Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1712: Big news

"What's the situation? An order worth more than $50 billion?"

Listening to the voice of the choreographer's room, the busy TV station staff around him stopped for a while, and immediately began to whisper to each other. Obviously, they didn't believe it too much.

After all, something similar happened before. A company going to the United States to participate in the exhibition suddenly broke out that it had signed a large-scale supply agreement with a well-known American electronic product manufacturer.

At that time, the TV station that learned the news immediately made the news into a briefing, which was broadcast on the 7 o'clock prime news program, which instantly attracted national attention.

However, it proved afterwards that this was an exaggerated publicity by that company in order to increase its popularity. Not only did it fail to sign an agreement with related American companies, but it did not even enter the main entrance of the exhibition.

It's just that a few persons in charge took two photos at the entrance of the exhibition and touched their hands seemingly intimate with a few foreigners who paid for it.

Precisely because of this, the superiors severely criticized the station. After that, after receiving similar news, the station must conduct a strict review. The problem is that some things can't stand the investigation at all. A little deeper, the fox's tail leaks out.

Because of the more experience, these directors are not surprised, so after a little discussion, they are busy with their own things.

But just as these directors reverted to their previous status, it didn't take long for them to go on their own way. An incredible voice came from the director's room again: "What? Really? Saudi Arabia and Kuwait officially signed a contract with China Ascendas. The UAE signed a contract of intent? And Did Saudi Arabia pay 5 billion US dollars in advance in person?"

In an instant, the busy choreographers stopped their work again. The leaders who looked towards the choreographer's room like petrified sculptures were holding the phone and looked a little dazed. Fortunately, this leader has experienced strong winds and waves. The experience is also considered rich, and I quickly asked a few questions:

"Is it true? Are there photos of the scene? Does the embassy know..."

“I’ve taken the scenes, but I don’t have any equipment on hand, so I can’t send the material back for a while. I can only use the rented equipment to post back later, but the embassy knows about this, and the commercial counselor is there. Witness the cooperation agreement signed by oneself on the spot..."

The reporters stationed by the TV station in the UAE responded quickly, but there were some complaints about the lack of words.

This is also easy to understand. It is hard to expect a big news, but the result?

Because of the injury, there is no good thing about the guy, and I can’t send the material back. If I also have a satellite communication vehicle and live broadcast equipment like Japan and Korea, such a major news event, I can’t let myself take off. But now...

However, the leaders did not have the time to listen to the complaints of the reporters on the spot. When they learned that the local embassy knew about this, they hung up the phone and quickly looked up the contact information of the UAE embassy and consulate. After a few words, they dialed it. After introducing his identity, he asked straightforwardly: "Does China Ascendas really sign economic and trade agreements with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE?"

"Yes!" The staff of the embassy and consulate replied very positively: "We were also surprised when we learned about this news, because a few years ago, China took off and almost reached an export contract with the UAE for an advanced trainer aircraft at the defense exhibition. However, Later, due to various factors including political changes in the UAE, the contract was cancelled.

So this time China Ascendas once again waited for Saudi Arabia to complete the UAV production line transfer contract. We have also confirmed from multiple parties that it does exist, especially the Saudi side. It has shown exceptional sincerity and not only paid on the spot. The advance payment for the transfer of the US$5 billion production line, and the remaining US$15 billion will be paid in the next three months. This alone has created a miracle in the field of aviation manufacturing in my country..."

The staff of the embassy and consulates said a lot, all praises and praises for China's take-off. Obviously, the embassy and consulates are also extremely pleased with such a large turnover.

As for the directors and directors of the TV station, they are stupid. It has been for many years. There is no such big single export order in China. What's more, the aviation manufacturing field is still not favored by people. What is more important is this export. It is not only the finished product, but a higher-level production line.

If the Gulf countries do not have enough trust, they will never do such a move.

For a time, adjectives such as biggest, first, higher level, super and other adjectives continued to rotate in the minds of directors and directors, and finally condensed into three words: big news.

So apart from anything else, I directly picked up the phone and gave a report to the leader of Taili. The leader of Taili also paid great attention to it. After asking about the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, the confirmation could not be confirmed again, and finally he responded to the director. Leader: "Hurry up, focus on the report, and send a few more film crews to several factories that are taking off in China, and record the production and life there. It is best to form a special topic... Oh, yes, it is 7 o'clock away. The news is still 20 minutes away, so I’ll make a short newsletter, and adjust the content of the following programs, and try to make this news hype and hype, **** it, I’ve long been upset about the self-proclaimed news from Japan and South Korea, and broadcast it. Let the people of the whole country know, and let the little Japan and the Korean stick know who is the joke..."

Listening to the words of the leader in the station scolding his mother, the choreographer and leader also have a cheerful face. Every day, he looks at his boss with a serious face, opening his mouth and thinking, as if the changes in the outside world are impenetrable to him, and water cannot enter. The insulator is simply indifferent.

So many people think that the leader in the station is extremely rigid. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Unexpectedly, there is such a side. It seems that it is not his own leadership that is staid, but that there is too little news that can make him unfashionable. It is said that the leader is also a human, and I also hope that my country will be proud, just like this time China takes off. Like a super big deal, as long as you sit firmly, the leaders of the station are just like ordinary people. Even the Japanese who are relieved of their lives will be condensed into a small Japan!

But after all, it’s a good thing. The director of directors didn’t care about the wording of the leaders in the station. He put down the phone and ran out of the director’s room. The editor and director of "Observation": "You change the program planning for this issue. The one you gave to the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition last time is very good, and there are some drone materials developed by China Ascendas. This issue will be broadcast! "

After speaking, he ignored the director of "New Defense Observation", and hurriedly found the director of other columns and began to explain the task.

The editor of "New Defense Observation" heard the words, and he was taken aback for a while, and then turned around and a big head hit the wall twice, changed and changed, and finally NM returned to the original point. The director of "New Defense Observation" really The baby feels bitter, but the baby wants to say but can’t say it