Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1652: Showdown

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Since being squeezed, it is inevitable to be aggrieved, and it is impossible to have no countermeasures. What's more, it is still an innocent Zhuang Jianye, and his own creation, in the industry can be called iron-clad China take off?

However, since the mid to late 1990s, the main direction of China's take-off has been the development and supporting of large aircraft and large spacecraft, and it has simply not spared energy to engage in new businesses in other categories.

Because of this, the road of self-research and development is not that it cannot be taken, but that there is really no effort at that time. Therefore, Zhuang Jianye's strategy for major industrial robot manufacturers at that time was to divide and conquer, two peaches to kill three people.

Anyway, the demand for China's Ascendas is placed here. Whoever puts it there is a big fat. The question is who will deliver this fat, and that is China's Ascendas decision.

As for the effect, it was surprisingly good at the beginning. Several industrial robot companies, such as Swiss abb and Japan’s FANUC, fought each other for the big customer of China's take-off. It can be said that it was quite tragic that China took off from here. A few stores have found a lot of good products.

But this situation did not take long. The Industrial Robot Association of the United States and the European Industrial Robot Federation came forward to integrate the fierce competition of several industrial robots, and then established the Industrial Robot Industry Alliance.

The purpose of the alliance can be described as high-sounding, that is, to restrict the so-called high-polluting, high-energy economic entities with corresponding advanced equipment restrictions, so as to force these economic entities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the sustainable development of the environment.

Some words are more beautiful than anyone else, but the reality is that developed countries are using environmental protection issues as an excuse to block the road to industrialization in developing countries.

You must know that the realization of industrialization is not accomplished overnight, but gradual. Without the initial high pollution and high energy consumption to accumulate primitive capital, it is impossible to achieve industrial upgrading with the foundation. Naturally, it will not be able to completely develop China. Get rid of the troubles of poverty.

But the problem is that the earth is so big, there are so many people, and the size of the market is so small. If all are open to developing countries, what else will developed countries eat? What to drink?

No food, no drink, why is it so awkward?

Therefore, locking the upward channel of developing countries and firmly grasping high-profit industries in their own hands is the permanent norm for developed countries.

It's just that in the past, developed countries were more or less particular about people and things. They controlled high-end manufacturing and used high-end to suppress low-end in order to maintain the existing global market system.

However, after the Cold War, developed countries seemed to feel that the profits made by the high-end suppression of the low-end were still too small, so they began to stop being a man, and were ready to directly dig out the low-end of the developing countries.

This is how the so-called environmental protection issues come from. Putting a so-called environmental protection label on developing countries, saying that it is for the sustainable development of the world, is actually telling you clearly, boy, you are developing too fast, you should stop. It stopped.

What? Non-stop?

Then restrict you in terms of technology and industry, and promote your environmental reform in the best name.

China Ascendas encountered this problem, because its own development was too fast, and friends like Boeing and Airbus were labelled as unenvironmentally friendly.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. 70% of the electricity used in China's Ascendas production comes from coal-fired thermal power, 15% comes from natural gas electricity, and only 5% comes from renewable energy such as hydropower or wind power.

Therefore, those friends and businessmen who compete fiercely with China Tengfei have accused China Tengfei that it is not environmentally friendly. It is a selfish act that sacrifices the well-being of future generations to achieve their own glory today.

Not only are friends and businessmen fighting on the periphery, the most annoying thing is that certain domestic public opinions and experts are also echoing, criticizing China's take-off for not taking environmental protection into account.

According to their logic, China has soared with such a large enterprise, with such a large scale, with such a large financial resources. Solving environmental protection is not a matter of pediatrics. It can be greatly improved with a little investment. If this is the case, why not invest , Instead of leaving an attack on outsiders?

But the problem is that at this stage, only coal in a vast country can not only be self-sufficient, but also low in price, which can meet the needs of industrial and agricultural production and residential electricity.

The carbon dioxide emissions of natural gas are small, but the problem is that the domestic carbon dioxide reserves are not large. Large-scale natural gas power generation is not impossible, but in the long run, a large amount of imported natural gas will inevitably lead to the long-term dependence of domestic electricity energy on imports like oil.

This thing really affects the whole body. What if some natural gas supplier breaks out an energy crisis like the 1973 oil embargo? Could it be that there is no electricity in the country?

What's more, the power generation cost of natural gas is significantly higher than that of coal. If it is to be popularized on a large scale, the price of electricity is bound to rise sharply. As the price of electricity rises, all domestic consumer goods will rise generally, which will inevitably lead to serious currency. Expansion affects economic development.

Based on this, the pragmatics represented by Zhuang Jianye believe that while actively developing renewable energy technologies for this existing energy pattern, the long-term solution is simply not reliable.

But some people just have a broken brain, and think that what developed countries can do must be done domestically, and as a benchmark in the domestic industrial field, China should take the lead to complete it.

So in a routine interview, a media host suddenly put aside the established topic and asked Zhuang Jianye a very serious environmental problem: "Boeing promised to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 120,000 tons this year. Why can't China take off? Shouldn’t China take off? Do you set an example in this regard?"

Zhuang Jianye is not used to it either. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com directly replied: "Boeing’s people are humans, but we are not humans in China’s take-off? The most important thing for people is the right to survive. The first task of China’s take-off is to live. It’s not in anyone’s interest to take off a dead China!"

There are many similar situations, but what is different from the past is that professional and public intellectuals who occupy the moral high ground are unscrupulous this time, grasping this topic and criticizing China's take-off.

However, the vast majority of the people support this, because the smog and dusty weather everywhere is indeed very serious, and environmental protection has become an irreversible topic of people's livelihood from a high technical problem.

Under such circumstances, the Global Industrial Robot Industry Alliance uses environmental protection as an excuse to restrict the introduction of China's Ascendas related equipment, claiming that their high-end equipment can only use clean energy, making it like a white lotus that is free from silt. Even if China Tengfei touches its fingers, it’s too dirty, then China Tengfei has nothing to do. I wanted to face several large industrial robot manufacturers on an equal footing, but the result was alienation. In this case, China will not take off. It's installed, it's a showdown... Isn't it just industrial robot technology, as if someone didn't!