Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1166: Shin Humachi

It is no wonder that the military leaders will be like this. It is really unexpected that the bomber development and production units with Ascendas Group and Northwest Aviation Plant as the core will go so far on this road.

In fact, the bombers described in the "Report on the Development Plan for Bombers with Airborne Refueling and Long-range Missile Mounting Capability" are not unfamiliar to both the headquarters and the high-level, but they are the bombers proposed in the 1970s.

The parameters determined at that time were 48.5 meters in length, 13.85 meters in height, 46.47 meters in wingspan, 65 tons in empty weight, 155 tons in normal take-off weight, 163 tons in maximum take-off weight, 18 tons in ammunition load, and maximum ceiling of 14,000 meters. The maximum range is 11,000 kilometers.

The whole data looks very good, especially in the 70s, it can be regarded as a very good bomber.

But in fact, the entire H8 can be regarded as a plus version of H6.

The bomber plan reported by Ascendas Group and Northwest Aviation Factory basically followed this plan, but made some changes on its basis.

For example, the old H8 uses six US-made JT-3D turbofan engines, while the new H8 program reported by Ascendas Group and Northwest Aviation Factory uses four WD-66ML turboprop engines produced by Ascendas Group.

The power of a single unit is 7665 kilowatts; the maximum output power is 8710 kilowatts, which is equivalent to 11842 axle horsepower.

Its capability is second only to the NK-12 turboprop engine tailored for the Tu-95 strategic bomber of the former Soviet Union.

Of course, the WD-66ML turboprop engine is not a NK-12 turboprop engine after all. The power difference is more than two thousand kilowatts. Therefore, the maximum take-off weight of the new H8 not only cannot reach the 185 tons of the figure-95 strategic bomber, even if it is an old bomber. 8 of 163 tons are somewhat reluctant.

Because of this, the maximum take-off weight of the new H8 was reduced to 125 tons.

However, thanks to the application of a large number of composite materials and light alloy materials, the bomb load of the new H8 increased to 23 tons, which on the contrary surpassed the former Soviet Union map-the latest improved version of the 95-95MS strategic bomber with a maximum load of 20.8 tons. the amount.

It can carry an air-launched anti-ship ballistic missile to perform long-distance anti-ship combat missions outside the first island chain; it can also carry two anti-satellite missiles that can be launched at an altitude of 10,000 meters to destroy the enemy’s outer space. Various types of satellite systems.

Of course, the traditional three-in-one nuclear deterrence is not to mention, 23 tons of bombs, a range of more than 8,000 kilometers, and the DZB-2000 cruise missile, can be used to implement various targets in any direction in the world. Type of strategic strike.

However, this is only a transitional model of the new H8 program proposed by Ascendas Group and Northwest Airlines, because turboprop engines are not the mainstream of future bomber power directions after all.

However, in addition to the WD-66ML turboprop engine, a suitable military turbofan engine with a large bypass ratio is actually available in China. The WD-66ML turboprop engine can only be used to solve the problem of heavy strategic bombers.

After all, as a supplementary plan for the "Killer" project, in addition to the daily triad nuclear deterrence, Xinhong 8 has two routine tasks:

One is to move forward from the first island chain and use ultra-long-range air-launched anti-ship ballistic missiles to block the formation of large surface ships from a large country outside the region on the periphery of the second island chain.

The other is to carry anti-satellite missiles to carry out various missions to attack the enemy's satellites.

Based on this, the new H8 is more of a large-scale assault weapon transport platform, which is not applicable to the bomber attack tactics popular in the 1970s and 1980s, such as speed and penetration.

Even as a simple bomber with a range of two thousand kilometers, DZB-2000 cruise missiles, such as long-range weapons that can be launched outside the enemy’s defense zone, the old methods of penetration by low-altitude supersonic speeds are equally risky and yet adventurous. Obsolete.

Because of this, even though the new H8 has four large propellers just like the Tu-95, it looks not much different from the bombers of World War II, but if anyone dares to underestimate it, then the new H8 will definitely make the opponent unable to eat. go.

However, meeting demand does not mean hesitating. Once Ascendas Group's new generation of military turbofan engines with a large bypass ratio and a WD-66SM turbofan engine with a thrust of 15 to 18 tons land, the new H8 with new power will be qualitatively overtaken.

The most intuitive thing is that there are new breakthroughs in weapon loading, that is, the airborne laser weapon system. After all, the turbofan engine has more power, can produce greater power output, and can withstand the energy consumption of high-energy lasers. The new H8 equipped with a high-power turbofan engine can be used as a carrier for high-energy laser weapons and used as a space-based laser weapon platform. At that time, whether it is anti-satellite or intercepting ballistic missiles, the army will have a brand new choice.

As for the final full version, needless to say, it must be the aircraft radar stealth subject that Ascendas Group has been working on since the day it got on track, that is, the stealth strategic bomber.

Explain that the new H8 will have a maximum take-off weight of 150 tons to 180 tons, adopt a flying-wing aerodynamic layout, S-type air intake, four small ducted WD-66ST turbofan engines, and a single maximum thrust of about 17 tons.

With a load of 25 tons, it can launch various long-range strike weapons including anti-satellite missiles.

It can silently shuttle between the first island chain and the second island chain without being detected by the enemy when the radio is silent.

By then, the control of the Chinese Air Force will formally advance from within the current first island chain to the periphery of the second island chain.

The concept of the entire report cannot be described as ambitious, and the goal cannot be ambitious.

But it is precisely because of this ~lightnovelpub.net~ that many leaders have questioned and opposed it.

Not to mention, whether the last stealth bomber is necessary, not to mention domestic, is debated in the whole world, not to mention the other, the B-2 strategic stealth bomber built by the United States during the Cold War, waiting for the Cold War It was immediately reduced after the end, and the final purchase quantity was only a mere 21.

The reason for this, nothing else, is only because the cost of this strategic bomber is too expensive, the unit price in the 1990s exceeded 2 billion US dollars, so that the value of B-2 is more expensive than the same weight of gold.

Even the only superpower, the United States, screams pain in the face of the expensive B-2, coupled with the rapid development of off-zone weapons, and the rapid development of multi-purpose fighters such as fighter-bombers are challenging the traditional status of bombers. In this way, since the day the B-2 was equipped, the voices of doubt have been wave after wave.

It is impossible for the domestic troops who touched the US military to cross the river not to notice the voice of questioning the B-2 in the United States, so they are also examining whether stealth aircraft can really provoke the future air force.

Having gone all-out to support the next generation of combat aircraft, whether to support another expensive equipment that even the U.S. military wants to cry is indeed a good examination.

However, before the military leaders and others have come to a clear conclusion on this, they suddenly discovered that the first phase of the Xinhong 8 project seems to have been completed. To be more precise, Yun-18NB and Xinhong There is a legal name conversion between 8.

Because the text pointed to by the leader next to the military leader wrote very clearly: "We have started to open and retract a large bomb bay on a certain self-developed model, and have already obtained extremely valuable tests. Data and operating experience."