Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1502: Satellite automated production line

Not only this expert, including the head of the headquarters, almost one counts as one. These are really shocking. What is the concept of an annual output of 128 satellites?

It is equivalent to the level of 13 large satellite production plants.

There are 13 large-scale satellite production plants. No country in the world has the financial resources to build so many satellite production plants. There are only five free and beautiful rooms with rich wealth, and the remaining Russia and Europe can maintain at most three.

There is no way. It is because the input of the satellite production plant is too huge, and the output is particularly low. If there is no super national strength cultivation and transformation, this thing is completely loss-making, and it is useless to do more.

The reason why Liberty Beauty Room can maintain such an ultra-large scale as 5 large satellite production plants is mainly because the space technology of Liberty Beauty Room is strong enough, and the civilian market is well developed. It almost monopolizes more than 80% of the world’s satellite broadcasting, satellite communications and satellite navigation services. , This has created the prosperity of the satellite manufacturing field in the free and beautiful room.

Other countries just want to learn it but can't learn it, because many countries don't have the first item, that is, the super-large-scale market. Without this, they simply cannot support the huge and complex civilian satellite business.

Naturally, domestic conditions cannot support the huge application market. The problem is that it will not work at this stage, and it does not mean that it will not work in the future.

It should be understood that since joining the World Trade Organization, domestic GDP has been tumbling upwards, and foreign exchange reserves have even reached new highs, so that many of the plans formulated in the late 1990s concerning the first 10 years of the 21st century are due to The rapid development situation in the country has to be abolished.

For example, in the 1990s, it is estimated that from 2025 to 2030, the size of the domestic economy may surpass that of Japan. As a result of the latest statistics made last year, with the current average GDP growth rate of 8.5%, this goal is expected to be achieved around 2015. .

With the increase of comprehensive national strength and the improvement of economic level, many things that were not used in the past have now become domestic necessities.

For example, satellite broadcasting communications, long-range satellite communications, satellite navigation, land and resources exploration, environmental assessment, disaster warning, weather forecasting and even satellite intelligence have all become urgently needed satellite services in the national economy.

It is precisely to see this trend that China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., one of the only satellite manufacturers in China, is also a satellite production plant under the ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company. Pushed down, since 2003, it has invested heavily in modernization and expansion.

At that time, the name was that the first generation of marine environmental exploration satellites failed, and China Ascendas Aerospace Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) Company needed to carry out technical transformations on the satellite production line to avoid similar mistakes.

For this reason, the headquarters and superiors allocated 1.2 billion RMB to China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) Company for the technological transformation of the satellite production plant.

The problem is that as a modern large-scale satellite production plant, even if it is technological transformation, 1.2 billion yuan is far from enough. What about the gap?

Simple, listing and financing.

Otherwise, Zhuang Jianye wears T-shirts and jeans every day, he tirelessly shouts at the PPT, what is he doing to suffocate his dreams?

It's not that the investors are fooling the ZTM-NB space exploration company to spend money.

ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company and China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) Company are two brands of the same unit. Financing ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company is equivalent to a blood transfusion to China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) Company.

Therefore, starting in 2002, ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company carried out 5 rounds of financing, and finally successfully landed in Hong Kong stocks at the end of 2004, becoming the first listed aerospace startup in the Asia-Pacific region.

The valuation at that time was HK$68.2 billion. As a major shareholder, Ascendas Investment directly received HK$5.9 billion in financing from the capital market. This sum of money plus 1.2 billion RMB supported by the superior department of the headquarters allowed China Ascendas to complete its satellite Renovation and expansion of the main plant.

Such a big matter, let alone domestic, even the international capital circle was full of quarrels at the time. Some people say that Zhuang Jianye is the domestic Bezos, others call him China’s Musk, and the media even called Zhuang Jianye. The sky madman from the mysterious east.

There are even good people who have begun to discuss the value of Zhuang Jianye, so that in the latest Hurun Rich List released in 2005, Zhuang Jianye was among the top 20 richest people in Greater China with a net worth of HK$12.8 billion.

All in all, the capital circle praised Zhuang Jianye's capital feast using aerospace technology; however, among the professional circles in the aerospace field, Zhuang Jianye and his ZTM-NB space exploration company are few.

The reason is simple. The country has been engaged in aerospace for more than half a century with the power of the whole country. Today's level is still not small compared to Europe, America and Russia. Zhuang Jianye wants to change the fact that technology is backward with one company.

The judgment of the professional circle soon affected the trend of the capital market. ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company fell all the way after occupying a high of 28.36 Hong Kong dollars. Coupled with the help of short-selling institutions, ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company’s share price It was almost rubbed against the floor.

As a result, many Hong Kong stock investors ridiculed, saying that the rocket made by Zhuang Jianye was not in the sky, but in hell. Otherwise, look at the stock price of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company.

In this way, let alone the ZTM-NB space exploration company, even the take-off of the entire China has been implicated, so that the senses of the higher-level departments are not very good, and they all think that Zhuang Jianye's wave is to collect money.

Therefore, the attention paid to China's take-off, transformation and expansion of the satellite production plant is not so high. After all, there have been too many money-raising things for so many years, and there are very few entities that can be used on it.

Zhuang Jianye is indeed collecting money, but unlike other companies where money is used to speculate on land and futures, he is really investing money in technological innovation and technological transformation. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

For example, at this moment, people who have left the semiconductor factory and led by the head of the headquarters to an air force command center looked at the communication satellite and relay satellite developed by Ascendas in China in conjunction with two military communication satellites in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains. The real-time live broadcasts of the two workshops of the satellite production plant made everyone feel the power of money in amazement.

No way, in the huge workshop, there are as many as 136 six-degree-of-freedom arm robots, and there are as many as 58 automated rail cars that are responsible for the conversion of materials, parts and assemblies. As for CNC machine tools, gantry machine tools and even High-end laser 3D printing equipment is available.

In the entire site, with the exception of a few procedures that cannot be replaced by equipment, which requires manual operation, more than 85% of the procedures in the production and assembly of the entire satellite have been automated or even intelligent.

So many leaders and experts stared at the screen in a daze, saying from time to time that the torture originated from the soul: "This...this...this is really...our country's factory?"

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