Take a Husband for Farming

Chapter 306

Mu Rouzang asked to settle down, and Mrs. Liu's lips hung a little pride and said to her sisters, "This is my little daughter who I often mention."

Everyone looked at it carefully, and saw her lips slightly curled, her figure was soft, and her black eyes were very smart.

"Second sister, you are really blessed to have such a spiritual daughter, you really envy me and wait." A blessed lady spoke first.

Another continued: "I heard that it's a pair of siblings, it's a good word!"

Mrs. Liu was proud of herself, and smiled, "It was just that I picked up the bargain. Both of her brothers and sisters were very upset. The older one was my master's close disciple."

"Really, my sister, this is not yours. My grandson is going to go to school in the eyes. Otherwise, you ask your husband to consider, this bundle of repairs will not lose."

"Hey, my little daughter has been standing for a long time." Mrs. Liu made a joke when she didn't want to take this lady's word.

Mu Rou Sang is well-behaved and generous in the bottom of the head. Let these husbands look at it. There is no way. Madam Liu now wants to ask her to act as a good-looking apple. road.

After listening to it, several ladies took the ornaments from their bodies and gave them to Mu Rouzang, and then they followed Chun Ran who came in, but they just ran a trip and added a few things to her dowry box. .

Madam Liu saw that several ladies had a good impression on her, so she sent Mu Rouzang down.

When adults talk to children, don't interrupt, let alone what they say, Mu Rou Sang is not interested, so he took the girl and stepped back.

After getting out of the main room, standing under the steps, reaching out to set up a pergola and looking out to the courtyard, it was already noon, and she turned to ask Chun Ran, who was behind her, "but is about to have dinner?"

"But the girl is hungry?" Chunjing came over from the porch.

Mu Rouzang took a sip of her: "You eat, see the little girl who led the way before?"

"Which little girl did the girl say?"

"Isn't the godmother sending the little girl to invite me?" Mu Rouzang turned to look at a girl who was waiting by the door, and what she said just now.

"If you return to the girl, the lady sent a woman to invite the girl, and that woman must have been lazy! Then I don't know which girl in the yard to point to."

Mu Rouzang laughed and said, "I still say, it's just a face-to-face. Presumably there is something urgent for the wife. Well, Chunran, we'll go back to the house to accompany the second sister."

She put the matter behind her head and stopped thinking about it.

As they walked through the back garden with Chunran, they met an unexpected but unexpected person. In the garden of midsummer, the poisonous sun drenched the leaves, and only knew that they kept calling : Okay, ok, does it really know ...

Mu Rouzang sighed helplessly, and waved for Chunran to wait for them. He raised the skirt to the man and gently bowed his knees to salute, his actions were very elegant and pleasing.

"Have seen the Lord!"


Su Ruirui looked at the delicate and delicate Mu Rouzang, which was like flowers and bones, and was in a mixed mood. He had thought a lot of words early, but at this moment, he didn't know where to start. In the garden, one looked down from among the hundreds of flowers. Words, only annoying to know, and growled even more cheerful.

Mu Rouzang stood for a while, feeling that his calves were a little numb, and he whispered, "Master, Cao Min stepped down first."

"!" Su Ruirui did not want her to leave, he was not willing!

"Don't regret it!"

Mu Rou Sang turned around, and the golden sunlight penetrated the dense leaves and fell into her black eyes, starting with a golden light, and the corner of her mouth evoked a bitter smile: "What do you regret? Have you regretted it?"


Su Ruirui squeezed three words out of his mouth.

She successfully held Mu Rouzang's footsteps away, and she was so joking about him that year.

She turned to look at Su Ruirui carefully. Compared to the past, his eyes had a bit more sorrow. She reluctantly said: "I heard that the assassin broke into the palace a few days ago, you are fine!"

After all, her heart was still soft and could not be as hard as ice.

"You still care about me, don't you!" There was a gleam of light in Su Ruirui's eyes.

Mu Rouzang sighed, "Why is it! You and my tempers are so persistent!" Both of them refused to concede, only to meet their heads and break their blood.

Su Ruirui has never been so irritable. He has a hunch that this time without leaving Mu Rouzang, there will be no chance in this life.

"Don't be capricious, Grandpa can't help it." As a Grandpa, he had too much responsibility on his shoulders, and he couldn't be as capricious as Mu Rouxang.

"Yeah, whoever between you and me don't want to change their original intentions!" She turned and wanted to leave.

A strong and powerful hand suddenly held her wrist tightly, and Mu Rouzang stared at Xing angrily with annoyance: "You are so rude."

"Well, you don't want to make that plan again this time." Su Ruirui lost his defense last time and watched Mu Rouzang leave.

"You're unreasonable." Mu Rouzang flushed with anxiety, yanked in the back garden of Liu's house, spreading her reputation to ruin: "Do you want me to twist my hair to be an aunt?"

