the most important ones are 'Wu Jiyin', 'Tao Yiyin' and 'Opening the Seal of Heaven'."

"The Promise of India" is to simulate chaos and is the beginning of heaven and earth.

"Tao Yi Yin" is the "causes of effects" and the source of all causes and effects.

Needless to say, "open the sky", it represents the beginning of chaos, it is a simulation of the process of opening up the world.

As for the other "Changing Yin, Wu Ji Yin, Yin Yang Yin, Yuan Xin Yin, Four Elephant Seals, Void Seals", all evolved from these three seals.

Although Xiaomeng's "Yuanshi inheritance" has only the level of peak location. But Li Yu is not trying to learn this technique, he only needs to draw on the "true meaning" of it.

"The Promise of Insignia ... It really only simulates 'Chaos.' Although the offensive and defensive capabilities are extremely scary, this is not what I want."

In the realm of Li Yu, what he pursues is "the Tao." Magical powers like attack and defense are worthless.

"At the end of the epoch represented by the Four Swords of Wuxian, material destruction was over. Although there is also the intention to return to chaos, the most manifestation is still lethality. It seems that only by obtaining a complete heritage can I give me a little reference.

After passing on the exercises of the "Sanzhai Edition Sanqing", Li Yu shook his head and left them all aside.

"Except for the rules of the heavens and the earth on the construction wood, I have gained some gains. The other arrangements have not been harvested for the time being."

However, these three "copycat versions of Sanqing" have already attracted the attention of "Tai Shang Laojun". Next, Laojun will definitely make some intentional or unintentional actions.

"The end of the epoch in this world will come in more than a hundred years ~ ~ It seems that you can also look at the end of the epoch and all things return to chaos."

At the end of the epoch, everything is chaos. Then ... the next era was born in the chaos.

This process is by far the only opportunity for Li Yu to get close contact with chaos, and it must be carefully observed.

"The rules of the world have been reached, and the rest is to watch the" End of the Era "and" San Qing Evangelism "as my food for self-cultivation."

The arrangements are all arranged, the rest is to slowly play the "game".

"The trumpet of Bai Ze, we must continue to practice."

"After all," Daogu has to be experienced by yourself. It is in line with Li Yu's "planning" that the cultivation of "Bai Ze" also rises to the other side of the "half-walk fruit" or "illusive Tao fruit".

"In the rest of the time, you can‘ upgrade your practice ’.”

Holding up the wine glass and drinking it, Li Yu smiled and began to "trumpet".