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Chapter 903: Mighty saboteur

"Very pretty, you're naughty again!"

Wu Wenming also had a long time with this young daughter of Zhu Rong's family.

In the southern wasteland realm, Zhu Rong's respect is the most important thing. Yun Wenming wants to take away Ji Hao and Qing Ming. Naturally, they should have no worries and naturally say hello to Zhu Rong's family.

Although Lao Zhurong was away, his sons were still there.

But ... I didn't expect this to happen, and provoked Zhu Rong's little daughter.

This young girl who tossed Zhu Rongfeng to the point of being a chicken and a dog jumped. In the eyes of a group of brothers who sent the plague god, they jumped up and down and followed him to Zhu Rongfeng.

As soon as he arrived in Lengxi Valley, he smashed Qingming's "Mountain Giant" with a bag.

The emblem of Zhu Rong, all the creatures in Nanhuang have no idea.

The little ancestor of Zhu Rong's family couldn't afford it. You can't fight, but ... she's struggling with blackbirds and has to fight her!

As a result, the black cricket can only lose out again and again.

"A fake can be so realistic, talent!"

After understanding the truth, Ji Hao raised his thumb fiercely to the blackbird.

"Uncle Wenming, we have decided to follow you to Middle-earth."

It is learned that the Mingwen Ming has made the Fire Raven and Qingyi Departments become Zhu Rong's dependents, and is protected by Zhu Rong's. Qing Ming's last trace of worry was gone.

"OK! OK! OK!"

Yun Wen laughed, "You young men Yingjie, you should go to Middle-earth to see the world."

"Young Yingjie? Are you strong? Come on, compare with me!"

A pair of sledgehammers were screamed and screamed loudly, and the wind was blowing.

There was another chicken flying dog jumping.

"Very pretty, if you make trouble again, I won't take you to Middle-earth!"

Wu Wenming reached out and grabbed the sledgehammer in his hand, holding down the belligerent girl, but his heart was speechless.

No wonder Lao Zhurong did not want to return to Middle-earth. Does anyone have a daughter like this? Old Zhu Rong wants to be invisible?

How many properties does Lao Zhurong have to post to marry this daughter?

Another day passed.

In the presence of countless people from the Fire Raven and Qingyi Department, Ji Wenming took Ji Hao and Qingyi to the road.


Between the branches and leaves, a fiery leopard came out of the forest. Hen Luo sat on the leopard and looked up at Qing Ming. "I'm going to Middle-earth too!"


Qing Ming touched his head and wondered how to answer.

"Of course you are coming!"

Ji Hao laughed and welcomed Hen Luo's arrival. Is Illidan and Tyrande together? This is really fun!

"Wooden charm?"

Wu Wenming glanced at Hengluo and Qingming again, and nodded with a smile, "Well, let's come together!"

So there was another person in the team.

Along the way, over mountains. More and more remote, and more and more south.

"Uncle, shouldn't Middle East be to the north? How can we go south?"

Ji Hao couldn't help it, and asked Hao Ming Wen Ming.

"There is a void gap between Middle-earth and Nanhuang. There is no way to go directly. We have to go by boat."

He Wenming explained, leading everyone into a wilderness, standing on a cliff, waiting for the ship's arrival.

Waited another three days.

In the early morning of the third day, a huge roar came from afar, as if the whole land was shaking.

"咚 ... 咚 ... 咚 ......"

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the heavens and the earth, and from a distance, a huge city came along all the way.

"That's the ship?"

Qing Ming's "double eye" has already seen the distant scene clearly.

It wasn't a ship or a floating city, but ... a huge black turtle.

The broad carapace is about thirty miles in diameter, and four giant legs, like Tianzhu, step on the ground, making a loud noise shaking from the ground.

Seems clumsy, but fast.

This giant black turtle came galloping, and after a moment, it stopped in front of everyone.

"Guest, do you want to take a boat to Middle-earth?"

In the giant city of Turtle's back, a man in a robe looked at the crowd with a smile, "Thirty jade money."

"Isn't it five jade coins per person? It should be twenty-five. Why is it thirty?"

Wu Wenming touched his pocket ... well, our Dayu, the founder of the future Daxia Dynasty, he ... no money!

"So big a leopard has to collect a share of money!"

The man in the robe smiled. "Business is not easy! We can't help it."

"Jade money?"

Ji Hao and Qing Ming looked at each other. They ... haven't even heard of Yuqian, so it's impossible to have money.

"Find us a quiet yard."

At this time, quite a wave of his hand threw a flaming gem, and the very tyrants waved.

It turns out ... there is a local tyrant around!

Ji Hao and Qing Ming looked at each other and laughed. It was so good to be friends with the local tyrants!

"The essence of fire, good stuff!"

The man in the robe took the gem and quickly opened the city gate, greeted with a smile on his face, "Several VIPs, please inside!"

The city built on the back of the black turtle is not small.

After they entered the city, they found that it looked like a market. There are various shops on both sides of the street.

It's just ... there are not many customers in the city.

"Caravans like them, after arriving at a trading place, will open markets and trade with people. Now, they have returned. I am afraid that these market stores have become warehouses.

Wu Wenming was well-informed and introduced Ji Hao to their southern wasteland buns while walking.

"Guests are so knowledgeable!"

The man in the robe admired, and took everyone along to a quiet solitary courtyard.

"The yard is ok."

Quite nodded, went to the door and reached out a hand.


The gate of the yard should be broken by hand!


Wu Wenming and others touched the forehead and said nothing to look at the sky.

The caravan's robe man was stunned, and only a moment later came back, "That ... guest, the essence of the fire you gave is enough to compensate this door. Anyway! No matter!

"So stubborn? Your door ... paper?"

She shook her hand, snorted, and went into the yard.

"Well ... wait!"

Yun Wenming's face changed and he yelled.

Before he finished speaking, there was another tweet.

"This time ... the essence of fire is not enough!"

The man in the robe blinked his eyes, looked up at Yun Wenming, "guest ... look ..."


Another fiery jewel broke through.

The man in the robe reached out to take over ~ ~ and nodded with a smile and shouted at the pretty man in the yard, "Guest, I've already planned to rebuild this yard. You can do it at will! Don't be afraid to remove ! "

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

This crackling sound makes your eyes jump!

Wu Wenming, Ji Hao, Qing Ming and Heng Luo, and even the leopard of Heng Luo, all looked at the sky silently.

Ji Hao's mind had already floated a word, "Destruction God"!


Wu Wenming sighed. This time, it was quite a mistake!

What did Lao Zhurong give her? He is stronger than the real dragon cubs, but he can't control it at all.

This way down ... Old Zhu Rong, I hope your family is thick enough!

Yunwen shook his head for a while.