Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1691: Where is the goal?

Sheikh and Jamal were good buddies who talked about everything when they were in the Pakistan Air Force. With the expiration of their normal service period, Sheikh and Jamal could have gone to Pakistan with their excellent aircraft control technology. Civil aviation had a good job, but at this moment, the Saudi Air Force's recruitment advertisement attracted them.

No way, the treatment given by the Saudi Air Force is so good that it will explode. Not only does it have a basic salary of at least US$15,000 per month, but it will also enjoy the treatment of a Saudi citizen after one year of service. After three years of service, it will also get free points in the capital Riyadh. To a high-end apartment.

Leaving aside the latter two, the monthly salary of US$15,000 alone is more than three times that of Pakistan Airlines, not to mention that this is the basic salary, such as high temperature subsidy, pure water subsidy, flight hours subsidy, nutrition subsidy, communication subsidy, Housing subsidies...

The total extra costs added together, the monthly salary easily exceeds 20,000 US dollars.

That's not counting. When the traditional festivals in the Middle East such as Eid al-Fitr, there will be additional allowances and bonuses. If all of them are counted, the annual salary is close to 300,000 US dollars.

With such a generous treatment, Sheikh and Jamal said that it was false that they were not moved, so they met to go to Saudi Arabia.

After many selections, Sheikh and Jamal were recruited by the Royal Saudi Air Force based on their excellent foundation and outstanding personal qualities in the Pakistan Air Force. They were then assigned to the 225th Squadron of the 3rd Wing and became the Tornado MK2 fighters. pilot.

Among them, Jamal is the pilot and Sheikh is the weapon manipulator.

In this joint air force training held by the Gulf countries in the UAE, the Saudi Air Force mobilized multiple units to participate, including two Tornado MK2 fighters belonging to the 225th Squadron of their 3rd Wing.

This is not to say that their squadron only has two Tornado MK2 fighters. According to the normal organization, the 225th Squadron has 14 Tornado MK2 fighters, of which 12 are the main force in the organization and 2 are backup models.

As Saudi Arabia’s current main force in homeland air defense, the 225th Squadron is naturally fully equipped. It stands to reason that all should be sent to participate in the training. After all, this training is a one-on-one training with instructors from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Yes, the opportunity is very rare.

However, the number of pilots of the 225th Squadron is insufficient, and with the mercenary pilots of Sheikh and Jamal, the number of pilots of the entire 225th Squadron is only 8.

Calculated based on two people manipulating a "Gunfeng" MK2 fighter, only 4 of the 14 fighters can maintain the state of being dispatched at any time.

This has to be in good condition for the pilots, otherwise even this number will not be reached.

Then some people will say, since there are few pilots, buy fewer planes, and at least you can save some defense expenses.

The problem is that Saudi Arabia is short of money?

In the eyes of those Saudi princes, no matter how expensive the airplane is, it is just like a toy, so what if it is not needed to be locked in a warehouse?

Are there any other problems with Laozi, just this hobby, what can you do?

What's more, in the public military power comparison, it is no more than the number of pilots. It depends on how many advanced combat aircraft you have. According to this routine, Saudi Arabia’s muscles on paper are about to explode, a proper Middle East brother.

If this is in the Pakistan Air Force, in the face of constant pressure from New Delhi, Sheikh and Jamal will inevitably react to the Pakistan Air Force that such an unrealistic situation is not enough to enhance their combat capabilities.

The problem is that they are not in the Saudi Air Force now.

What you do is work, and you make money. As for those who are not combat effective, they have nothing to do with them. As long as the money is in place, everything is not a problem. This is the way for mercenaries to survive.

For example, at this moment, the two took off in the "Storm" MK2 fighter jet numbered 589, and formed a two-aircraft formation with two remote pilots of the Saudi royal family. They followed the orders of Prince Salman who was visiting in the UAE and took off. Air combat exercises in the airspace near Abu Dhabi are the same.

The captain promised that regardless of the success or failure of this additional exercise, Sheikh and Jamal's unplanned mission cost will be increased by 10,000 U.S. dollars, and if they can win, each additional 20,000 U.S. dollars will be added.

In this way, the two people readily accept, otherwise Sheikh and Jamal would not even pay attention to it.

Of course, this is still a life-threatening exercise. If it is an actual battle, the two promised to refuse directly, because these tens of thousands of dollars are not enough.

After all, he is a mercenary. Don't talk about the price with you, but also talk about feelings? I bother

Because of this, Sheikh and Jamal are thinking about fighting and leaving. Anyway, they have done things like this since they entered the Saudi Air Force. With the high intensity of their Pakistan Air Force that is always close to actual combat. The qualities that have been produced in the state are nothing short of a blow to the air force composed of the veteran soldiers of the Shanghai Gulf countries.

Especially after using today's "Gurly" MK2 fighter, the two are even more like a fish in water.

No way, as the ADV in the "Storm" series, the so-called air defense interception type, its mission is to intercept the invading bombers of the former Soviet Union while conducting air combat with its **** forces.

Because of this, the "Gust" MK2 fighter jet, whether it is radar, equipped weapons or its own flight performance, is the best in the "Gust" series, otherwise it will not be praised in the 1980s and 1990s. It is the best air defense interceptor in Europe.

Relying on this excellent model and the outstanding personal qualities of the two, Sheikh and Jamal almost swept the Gulf, and even the F-15 heavy fighters equipped by several countries could not walk much in front of them. trick.

Based on this, they feel that this time they can also replicate the previous fighters, so they used the tactics used by the two when they came up, which is to use the high-altitude and high-speed to quickly meet the enemy, and then guide them on the airborne radar with a maximum search distance of 185 kilometers. Next, launch a thunderous blow to the target that has not yet reacted.

If the action is swift, the entire air combat process may not even last for a minute, even if you count the round trip, it will only take more than ten minutes.

Sheikh and Jamal can easily collect 30,000 US dollars in ten minutes.

However, as the two of them led the fleet approaching at high speed and wondered how the extra income should be spent, the voice of the wingman came from the radio headset of the weapon operator Sheikh: "The situation in'Medina' is a bit wrong. , I did not find any suspicious targets!"


Sheikh recovered his thoughts when he heard the words, and immediately glanced at the radar screen. Except for a civil airliner, there were no other targets. According to their mission statement, there was indeed a civil airliner in this airspace during this time period. Flew over the edge of the airspace.

"Strange, where is the target?" Sheikh frowned, and immediately increased the radar power to release the maximum detection range, but still did not find anything possible, just when Sheikh was about to let the wingman go out some distance and install the machine. When the formation was conducting a fan search at a fixed angle, the wingman’s exclamation suddenly pierced Sheik’s eardrum: "No, I am locked..."