System Supplier

Chapter 920: Really abducted his wife

"Is it elevated to second level?"

Passing on the clothes and other people, Li Yu sat down in the hall of Xianfu and began to check the elevation of system permissions.

"It took such a long time to raise the authority to the second level, system, what is the highest level of this authority?"

Seeing that "second-level authority", Li Yu suddenly felt a bit dazzling.

"There are three levels of system permissions."

"Only three levels? That's fine."

Li Yu was relieved. If this permission setting reaches hundreds of levels, I don't know what year and month will be able to reach the full level.

"Let's take a look at the second-level permissions, and what features are open!"

In fact, in the current state of Li Yu, the system functions are not used much. Except for occasional pitting and collecting things, I haven't used much of the system's functions.

Open the system interface, in addition to the familiar "workbench", "resource library", there is also a "mall chain" function.

"Mall chain, every mall store in the world can communicate with each other, can you buy goods from any world?"

Well, this feature can be ignored.

In Li Yu's current state, what other "chain mall" is needed?

However, this function is still very useful for those legions of various circles who guard the mall base.

"Then open the function of this mall chain! After all, those people are also my subordinates. It should also give them some benefits."

In addition to the "Mall Chain", there are two new features.

"Designate to travel across the world by yourself? This feature is finally here."

Before Li Yu crossed the world, she could only rely on her luck to play roulette. Now she can finally designate the world by herself.

This function is very convenient. Compared with the previous luck, this way, the autonomy is much greater, you can choose the world that is more suitable for him.

In addition to designating the world by yourself, there is also a "law extraction" function.

This feature is pretty good.

The world that owns the mall base or system host can scan and extract the rules of the world of that world through transit and scanning.

Before Li Yu was promoted to the need to fuse the rules of the heavens and the earth, he had gone through several worlds. Those world rules of the world, Li Yu did not control.

With this function, the world of Xiao Yan, Hong Yi, Han Yan, and Wang Lin, the world's rules of the world, can be started.

"You don't have to go there again, just to save time."

Turning on the "law extraction" function consumed a lot of energy to extract the heaven and earth rules of these worlds and incorporated them into its own system.

As for energy consumption, there are Dark Immortal and Black Giant Panyu. These two black guys are staying in the resource library. What energy are they worried about?

Well, these two guys are black, but Li Dahei.


Seeing the resource library, Li Yu found out that Dragon Mother was also stored in the resource library.

Let me go. Now ... have really run away someone else's wife?

Although, Li Yu did not intend to let go of the two chaotic Yuanlongs. But ... I didn't care about it before, now I think, it seems ... a little embarrassing.

"Dragon Mother's spirit has already been transformed again, shouldn't it count as someone else's wife? Well, definitely not."

To find an excuse for himself, Li Yu waved and released the mother of dragon and the son of nine ancestors.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The mother of dragon, with the sons of nine ancestor dragons, bowed down before Li Yu.

"Long Mo, take Ao Guang to them!"

In the memory of Li Yu's reinvention, the mother of dragon cannot naturally be called mother of dragon, she is called dragon. She is Li Yu's "vehicle administrator", and the nine golden dragons naturally pull the car.


Long Mo and Jiulong retreated, holding Li Yu's Jiulong Ruyi and returned ... should be regarded as "beast pens"?

However, Li Yu was not too harsh. When the ten dragons were okay, they made a noise in the river and waterfall that day.

"The rest is Dragon Brother of Chaos Yuanlong."

In the last world, Li Yu didn't have much harvest in kind. In addition to Pan Yu, there are several dragons.

"This chaotic Yuanlong is still used as a material in the resource library!"

The Dark Immortal Emperor and the Black Giant Panyu are all stored in the resource library. Chaos Yuanlong can only be placed like this.

Li Yu now has no shortage of men and women.

What he lacks is top-notch strength.

This kind of power can only rely on oneself, there is no way to make an idea from others.

"This time travelling through the world, it didn't take long, but I learned a lot."

Realizing the two chaotic characteristics, let Li Yu's own cultivation, take another step ahead. Moreover, he also obtained the laws of heaven and earth from countless worlds he devoured from Pan Yu.

"The laws of heaven and earth in all the worlds engulfed by Panyu can only be regarded as the laws of the same system. Although they are different, they have the same roots."

With the heaven and earth laws of the two top worlds, Pangu and Panyu, the other world laws are actually within the laws of the world like Pangu and Panyu, but they have different emphases.

"Continuously merging various laws of heaven and earth, and based on these laws of heaven and earth, to derive complete chaos, this road is still very difficult!"

Although two chaotic characteristics have been harvested, ... whether these two characteristics are completely correct, even Li Yu himself cannot be sure.

"Slow accumulation, there will always be a day to come."

Shaking his head, no longer thinking about it, Li Yu intends to open a new world.

"Time is tight, especially in the main world. I can only cope with time and continue my strength to cope with the coming crisis."

The "he" of the Lord's World is about to wake up.

If the time is sufficient, Li Yu will definitely travel all over the world to search for this "his" information. However, there is no time to do this now.

"If I can achieve chaos within ten years, then it's easy to say anything. If I can't achieve chaos, looking for more information and collecting more information is useless."

In this emergency, we can only grasp the most critical things.

"System, open the next world."

Just returned, just after finishing the harvest of the last world, Li Yuma kept on and started again


The same roulette appeared in front of Li Yu.

Unlike before, Li Yu can choose all the worlds shown in the grid on the roulette, and no roulette is needed.

"There are two worlds that fit my requirements."

Li Yuchao glanced at the roulette and soon discovered the two worlds that he liked.

"I got a world-breaking method in the world of Pangu ~ However, Pangu's method is very dangerous. After opening the world, it is in danger of falling down. This method is too rough."

The two worlds shown on the roulette have their own ways to practice one world.

This self-contained approach is very helpful for Li Yu to study chaos.

It is a slow, but more convenient way to perceive chaos than to practice a world from one's own body and experience a groundbreaking process.

"Is it a change of stars? Or devour the stars?"

Both worlds have the same origin, but the rules are different. One is a different world, one is a world of the earth.

"I haven't seen the earth for a long time, let's look at the earth world that devours the stars! The next time I go to the world of the stars, it's too late."

With a flash of light, Li Yu disappeared instantly.

A new journey has begun!