Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1568: Cutting-edge technology porter

As soon as Tian Lu was talking, he heard a bang, his face turned pale when he looked back, and he saw Tian Changmao fall straight on the sofa.

Tian Lu hurried forward, screaming anxiously, pinching people, holding on to his chest, and instilling a few quick-acting heart-saving pills by the way. It took a while to get Tian Changmao over.

"I said little one~~~Grandpa's heart is not very good~~~Can you speak so suddenly~~~"

Tian Changmao, who woke up leisurely, made Tian Luyi’s ashamed face flushed in his first sentence, so he quickly explained: "I am a little excited to discover the secret of the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine performance. I really didn’t expect it... But grandpa, the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine still proves the point I insisted on before, the more closely the relationship between aviation and aerospace, the more closely related, like our country, the simple separation of the two Now, parallel development is very inappropriate.

If you don’t believe me, look at the former Soviet Union and the United States. They are not only the leader in rocket engines, they also lead the world in aviation engines and gas turbines. The gas turbine pump in liquid rocket engines is essentially a small gas turbine.

It's just that the gas turbines used daily are ordinary fuels without oxidizers, while the rocket engines use special cryogenic liquid fuels. However, the basis of the two is the same and common.

Because of this, the former Soviet Union and the United States, which have made breakthroughs in aviation engines and gas turbines, have also made great achievements in gas turbine pumps on rocket engines.

Similarly, China Ascendas, the parent company of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company, is also proud of domestic aeroengines, industrial gas turbines and related application materials. In this case, they will slightly integrate the relevant technologies and materials they have mastered and develop a new one. A high-performance rocket engine gas turbine pump is a simple matter..."

"Do you mean that aerospace products are manufactured by aviation?"

At this moment, the old man Tian Changmao Tian is still a bit at a loss, there is no way. Since joining the work, what Tian Changmao has seen and heard is that the aerospace belongs to the aerospace, and the aviation is aviation.

Not only that, according to the country's overall plan at the time, the status of aerospace was faintly surpassed by a level of aviation.

Therefore, the old astronauts of Tian Changmao's generation were hardworking, dedicated, and also proud and closed, so that the entire aerospace system is still an independent kingdom, and it is all up to you how to do it and how to do it.

After so many years, China Ascendas has been involved in aerospace business because of reforms. However, under the closed system of the entire aerospace system, China Ascendas’ aerospace business has also been compressed to a very narrow range, except for a few key projects at the headquarters and China Ascendas. In addition to its unique ability to rapidly manufacture satellites, as far as the core of launch vehicles and long-range missiles is concerned, China's take-off can't even touch it.

Because in the eyes of people like Tian Changmao, a person engaged in aviation is to play the piano. The work in the atmosphere wants to play with things outside the atmosphere, without looking at the atmosphere in the middle.

Therefore, for so many years, China has soared to a variety of humbly asking for advice, visiting and studying in the aerospace system, and from time to time staged poaching and robbing dramas.

In addition to some courtesy return visits to China to take off, the old manufacturers of the aerospace system are basically the same old-fashioned method, which is very arrogant.

As a result, closure creates rigidity, and rigidity inevitably creates self-confidence.

It is necessary to know that the liquid oxygen-kerosene of the former Soviet Union and the liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen carrier rockets of the United States have proved more than once that they are the kings of the future aerospace field.

However, the aerospace conservatives represented by Tian Changmao and others have been holding on to the previous generation of propellants such as unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide.

Not only the improved version of CZ-3 is used on a large scale, but the newly developed CZ-4 is also inherited and continued.

The reason is that propellants such as unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide are more mature and can maintain a higher launch success rate for the entire space launch.

As a result, as a result, the entire aerospace field, especially the civil aerospace business, is even less motivated in the investment and research and development of new technologies and new processes.

Just eat your old book.

Whatever is environmentally friendly, what is poisonous, and what is costly, as long as the spacecraft can be smoothly sent out of the atmosphere, it is OK.

The old man Tian Chang Maotian thought that was what he thought back then, and he did the same. But when he retired, the domestic aerospace business lost several large orders including New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and Indonesia due to environmental protection and hazardous materials. Only then did the people of insight in the field realize the need to change.

But at this time, the soil for innovation and progress was almost destroyed by the self-proclaimed ones in those few years. It would take at least eight to ten years to cultivate. Therefore, it is impossible to change the status quo of domestic space launches in the short term.

For this reason, Tian Changmao did not attract less criticism behind his back, because it was his conservativeness that led to today's situation.

But if you want to say that there is a big mistake, you really can't find it, so many people just scolded them behind their backs, and they really couldn't tell what Tian Changmao could do.

But for Tian Changmao, who will be strong all his life, he can’t bear his old face. What's more, when he is in his position, the things in front of him have long been hopeless, and what he cares more about is the name behind him. In the last time in history, Tian Changmao couldn't stand his eyes even if he died.

Therefore, Tian Changmao also wants to give full play to his residual heat, thinking that he is trying his best to help the aerospace field, otherwise it is impossible to still serve as the honorary president of the Aerospace Business Association at the age of eighty. I should have urged my grandson to give birth to a great-grandson to play with him.

However, the problem is that the inertia left in those years is too great, and it is not possible to make a change in a short while, so even if the old man Tian works very hard, it is very difficult, but the results have not been great in the past few years.

But just when the old man Tian was preparing to die when he died, until he could not move, Zhuang Jianye suddenly used the method of live broadcast, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to ZTM-NB space exploration company DPZ-2D The oxygen-kerosene rocket engine was grandly pushed to the front of the stage.

The thrust is large, the weight is light, the specific thrust is strong, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is high.

The most important thing is the environmentally-friendly and low-cost liquid oxygen-kerosene system. It can be said that the astronauts have dreamed of it for so many years. The DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine includes all of them.

Otherwise, Tian Changmao would not be surprised to be like that, so much so that he was wondering whether Zhuang Jianye was bragging, and how could an aerospace company have such a high level of rocket engine?

However, this question was about to occupy the last highland in the brain, and Tian Luyi's words made the old man Tian realize instantly, is it difficult for Zhuang Jianye to build a high-level rocket engine? With the solid results China Ascendas has achieved in aero engines and gas turbine turbines, it can be done with a little transformation.

So Zhuang Jianye is not building a rocket engine, he is just a porter of cutting-edge technology in related fields!

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