System Supplier

Chapter 955: Undead Monster

"The candy project begins!"

With the orders of the heads of state, streamers flew into the air.

"Boom! Boom!"

Loaded with nuclear bombs provided by various countries, a total of 19 fighter planes broke into the air.

"Must succeed!"

"It must be done!"

At this moment, all high-level officials in the world clenched their fists. Through satellite monitoring, they clearly saw that these fighters were flying into the sky carrying human hope.

In the central and eastern part of Eurasia, a giant body covered with black scale armor roars and flies from the air.

As if a king was visiting his territory, it was as if a hunter was watching his hunting ground. In the eyes of the Golden Horned Monster, this low-level planet has nothing to threaten it at all.

A fighter jet roared.

In the eyes of the Golden Horned Beast, such a dozen-meter-long fighter is simply a small fly. And without revealing any arrogance, there is no threat at all.

The only thing that caught the attention of the Golden Horned Monster was the metal on that fighter. For the Golden Horned Monster, that's all food.

The food delivered to your door is naturally welcome.

Opening the huge mouth of the teeth, the black halo circulated in the mouth, as if a black hole had formed in the mouth of the golden horned monster.

The Devour Talent is about to start.

At this moment, nineteen fighter planes rushed to the side of the golden horned monster.

"Must succeed!"

At this moment, all high-level humans in the world clenched their fists tightly.

Victory is life, defeat is death!

If the "Candy Project" fails, there will be no force on the entire earth to resist the fierce might of the Golden Horned Monster, and humanity will probably die out.

The sweat rolled off his forehead, and everyone stared intently at the screen, waiting for the final judgment.


When all the fighters rushed to the side of the golden horn monster, the nuclear bomb exploded!

There was a loud noise, and the sky broke!

There is only endless brilliance between heaven and earth. Dazzling, illuminating the whole world.

As if another sun was rising in the sky.

But this sun only brings destruction!

The land in central Eurasia, in this explosion, exploded directly into a huge pit.

"Must succeed! MUST succeed!"

The senior humans hold their breath and stare at the screen, waiting for the final result.


An angry roar sounded, and the dark and icy beast flew out of the brilliance and headed straight into the sky.

The dark scales were slightly damaged, exposing blood stains. A huge wound of more than ten meters was ripped in the abdomen, and blood spewed.

However, its skull is still high, and the sharp corner is still sharp!

The golden streaks covered the golden light. In this golden light, the scars of the golden horned monster were constantly repaired. For a moment, no injuries were seen!

"It's over!"

"How can it be!"

"How could it not die?"

Seeing this scene, everyone looked pale!

Even a nuclear bomb cannot be killed. How can such a monster be killed? Human ... Is there a future?

"Zi Qing, Thor and I plan to kill it!"

At this time, Liu Ziqing's communicator sounded the impassioned voice of "Hong", "Although there is no chance of winning here, we have no escape route, we can only die!"

Protect the earth! Protect humanity! Do not hesitate to fight!

Hong's belief is as fiery as the sun and as strong as the mountains.

"Brother, brother, you ..."

After hearing this, Liu Ziqing was startled.

Yi Hong and Thunder God joined forces to kill the golden horn monster even if they are desperate.

Although he hasn't been in contact for a long time, Liu Ziqing admires Hong and Thor's fortitude and integrity.

Sacrifice yourself for others. Although Liu Ziqing is not so noble and selfless, he also admires such noble and selfless people.


Liu Ziqing's heart was a little blocked.

Watching them go to death? Should I just stand by and watch?

Shushan swordsman! Shushan swordsman!

Swordman, it ’s better to bend than bend! Chivalrous, for the country and for the people!

"If I and the two of them join forces, we should not be able to defeat them all, and we will be able to defeat the golden horned beast? Not to mention that just after the nuclear bomb attack, it cannot be harmless!

Liu Ziqing took a deep breath and held down the hilt of his sword, his blood twitching in his heart. "Brother, brother, count me as one!"

Jian Guang soared into the sky, Liu Ziqing whistled into the sky.

"Ziqing, you ..."

When he heard Liu Ziqing's answer, Hong was shocked, "I ... I just want to tell you the funeral, not to make you desperate too! You are still young ..."

"I don't come, you just give away! Tell me what happened? To explain what happened, find Luo Feng!"

Liu Ziqing laughed loudly, Jianguang rose into the sky, and hurried to the direction of Hong and Thor.

"With Ziqing, the three of us joined forces and our odds are a little bit bigger."

Hong Shen took a deep breath, nodded, dialed Luo Feng's communicator, and began to explain the aftermath.

"What? The three of you are going to fight the Golden Horn monster? Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Just after finding a laser cannon from the alien remains, Luo Feng suddenly received a call from Hong.

Upon hearing the news, Luo Feng jumped in shock, "You guys, I found a laser cannon! The laser cannon is powerful enough to kill the golden horn monster!"

"Huh? Laser cannon?"

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Hong stunned and laughed again, "Sure enough, there is no such thing as heaven!"

"Is a laser cannon? Which relic on the earth still has such a powerful laser cannon?"

At this time, Liu Ziqing had merged with Hong and Thor. After hearing this, Liu Ziqing froze a moment and asked in doubt.

"Isn't it the ruins on the 12th? That place is dangerous. How did Luo Feng get in?"

In addition to the remains of the Bermuda Pyramid and Shennongjia, there is also a No. 12 ruin, ranking third in danger.

Hong and Thor have both thought about the idea of ​​this ruin, but they can't get in at all.

As for Liu Ziqing, who killed in the virtual universe for two years, he didn't even know that there is still this 12th ruin.

After a while, Luo Feng drove the fighter to the crowd.

"I'm coming!"

Luo Feng jumped off the fighter and came to the three.

Behind him, three robots followed. Two are humanoid robots made of silver. There is also a ferrous metal robot with a huge laser cannon in his hand.

"Silver guards? B6 laser cannons? Good guys, this is no problem!"

Seeing the three robots behind Luo Feng, Hong laughed with joy.

"Quick! Set up the laser cannon and give it a hard shot!"

At this moment ~ ~ The golden horned monster that was attacked by nuclear bombs is raging raging in Eurasia.

Nearby European Union and Russia, many bases have been attacked by the Golden Horn monster.

"This is an individual weapon. To ensure maximum lethality, we must approach it."

Luo Feng instructed the black metal robot, "Target golden horn monster, action!"


The robot rose into the air in an instant and flew towards the Golden Horn monster.

"Hope this time!"

Liu Ziqing looked at the direction the robot went away and exhaled a long breath.

Purple gold gourd smiled and said nothing.

The golden horned monster is the body Luo Feng wants to take away. Although there are many ways for the purple gold gourd to make Liu Ziqing kill the golden horned monster, it is not easy to intervene.