Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1200: Really, there is no harm without contras

Not only was the Portuguese officer so shocked, but Colonel Curt and a large group of officers and soldiers from the United Nations peacekeeping forces such as Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. also opened their mouths, eyes wide, and looked stunned.

Is the four-engine turboprop plane that just landed really a civil aviation cargo plane?

You need to know what kind of dive landing method is called "minimum flight landing" in the aviation industry.

Another name for this method of landing is "Afghanistan Landing Method."

Just by listening to the name, this method of landing is full of simple and rude brutality, and the difficulty must be extremely high.

In fact, it is true. The method of landing was a life-saving landing method created by the Soviet forces during the invasion of Afghanistan in order to avoid the Stinger missiles ambushed by the Afghan guerrillas near the airport.

That is, from an altitude of 3,500 meters near the airport, it started to slow down, lowered the landing gear and flaps, and hit the ground at the maximum sliding angle at the same time.

Because of this, this extreme landing method requires the pilots to have super-high driving skills, and more importantly, the overall structure of the aircraft used must withstand this simple and rough test.

Because of this, the general civil aviation passenger and cargo simply cannot do this action because it consumes the overall structure too much.

As a result, the fatigue of important aircraft bearing structures such as wings and fuselage is intensified, and the life of the aircraft is reduced, and the life of the aircraft is reduced;

That's why, all military planes do this kind of landing action.

Because only military standards have stricter requirements on the body structure.

What's more, the runway where the four-engine large cargo plane landed just after landing was the simplest earthy field runway.

This requires the landing gear not only to be strong, but also to be low and strong!

Only in this way can it land smoothly on the temporarily opened field airport runway. Obviously, such landing gear is usually the standard configuration of military transport aircraft.

Since the basic model of a civil aviation cargo aircraft is modified from a civil aviation passenger aircraft, the landing gear is more suitable for use in large airports with better conditions, and cannot adapt to this harsh situation at all. Therefore, the landing gear is relatively simple to make.

To sum up, the so-called certain large civil aviation cargo plane in the East that just landed, what kind of civil aviation cargo plane is there, is clearly a military transport plane like a fake replacement?

However, on the fuselage, there is a row of words "Qiongzhou Airlines" and the three-dimensional triangle logo of Qiongzhou Airlines.

Coupled with the art characters of a certain major Eastern Air China on the T-shaped vertical tail, it proves that this is a civilian aircraft that is like a fake replacement.

"Uh...it's obvious, how could we send a military transport plane over?

After all, what we are here is just an engineering team and not a peacekeeping force. Arranging military planes to come here is not necessary. Civilian cargo planes are enough! "

What a clever person is Chen Fang? In his early years, he was a well-known young and strong faction in the navy, and he has been the leader of the maritime department after he transferred to the local area.

Overseas business experience may be lacking, but this kind of experience of taking pictures of cats and tigers, arguing for horses, taking off pants and farting, and seeing through but not talking about it is enough.

Because of this, when the Portuguese officer blurted out in shock, Chen Fang solemnly explained.

The fact is indeed the case. There is no domestic peacekeeping force deployed. What military transport plane is arranged?

There is no need and no motivation. After all, a big country in the East is peaceful and violent. That is not the style of a big country in the East.

Therefore, civilian cargo planes are enough. Anyway, the turmoil in East Timor has little to do with the country.

As long as the country safely and steadily picks up Chen Fang and them back, and by the way demonstrates the country's due ability, proves that the power can be extended here, and some nationalists who drink their heads are more awake, it is enough.

But the problem is that such things like referring to a deer as a horse, taking pictures of cats and tigers, taking off their pants and farting, Kurt and others can't say so many adjectives.

But in my heart, every door is clear. Isn't this NM just a lie?

But knowing this, I can't tell why.

You said that a large country in the East used military transport aircraft to disguise civil aviation cargo aircraft. Then Chen can reply: Il-76 is still the main force in Russian civil aviation; An-225 is also helping people pull goods all over the world.

We can't afford the expensive passenger and cargo planes produced by the international giants, so why can't we use our own military transport planes?

What's more, which eye do you see that this is a military transport aircraft?

Because of this, Colonel Curt hated his teeth when he saw the landing plane, but he couldn't say a word.

At this moment, the radio station in the hands of the Portuguese officer in charge of air and ground command suddenly rang: "Australian Air Force C-130, call sign: SB250 is about to arrive at the airport, requesting to land."

The Portuguese officer did not have time to continue to be surprised, and immediately requested the NB233, which had just landed, to taxi to the side of the airport by radio in order to free the runway.

The cattle NB233 that just landed can continue to slide forward according to the instructions of the Portuguese officer, and then slowly stop on a temporary apron.

At the same time, a dark gray C-130 military transport aircraft painted with the Australian Air Force logo slowly descended in the most stable way.

However, just as the C-130 with the call sign SB250 lowered its landing gear, the moment it was about to land, the radio suddenly heard the Australian pilot’s horrified shout: "Damn it, it’s windshear, I can’t control the aircraft, ah~~~Help~ ~~"

The voice did not fall~lightnovelpub.net~ I saw that the C-130 transport plane was about to land like a kite with a broken line, which was blown out sideways by a gust of wind.

Immediately after hearing only a "bang~~" explosion, a flame soaring into the sky in the sugar cane forest in the distance...

Seeing this, Colonel Curt and a group of Australian peacekeepers were immediately stunned, but the next moment they rushed over at Colonel Curt's greeting.

The officers and soldiers of other peacekeeping forces also moved quickly, ready to assist the Australian peacekeeping forces in rescue and aftermath.

However, both soldiers and officers, when going to the location of the accident, will subconsciously take a look at the civil aviation cargo plane from a certain eastern country that is docked on the temporary apron.

One landed without incident using the Afghan landing method; the other descended steadily, but was slapped and killed by wind shear.

Think about the arrogance, domineering, and lofty posture of the Australian peacekeeping forces these days, and then look at the plane with the words "China Takes Off" at this moment.

There was an idea in my mind, that is, there is no harm if there is no contrast!