After saying that, he shook off his hand resentfully and raised his hand to look at it. The wrist was already bruised. Now she really has itchy teeth and can't wait to bite Su Ruirui.

Su Ruirui's eyes flashed a pity and said, "I have something to tell you." After turning, he turned and walked to the corner of the garden.

Mu Rouzang rolled her eyes helplessly. She had already guessed that the puppet had been designed for a long time, but she had to follow him and follow him two feet away.

There is a bamboo forest in the back garden of the Liu family. There is a small pavilion in a hidden place. There is a small hill next to the small pavilion. The springs flowing down the rocky hills eliminate the summer heat in the small pavilion.

Su Ruirui stepped in first, and Da Ma Jindao sat down on a stone bench, and saw Mu Rouzang just standing under the steps outside the pavilion, angrily: "Sit."

Mu Rouzang carefully discriminated, and decided not to scratch his tiger's beard, obediently stepped forward and sat opposite him. There was a stone table between them, and the pavilion was quiet, only the water flowing down the rock. Tick, tick.

"Far from that?" Su Ruiru frowned frantically.

"Master Wang, I have made a marriage, so it's not good manners to get along with each other." Mu Rouzang's heart was sad and river. If time can turn back, she hopes that she won't meet Su Ruirui in this life, because she has a bad relationship with him.

Mu Rouzang's words not only did not provide a good explanation, but provoked Su Ruirui's sensitive nerve. He stood up sharply, and her tall and powerful body covered her tightly.

"Morou Sang, do you have horse urine in your head?"

Su Ruirui's hands tightly hugged her slender shoulders. Mu Rouzang resisted the pain from his shoulders and looked at him stubbornly.

"Su Ruirui, your mind is caught by the door! And please, let me go!"

Su Ruirui's eyes were red, staring at Mu Rouzang, cursing: "You ruthless woman!"

"Huh, I'm ruthless, but I'm just ruthless? How can you let the princess of Xiangyang rest with your ability? If you have the ability, you throw away all the wives like you in your house.

Mu Rouzang really wanted to open up Su Ruirui's mind and see, who had horse urine in his head.

"You do n’t know how to make a donkey or a donkey! Why do you want to marry him? Did n’t he send Chen Lie to help you stop it?"

"Well, why can't I make a marriage, and you can still marry my wife, and my wife Rou Sang will leave it here today, and I will never be a chatterer in my life."

She insisted on her principles and refused to give in.

Su Ruirui couldn't understand why Mu Rou Sang had to take care of this. He didn't want to quarrel with Mu Rou Sang, or he could only make decisions, but couldn't say Mu Rou Sang who was sharp.

"My grandfather will spoil you for a while!" He took out his sincerity, and pressed hard, not wanting to give up.

Mu Rouzang believes that he can do it right away, but it is only this moment, at this moment ...

"Yeah, petting, Su Ruirui, when will you be able to see through?" The ideas of the two will never intersect, but the two parallel lines continue.

"Seeing through?" Su Ruirui couldn't understand, and just said, "How are you staying? Don't force me!"

Mu Rouzang stretched out his hand and gently covered his heart. Every time I saw Su Ruirui, it was like a steel knife, and the scar that had just healed at the moment was brutally and brutally torn.

"I told you last time and I won't change my mind!"

She was pale and unable to stay entangled.

"Little Sang Sang, oh, Lord Wang is here too, so I'll run again."

Yang Zixuan's warm words, as the hot wind in the summer sent to Mu Rouzang's heart, her eyes were instantly filled with grieved tears, but she felt that there was finally a place to rely on, where no one was pushing her, forcing her She submits.

"Yang Zixuan!" She forced her tears and turned her head.

Yang Zixuan's careful liver was hit hard, and it hurt so much that his internal organs would turn around. He wanted to reach out and gently wipe away the tears in her eyes. He finally held back his clenched fist and said gently, "Little Sang Sang, I'm here to pick you up. "

"Huh!" Mu Rouzang gave him a smile of peace of mind, which stabbed Su Ruirui on the other side, and his heart seemed to be hollowed out instantly.

Without giving him a chance to think carefully, Yang Zixuan smiled and arched his hand towards Su Ruirui, and said, "Master Wang, you are so good Yaxing, this is really a good place to escape the heat."

"Is there something wrong?" Su Ruirui did not turn his face because Yang Zixuan begged to marry Mu Rouzang, but again, he was unwilling and unwilling to admit defeat, so he began to stretch his face with ice.

Yang Zixuan didn't care about it either. He had the opportunity to get Mu Rouzang and touched his nose and said, "There is something, only then I saw Princess Xiangyang in front of you."


Su Ruirui was unconvinced.

"Say it!"