Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1029: Growth aircraft

Yes, the two "True Dragon II" currently in Pakistan's hands, no, it should be called JZB-119. Compared with the original "True Dragon II", the performance has been reduced by more than half.

Take the original "True Dragon II" as an example. The aircraft uses a fuselage structure and aerodynamic shape designed with static instability technology, and uses full-power digital fly-by-wire control to control the effects of static instability on the fuselage stall.

While obtaining superior maneuverability, it also ensures the safety of the aircraft.

On JZB-119, the static instability technology is greatly discounted. Except for a small part of the fur, the whole machine is equipped with a corresponding center of gravity weight, which makes the original static instability design changed to static stability.

The maneuverability is not a bit worse than that of the original "True Dragon II" verification machine. At the same time, the payload has also been reduced a lot, from a maximum of 3,000 kilograms of bombs to about 2,200 kilograms today.

The engine was also castrated. The WD-44S turbofan engine with afterburner thrust of the "True Dragon II" was replaced with a WD-42P turbofan engine with a small bypass ratio.

Despite the same afterburner thrust, the combined thrust of the two WD-42Ps is only 6.3 tons, which makes the JZB-119's maximum flying speed only Mach 1.2, which is far lower than the world's mainstream similar light combat aircraft.

As for the avionics system, landing gear, structural materials, etc., all have varying degrees of simplicity.

It is no exaggeration to say that JZB-119 is the castrated version of "True Dragon II".

But such a change cannot be said to be useless. At the very least, the reliability and safety of JZB-119 are much higher than that of "True Dragon II".

After all, the "True Dragon II" built with various advanced technologies was born for verification. There are many uncertain risks inside. In the test flight of more than a year, the major accidents of plane falling have not occurred, but they are large and small. Surge, abnormal noise, and jitter occur from time to time, so if you sell the "True Dragon II", it is estimated that other pilots will be scared to death as soon as they go to the sky, and they will not be able to open the market.

Because of this, it is indeed a feasible way to reduce and modify, or even castration, to improve reliability and safety, so as to gain market acceptance.

After all, Ascendas Group has never said that the JZB-119 is a fighter jet, and has only claimed that it is an advanced trainer.

Since it is an advanced trainer, it is understandable that the performance level is lower. After all, it is not really going to the battlefield to carry the first-line stuff.

If you just say the real performance of JZB-119 so honestly, Gu Jingyou and others will not be like this. Anyway, it is true, it should be so. The problem is that Zhuang Jianye is not like this. He keeps talking about the advanced trainer, but the performance text gives it. It's "True Dragon II", this is no longer selling dog meat with sheep's head, it is selling zombie meat that has been frozen for more than ten years, OK?

But there is no way to refute it, because the TZB-2000 early warning drone has already taken pictures of the New Delhi Su-30MKI fighter.

Regardless of how serious the JZB-119 configuration is, you can turn the Su-30MKI around. This is the ability, this is the ability, and no rebuttal is allowed.

Even Gu Jingyou insiders who know the bottom line can’t say no, let alone the two outsiders, Abdullah and Mahmoud. The JZB-119 is just an advanced trainer-level unfinished body that will fight against the Su-30MKI. The ability of such a heavy fighter.

If this is accomplished, as Zhuang Jianye said, by replacing it with a more powerful engine, using more advanced high-end aviation materials, coupled with powerful Doppler radar and modern avionics, the American F-22 may not yet be able to compete. , Besides, there is one who counts as one and doesn’t just want to beat it how to beat it?

"So, I define our JZB-119 as a growth airplane. What is a growth airplane? It's like we cultivate a viewing tree. If we want it to grow, we need to fertilize, deworm, water, and prune it. Only in this way can we grow into the beautiful appearance we need.

This is the case with the JZB-119. Now it is only an advanced trainer, but it has shown great potential to compete with heavy fighters such as the Su-30MKI. This proves that the JZB-119 is a rare and good seed..."

As he said, Zhuang Jianye paused, not deliberately selling off, but said a lot of really tired, took a breath, took a drink, picked up the tea cup next to him, and drank the tea inside as if in a hurry. Zhuang Jianye cleared his throat and continued: "Since the two His Royal Highnesses are friends of Zarif, they are my Zhuang Jianye's friends. I have always treated friends honestly. It’s not like JZB-119, anyway, our Ascendas Group wants to continue to develop it."

With that, he pointed to the next Zarif who was okay: "Zarif has been seeking to join the JZB-119 development plan and hopes to build a factory in Pakistan..."

At this moment, Zarif was holding up his tea and drinking, but after hearing Zhuang Jianye's words, he almost didn't spit out a sip of water.

The heart said, Zhuang Jianye, you are a scam. It's enough for me to help you with the line. What's the matter? Want to really pull Pakistan into it?

Do not open your eyes and take a look, JZB-119 has the advanced nature of wool!

Juggling with Su—30MKI also deceives Abdullah and Mahmoud who don’t understand the actual situation. It’s okay~lightnovelpub.net~ Can you hide from a veteran enemy country like Pakistan that has always been fighting against New Delhi?

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy, a hundred battles are not dead, you really think that Pakistan does not know what the Su-30MKI fighter jet produced by Hindustan Airlines is?

Or do you feel that the performance test of two JZB-119s by the Pakistan Air Force, which was originally upgraded with special equipment for Pakistan’s long-range launch rocket, was glorious?

Why doesn't Zhuang Jianye have a B number in your heart? Flickering the local tyrant flicked too far, and started to be the enemy?

However, Zarif thought it over in his heart. If he really wanted to tell him, it would be impossible to kill him. As the saying goes, the shortest cannibalism is, that people have the shortest hand, and so many profit rebates (intermediary fees) are softened every year.

Otherwise, playing India's crappy Su-30MKI's highlights can be easily completed by sending a J-6. Where can the JZB-119 be turned into the limelight? It's not the result of an insider like Zarif desperately trying to Amway.

So at this time, Zhuang Jianye was roasted on the fire, and Zarif would show an explosion of excitement no matter how painful he was. He swallowed the tea from his mouth forcibly, then coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and then nodded again and again: " But no, we have been thinking about how to join the JZB-119 project, because our air force has a particularly high evaluation of this type of aircraft. Just now the two highnesses also saw that the two JZB-119s were piloted by our air force active pilots. and so……"

After that, Zarif looked at Zhuang Jianye with a solemn expression: "My dear Zhuang, you can open up the JZB-119 project. We in Pakistan don't look down on wealth, but the R&D expenditure of two to three billion US dollars is still available. of."


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