Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1080: Stumbled in

Some people might say that the LBO crystal can double the laser frequency to 355 nanometers, which is not much worse than 176 nanometers. As long as a few sets of lens crystals are added, the laser wavelength can also be compressed to 170 nanometers.

In theory, this is the case, let alone the 170-nanometer range, as long as the method is right, even a water droplet can compress the laser wavelength to below 100 nanometers.

However, the problem is that even if such lasers are compressed to the extreme, their energy will not increase. There is no way. How they are compressed is only in the ultraviolet region, and the energy is naturally limited.

If you want to compress the laser wavelength and increase the energy density, it can only be in the deep ultraviolet region or the extreme ultraviolet region.

However, solid crystal laser components have natural defects, that is, they cannot enter the deep ultraviolet region below 200 nanometers, and naturally high-energy laser bodies cannot be obtained.

KBBF crystal just solves this problem, using the unique coupling optical material of the non-linear crystal structure member, successfully obtains the 176 nanometer deep ultraviolet high energy laser body.

Based on this, high-energy lasers equipped with KBBF crystals can perform targeted high-energy damage to damaged satellites in the range of 40 kilometers to 80 kilometers from the ground according to the guidance of aerospace measurement and control station, so as to avoid the generation of space junk or stop the damage. The fall of the damaged spacecraft avoids the loss of ground personnel and property.

As for what the Air Force hopes to install this set of equipment on the Il-76 large transport aircraft to build an aerial laser platform; the Navy transplants it to warships, and what sea-based interception device it does, that’s a story. Anyway, related projects have begun preparations. , Ascendas Group has started pre-research in this area.

In addition to military applications, KBBF crystals are also widely used in industry. For example, the next-generation 3D printing equipment being developed by Ascendas Group, whose core laser components use KBBF crystal crystals; for example, the new generation of Ascendas Group The laser precision welding robot also uses KBBF crystal.

There is also the first-generation domestic deep ultraviolet lithography machine jointly developed by Ascendas Group and WHNB Semiconductor. The core component of the laser etching equipment is the KBBF crystal.

For this reason, Luan Heping, one of the founders of WHNB Semiconductor, chairman and co-CEO, almost did not regard Ascendas Group as his home during this period. Almost all food and drink were in Ascendas Group, just to stare at the domestic deep ultraviolet lithography machine. schedule.

The reason for this is simple. Once the domestic deep ultraviolet lithography machine using KBBF crystals is put into mass production and put into use, WHNB Semiconductor will be able to directly dry the 193-nanometer chips into cabbage prices, thereby expanding market share and reducing the medium and low prices. End chip manufacturing is fully embraced.

It can be said that the domestic deep ultraviolet lithography machine of Ascendas Group is the key link of Luan Heping's WHNB semi-conductor assembly from the low-end to the mid-end.

It is the killer of the headquarters, the tactical weapon system of the navy and air force, the key manufacturing equipment of aerospace and the key of the semiconductor industry.

KBBF crystal has become the key to upgrading domestic industries in various fields since its birth.

The problem is that KBBF crystals are not potatoes from farmers’ fields. They dig a sack. After all, they are high-tech optical materials. It is not easy to prepare.

Up to now, large-scale mass production is not possible, only small-scale preparation can be carried out in the laboratory.

However, now the deputy dean of the Gangxue Research Institute of Ascendas Group, Professor Chen has already begun research in this area, and it is expected that a reasonable large-scale industrial preparation plan will be given in the next two to three years.

Speaking of this Professor Chen, he can be regarded as a strange person. He was once a master's tutor to Hu Rongyi, a senior researcher at Ascendas Optical Research Institute.

After taking Hu Rongyi’s students, Professor Chen was transferred to Fujian Province to serve as a researcher at the Provincial Institute of Physics. In the early 1990s, the Fujian Institute of Physics responded to the call for reform and began to establish its own entity business unit and adopt the market Operating scientific and technological achievements based on the principle of chemistry.

At that time, the institute hoped to operate six listed companies within five to eight years. On the one hand, it would improve the salary of scientific researchers in the institute, and on the other hand, it would be able to solve the problem of insufficient research funding.

Among them is the laser solid-state device research group led by Professor Chen.

The problem is that the listing review was very difficult at that time. Not to mention, the provinces basically gave indicators to those state-owned enterprises that have good industrial prospects but are currently very difficult, in the hope that these enterprises can get through the difficulties through listing and financing.

As a result, the listing process of Professor Chen's research group has become a distant future, so he, like the leaders of other research groups, put pressure on the institute, while the eight immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers, running around.

Professor Chen didn't know where he heard that his student Hu Rongyi was doing well in Ascendas Group and was able to talk to the senior management of Ascendas Group.

We must know that in the early 1990s, Ascendas Group had similar problems in its own development, but it was much better than most companies. More importantly, Ascendas Group had extremely strong profitability and was also a major shareholder of China Merchants Bank. China Merchants Bank also holds a number of companies in the Special Zone and Hong Kong Island. If you include WHNB Semiconductor, the king of semiconductor foundry in the coastal areas, and Qiongdao Airlines, the representative of civil aviation reform, such a variety of things together, Ascendas Group is simply a giant among the capital giants. Macabre.

It is definitely the kind that makes the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets tremble with a sneeze.

In addition, during that period of time, Ascendas Group and the management team came and went, and finally the management changed their blood. Ascendas Group's joint venture leather bag company with several aviation manufacturing factories successfully landed in Hong Kong stocks.

It also makes the outside world think that Zhuang Jianye, the head of the Ascendas Group, has a big backing, what indicators and plans, as long as Zhuang Jianye says, all are green lights.

It is precisely because of such rumors that Professor Chen wants to try his luck with his students.

If this was placed a few years ago, Professor Chen, who is full of old-school intellectual concepts, would never let go of this face. The problem is that he does not think about himself, and he has to consider whether he is not a group of technicians.

You must know that many people have followed him in the research of nonlinear crystal optical components since the 1970s~lightnovelpub.net~ For more than two decades, I don’t know how much hardship I have suffered and suffered. They all clenched their teeth and persevered, and now they can finally see the results of the flowers and use knowledge to change their lives. You can't get stuck here because of the difficulty of approval.

So Professor Chen thought about it for two days and nights, studied countless kinds of rhetoric, and finally he hurriedly boarded the train north to Hebei Province to find his students.

At that time, Ascendas Group encountered unprecedented difficulties in the field of high-energy lasers. At that time, Ascendas Group had not thought about solid-state laser components, but gas lasers were still the mainstream route of high-energy lasers worldwide at that time, even in the United States. Their leading KDP crystal is only used as a tactical-level laser weapon component. High-energy lasers such as deep ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet can also be realized with gas or liquid lasers.

The problem is that no matter whether it is liquid or gas, let alone Ascendas Group, there is no good thing that can be obtained in the whole country. If it were not, Zhuang Jianye would not use his old face to ask an American optical company to transfer technology.

In this extremely difficult situation, Professor Chen rushed in in a daze.

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