Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1670: 3 minutes of the world

Of course, in terms of price, the 6plus-MAXpro-3 can be regarded as close to the people, basically maintaining at about 18 million US dollars. Although it is slightly more expensive than the second-hand MiG-21, the problem is not to mention the old-style rice. The grid is 21, and even the latest improvements can't fight precision-guided weapons, let alone air-launched cruise missiles.

The JJ-7MAX series trainer aircraft that has the same situation as the junior education-6plus-MAXpro-3 is mainly equipped with Bangladesh, Laos, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Malaysia.

Among them, the model used in Malaysia is the most advanced. Not only is it equipped with advanced avionics and fly-by-wire control systems, but the engine is also a WD-46M turbofan engine. Compared with the JJ-7MAX that uses a turbojet engine, Both the voyage and the ammunition carried are much higher.

The corresponding price is also much higher, reaching 28 million U.S. dollars per unit, which is a lot more expensive than the unit price of other models of 20 million U.S. dollars.

However, whether it is expensive or cheap, China Ascendas, which has shipped more than 180 JJ-7MAX trainers, makes a net profit of US$2.5 billion every year on maintenance costs alone. If you add more than 300 beginners —6plus huge technology, only the daily maintenance cost of these two models can give China a net profit of at least 5 billion U.S. dollars every year.

Otherwise, the arms business is profitable, not only is the profit of the finished product sales high, but the maintenance and maintenance in the later period is no different from lying down and counting money.

Of course, from the beginning of this year, the model names of 6plus and JJ-7MAX will become history, because after China Ascendas standardized the model names of civilian airliners, it unified the model names of trainers, drones and helicopters. .

For example, Chujiao-6plus and Jianjiao-7MAX are called JNB-16 and JNB-17 after being re-standardized; Zhi-12 and Zhi-15 export models are called ZNB-12 and ZNB-15; TY -2 and TY-6 UAVs were named TNB-2 and TNB-6 after the specification; TNB-18F and TNB-220F cargo aircraft were renamed CNB-18F and CNB-220F

In parallel with the aircraft specifications, there are other products of China Ascendas, such as high-end aviation materials. All metal products use H-ZB as the standard; non-metal products are classified as H-NB.

The high-end industrial software is unified into the JSNB series, and the high-end instrumentation and test equipment are summarized as the D-NB series, including the NB series of aviation-specific manufacturing equipment, DL series of aerospace-specific manufacturing equipment, and related low-profile export equipment. For the ZB series and WD series of aero engines and gas turbines, China Ascendas can be regarded as a complete standardization of the previous messy models, and it can be regarded as a modest internal reform after reintegration.

But no matter how it is changed, China's Ascendas mission remains the same, that is, it will never sell any military-related products and spare parts.

So the people who have taken off in China over the years set up a stable one.

However, now, with the smooth completion of the "supersonic suborbital returnable spacecraft" flight test, those international friends and businessmen seem to see the hope of destroying China's take-off.

And Zhuang Jianye may not matter in China, but in the broad international market, he has to pay attention to the reputation built by human settings, because in those monotheistic worlds, lies and deception are the most unwelcome things, and people The collapse of the design often means that lies and deceptions are exposed in public, which can ruin the goodwill of a company.

What those international friends and businessmen want to do is to collapse China's Ascendas’ man-made settings, to dispel the lies and scams that China Ascendas does not sell military equipment, so that China's Ascendas’ goodwill is completely destroyed, thereby blocking its use of certain assets. "Military-civilian dual-use" products expand commercial tentacles in other fields.

Yes, in addition to the global industrial chain as a weapon, it has made China take off in the commercial field without any disadvantages, thus opening up CNB series cargo aircraft routes and landing permits in Central Asia, the Middle East and even North Africa.

In Southeast Asia, China Ascendas utilizes JNB-16 and JNB-17 trainers to allow relevant countries to open up landing permits for a series of passenger planes and CNB cargo planes.

Among them, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka have made the most efforts. Not only have they granted landing permits for these two models, but they have also begun to plan related civilian routes. Among them, Myanmar has the fastest progress. It is estimated that the capital Yangon will be opened before August. The model used by Modu’s international routes is the 220-400 passenger aircraft developed by China Ascendas, which runs twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.

Sri Lanka and Bangladesh will not be able to complete the planning and use of new routes until next year. The aircraft type is also the 220-400 passenger aircraft developed by China Ascendas, which only runs on Fridays a week.

The combined flight frequency of the three countries is less than the number of a certain domestic key route, but its significance is not how many flights are executed, but that China's take-off has extended the tentacles of the -220 model through the opening of new routes. Not to mention abroad, it has begun to take root in some countries.

It is conceivable that as the economic and trade exchanges between Southeast Asia and South Asia and China's take-off and the cooperation between military and civilian technologies deepen, more countries and regions will inevitably be penetrated by -220. By then, China's take-off will rely on its strength in the region. Influence, it is very likely to subvert Boeing and Airbus's competition in Southeast Asia and South Asia, and have to accept the unfavorable situation of the world.

The problem is that it’s just Southeast Asia and South Asia. Now Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa have begun to show signs of China’s take-off and penetration of Southeast Asia and South Asia. It was acquired by China Ascendas, followed by the entire African continent, and then Central and South America...

At that time, the global market will become China's take-off, which will not only cause a great impact on Boeing and Airbus, but more importantly, the authority of European and American aviation airworthiness certificates will be greatly affected.

Because the -220 series is used well, why do you and Europe and the United States say no? Is it a double standard? If not, how do you explain?

If such a situation really occurs, the standards that Boeing and Airbus rely on to dominate the world aviation market will become precarious, and other little princes who are already ready to move will rise up, desperately hitting the already solidified ceiling.

The most typical are Japan and South Korea. At this stage, they are suppressed by European and American standards. They are as good as quail.

So the best way is to sit down and have a good talk with China Ascendas. Just as Boeing and Airbus recognize each other’s airworthiness certification standards, and then share the world aviation market together, the three companies recognize each other’s standards to complete the three points. The pattern of the world is the right way.

No way. First, Boeing and Airbus cannot technically limit China's take-off, and second, they can't do any dimensionality reduction attacks in the industry. What can they do if they don't accept it?

However, some friends and businessmen do not believe in evil internally, and they always have to make some moths to disgust people, hoping to bring down China and take off. That's not a joke!

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