Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1395: Engine restart test at high altitude

"So, at no time should we lose the motivation for reform..."

At this moment, the military leaders slowly opened their mouths. In an instant, all the leaders and chiefs of the troops who were discussing Zhuang Jianye’s welfare policy and employment methods stopped talking, and went to the large corridor of the high-altitude simulation experiment cabin. Aside from the footsteps of the crowd, there was only the unhurried voice of the military leaders:

"Whether it is foreign investment or joint ventures along the southeast coast, or China's soaring'headquarters building' project here, it is essentially part of our reforms. As the saying goes, black cats and white cats catching mice are good cats, as long as they can promote economic development. Yes, it is conducive to reform and opening up. We should all have a tolerant mentality. If you make mistakes, you can correct them. If you don’t, you can encourage them. After all, no one has experienced reforms, let alone learn from them. Otherwise, there is no need to touch them. The stones have crossed the river..."

After speaking, the security officer on the side hurriedly handed over the thermos cup in his hand. The military leader unscrewed it and took a sip of the tea inside, re-capped it and handed it to the security officer. Then he continued: "In this regard China Ascendas has done very well. Whether it is the tasks assigned by the superiors or the products developed by itself, it can achieve great social and economic benefits. This shows that China Ascendas is walking ahead of other enterprises in terms of system and system construction. front!

So...you people, don't always stare at a little bit of welfare benefits, but deduce from the results, how can China take off to achieve such a big result? We must know that more than 20 years ago, China's take-off was still a little-known small branch. Although it has developed to this day, it has been promoted by the general trend of reform and opening up, but it is also their own quality. Otherwise, why so many domestic enterprises have not developed. ?

Therefore, when you look at the problem, you have to dig into the essence. If nothing else, China Ascendas’ team building and reward and punishment mechanism is worth learning and learning from some troops, especially ideological work. A word of peace of mind seems to be simple, but let’s These soldiers know very well that the simpler things are more clever and unworkable, and the faster and more effective. On the contrary, complex things tend to bury many uncertain factors. Because of this... some comrades in political work go back. Afterwards, you must study it carefully to see how to bring up the ideological construction of the army. It doesn’t have to be complicated to start with how to fight and win battles..."

On this road, the rare talkativeness of the military leaders has extended a lot of things through the achievements of China's take-off in reform. To outsiders, the operations of the military leaders are somewhat abrupt.

But in the eyes of the heads and leaders of these troops, the military leaders' doing this is completely natural and deliberate.

Still the same sentence, the person who can be the head and leadership position is not a human being?

Don't look at Zhuang Jianye before introducing the WD-aviation engine, the military leaders asked a series of questions and almost stripped off Zhuang Jianye's underwear.

But in fact, the leaders and leaders of this gang knew very well that this was just a scene between the military leaders and Zhuang Jianye.

Apart from anything else, China has soared with so many advanced equipment and important supporting equipment. The chiefs and leaders of these troops may not be clear. Can people at the level of military leaders and heads of headquarters not know?

If it is not clear, how did China take off so much R&D funding every year? It can't be a strong wind, right?

Perhaps the military leaders and the heads of the headquarters are not very clear about the details of the specific projects, but the basic progress is still clear. The reason why they came to inspect China's take-off, and patiently read what they have already understood, and put it plainly. It is not to satisfy their own curiosity, but to let them know about the current domestic military research and development situation, so that they can work at ease, train the troops well, and lay a good foundation for the new equipment in the future.

As a result, he did not expect that some army chiefs and leaders would go straight to their heads when they saw good things. Not only did they publicly want them, but even a few army leaders fought in front of the leaders of the army.

Although the military leaders did not say anything, they must be unhappy in their hearts.

It's like you go to the host's house as a guest, and when you approach the meal, the host's house will politely say that you will stay and have a meal while you are away. Not only do you stay sincerely, but you also say that the host's cooking is delicious and you have to take it away. Two servings to eat for his wife and children.

Do you think the host will be happy?

The military leaders are the polite masters, but these army chiefs and leaders did not regard themselves as qualified guests. Who led the equipment and important supporting equipment developed by China Ascendas?

Not the headquarters yet!

Since it belongs to the headquarters, the priority will naturally go to the headquarters. In this case, what are the issues with other services and arms?

Therefore, the leaders of the military provoke Zhuang Jianye’s mistakes and omissions. In fact, he criticizes some military leaders and leaders for being too aggressive. As for the reforms that take off in China to discuss reforms, they even emphasize the construction of ideological fields This meaning is expressed without concealment.

The tempers of the leaders of the army are very clear to the leaders and leaders of these troops. This time, they can express their dissatisfaction in a vague way, and the matter of saying a good amount will pass. But if anyone pretends not to hear and is shameless, then Not gentle preaching, but anger that can really burn people to death.

After all, people who can reach the level of military leadership, apart from the bodhisattva's heart, have never lacked the means of thunderbolt!

So these army chiefs and leaders expressed their opinions that the weapons and equipment of their troops are still deployed by the headquarters. The leaders of the army didn't say anything about it, but the gradually thick smiles could tell that the leaders of the army were very concerned about this. The effect of the beating is still very satisfactory, so he waved his hand: "Specifically, when the time comes, we will return to the capital to let the headquarters study and study. Let's first see what the WD-aero engine is and whether it has become the next thing. The potential of the main power of a generation of fighters."

After hearing these words, the heads and leaders of the army knew that the leaders of the army quietly held the high-performance equipment and supporting systems of many cross-service arms in China, but they had nothing to say. It can be said that the organization is called the headquarters, and the person who endorses it is the military leader.

However, the helpless sigh was only for a moment, because this group of people had already arrived at the core area of ​​the ZBDL high-altitude platform, where the two 6.5-meter high-altitude simulation experiment cabins were located, and the technologically-sense control hall was shocked.

Three large-size LCD screens will be completely covered by a whole wall. The large-size LCD screens on both sides show the internal conditions of No. 1 and No. 2 cabins respectively; on the central screen is a combination of two experimental cabins. Summary of test data ~lightnovelpub.net~ Below the three large-size LCD screens are three rows of console stations equipped with small LCD screens and microcomputers. More than 30 staff members are busy here.

On the side of the main console is a large floor-to-ceiling window, through which you can see the two high-altitude simulation test cabins 30 meters long and 6.7 meters in diameter.

When the heads and leaders of a group of troops were watching the control hall curiously, Zhuang Jianye, who had already learned the specific situation from the commander on duty at the scene, quickly introduced with a smile: "Dear leaders, leaders, now our No. 2 cabin is WD. —A high-altitude and high-speed restart test of aero engines."

"High altitude and high speed? Are there specific parameters?" a troop leader asked.

"15,000 meters, the speed is 1.8 Mach." Zhuang Jianye replied with a smile.

"Is it possible to restart?" The leader of the army who asked the question was a little unbelievable, but Zhuang Jianye smiled and pointed to the large screen on one side, letting him go and watch...

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