Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1554: I teach you

And the one who felt the most directly was Colonel Modric.

With an absolute advantage, the Guards 82nd Mechanized Battalion was blown out by a synthetic battalion that was not as strong as its own. On the face of it, the tactical tactics of the synthetic battalion were higher.

In fact, the two have formed a huge generation gap.

This is like a 10,000-person team that has been equipped with broadswords and spears to attack an infantry regiment equipped with heavy machine guns and various automated weapons. It is not a matter of numbers at all, but a technical dimensionality reduction attack.

Because of this, Modric formed the battle summary report as soon as he visited the Hexie Battalion, which described in detail the obvious increase in combat effectiveness of the Hexie Battalion after the information transformation, especially the YYDS-6 modularity. The role of drones in this exercise.

At the end of the report, Modric suggested that the Russian military rely on the existing electronic technology and aviation technology, learn from the successful experience of the synthetic battalion, and immediately carry out corresponding technical research.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of Russia's conventional forces can be increased by 2 to 4 times while the conventional equipment remains unchanged. It is a cost-effective business no matter how it is considered.

The high-level Mao Zi who received the report naturally attached great importance to it. Not only did a batch of military leaders visit the compound of the battalion, but also related technicians were summoned by Mao Zi to start feasibility discussions.

After all, the sentence in the Modric report: It is too tempting to state that it can achieve the same combat effectiveness as the most modern unit of the US military without replacing existing equipment.

We must know that the entire digital transformation of the US Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division cost more than 8 billion U.S. dollars.

Not to mention the current old Maozi, even the Soviet Union back then could not spend so much money. Because of this, a price-performance ratio has become the goal that the old Maozi pursued.

There is no way that the current Maozi's body is weak!

However, Lao Maozi finally found a way to catch up with the advanced level of the world army, but after careful research by a group of Russian technical experts, he poured cold water on his head.

The reason for this is very simple. At present, Russia simply does not have the industrial capacity to realize simple, efficient, and inexpensive informatization transformation such as Hecheng Camp.

Take the WD-12ML micro-turboprop engine used in the YYDS-6 modular UAV as an example. Regardless of the fact that Russia is regarded as the world's first-class in the field of aeroengines, it is the kind of micro-turboprop that is not technically difficult. Can't make it.

No way, when a thing shrinks to the extreme, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Micro-engraving is an example, and the chip in a semiconductor is a well-known example.

The same is true for micro turboprops.

That's all, the key is the internal temperature, pressure and environment, which are no different from the high-power turboprops used on light and medium-sized transport aircraft. The pressure is the same as the pressure, and the temperature is the same as the temperature.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure the corresponding cost control, basic power performance and good maintainability. The difficulty is greater than that of the high-power turboprop, which is extremely technically difficult.

China's Ascendas solution in this regard is very simple and rude, that is, using additive manufacturing technology to integrate core components.

Russian experts also want to reproduce it. After all, in the 21st century, 3D technology has been in the ascendant all over the world, and Russia has also made corresponding achievements in this regard. Therefore, they think that Russia can do things that a certain country can do.

As a result, he reached out and realized that it was not the same thing at all.

The WD-12ML micro-turboprop engine produced by Ascendas China is not only powerful, but also very durable. If it is properly maintained, two to three thousand hours will not be a problem at all.

More importantly, the cost of the WD-12ML micro-turboprop engine is low, less than 300,000 yuan per unit, so when the YYDS-6 is replaced with a warhead, it doesn’t hurt to hit it directly when it encounters a high-value target.

On the other hand, the appearance of things made by Russia itself is that appearance, but the rest can only be described as unrecognizable except for the appearance, even the basic craft requirements are not met, let alone the actual application.

That's all, the most important thing is the cost. China Ascendas can control the WD-12ML micro-turboprop engine within 300,000 yuan, but the useless products made in Russia cost more than 300,000 US dollars.

Comparing the two phases one by one can be said to be superior to one another.

In this regard, the Russian experts were of course not reconciled. They found China to take off and asked what technology it used.

At that time, Zhuang Jianye of the Russian expert group who received the visit also replied very simply: "Want to learn? Buy our equipment with money, I will teach you!"

In a word, the old faces of the visiting Russian experts were so hot. They were former teachers. They ran all the way and asked the students what your skills were. They already gave a lot of face. It turned out that the students not only didn't give them, but they also showed up. It looks like what a teacher is like.

This makes the teacher's face really have no place to rest.

Without saying anything, he turned around and left with anger, really couldn't let go of that arrogant old face!

The engine problem could not be solved, and the Russian experts did not give up. After all, the Russian experts did not give it in vain. It is not impossible to solve it with Russia's unique fusion Dafa.

The big deal is to make this type of drone bigger and stronger, as long as it can be used, there is no need to pursue the ostentatiousness.

However, after the Russian experts worked so hard to use the smallest turboprop engine that can be found in the country to plug a Russian drone that is several times larger than the YYDS-6, a key problem has prevented these from. Old experts who have persisted in the Soviet era.

That is the problem of multi-machine control.

One or two are okay; three or four can still hold their teeth; after five or more, the drones that fly into the sky begin to fight.

No way, the respective communication channels and signal interference of UUreading www.uukanshu.com are too severe, and it is impossible to control multiple drones to cooperate at the same time.

This is not to blame the Russians for not working hard. It is that the drone swarm technology originated in the 1990s. At that time, the Soviet Union had disintegrated. Russia, without the slightest foundation, could barely maintain the old foundation left by the Soviet Union, let alone. Started a new battlefield.

So Russia was completely thrown away in this field.

When I was developing my own drone, I was shocked to find that I could not even control five drones. But China Ascendas can make 64 drones operate simultaneously and in parallel. This gap is no longer a little bit, but a Mali. Yana Great Ditch!

This key technology cannot be solved. If you want to build a battlefield dynamic network with low cost, it is a idiot.

No way, a group of Russian experts can only find China to take off again with a cheeky, Zhuang Jianye's attitude is still consistent, clear, and constructive, that is: "You want? Buy our technology, I will teach you. !"

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