Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1715: Big head of production line profits

Because of this, although TNB-2E and TNB-2B look similar in appearance, in fact, the two drones are essentially different in terms of materials, craftsmanship, avionics and performance.

Just like Jetta and Passat, although they both have the same matryoshka faces of Volkswagen, in essence, the two models are not the same at all.

This is the difference between TNB-2E and TNB-2B.

Take the materials used by the two models as an example. TNB-2B uses the most common aviation aluminum alloy, and its source can be traced back to the aluminum alloy material used on the old J-6.

It’s just that China’s Tengfei’s manufacturing capabilities for traditional aviation aluminum alloys in sheet metal, bending, cutting, machining, etc. are far behind in the 1960s and 1970s. Therefore, it is possible to make this type of traditional aviation aluminum alloys thinner and have better flatness. .

But no matter how it is optimized, the essence of traditional aviation aluminum alloys will not change, that is, compared with today's lightweight modern high-end aviation materials, it is not only heavier, but also has average structural strength.

This also led to the unattractive data of TNB-2B in terms of payload and voyage. In addition, the equipped WD-41ML-200 turboprop engine is only an entry-level product of this series of engines, so the overall performance can only be said to be average. so-so.

TNB-2E is different. The keel is made of high-strength aluminum-lithium alloy, part of the supporting structure and the skin of the fuselage are made of carbon fiber composite materials, and a large number of wings, horizontal tail and vertical tail are made of aramid fiber honeycomb structure. Material.

Not only are these materials expensive, but the equipment used to process them is also not cheap.

Take the cutting tool on the most basic machining equipment as an example.

If you want to process carbon fiber composite materials and aramid fiber honeycomb structure composite materials well, the most basic configuration is a suitable tool.

After all, the traditional tools used for metal machining are not suitable for the processing of composite materials, because composite materials not only have high strength, but also are easy to be delaminated and drawn during processing due to their own characteristics.

Not only that, but if the tool is not used well, it will cause the material being processed to deform, burn, and eventually lead to complete scrapping.

Therefore, composite material processing tools are a key basic element for the production of qualified composite material accessories.

In this regard, only Lockheed Martin in the United States and China's Tengfei are in a monopoly position.

Yes, China Ascend not only leads the world in the production of composite materials, but also is the invisible champion in the field of professional processing of composite materials.

For example, special drilling tools for carbon fiber composite materials processing.

Taken out alone, it is almost no different from ordinary alloy knives. They are all similar to cross-shaped heads, extending spirally, exuding metallic luster, and there is nothing unique about them.

However, if you put it under a high-power microscope, you will find that the cutting edge on the carbon fiber composite prop is essentially different from the traditional tool. It is a petal shape similar to an oblique arrangement, and because of this, each inclined plane is actually There are multiple blades on it, and the combination is like the combined knives at the front of the shield machine. It is not a single blade that fights, but a combination of blades that charge in a group.

The advantage brought by this is that the hole processing can be completed in the shortest time, while the formation of delamination and wire drawing can be avoided to the greatest extent.

Of course, if you want to achieve this step, you can't take it out just by thinking about it casually. It requires extremely precise calculation and design to complete.

Without the rich experience in this field and the technical accumulation of multiple batches of product iterations, it is impossible to even think about it.

That's not counting, you must have the best industrial design software and ultra-precision processing equipment to complete it.

China Tengfei is not talented, and these two things have long been available. Let alone the JSNB series industrial software itself is China Tengfei's killer in industrial design. In terms of ultra-precision processing, China Tengfei additive processing technology (that is, 3D printing technology) It is unique in the world.

Relying on these two trump cards, China Tengfei has created its own cutting tool system for composite material processing based on ceramic matrix composite materials.

After years of development, it can completely compete with the related brands of the Lockheed Martin Company in the United States and divide the world.

However, whether it is Lockheed Martin or Tengfei, related products are expensive.

Therefore, the kind of props that other manufacturers use depends on their own specific craftsmanship and products.

After all, Lockheed Martin's products have a longer lifespan, but the corresponding cost is also higher; Tengfei's lifespan is slightly worse, but the cost is lower.

It can be said that each has its own shortcomings and advantages, and because of this, many manufacturers who need composite material processing basically use the two as a mixture.

Of course, Saudi Arabia’s TNB-2E drone production line doesn’t need to be so troublesome. All domestic equipment is used, and the knives must naturally use Chinese Tengfei products. Otherwise, do you think that 20 billion US dollars can be paid?

That would be so silly and naive.

It should be known that a special hole-making cutter head produced by China Tengfei for processing T300 carbon fiber composite materials costs 20,000 US dollars.

The service life of this cutter head is only 450 holes.

That is, after drilling 450 holes, the special tool worth 20,000 US dollars is completely scrapped, and if you want to continue using it, you can only replace it with a 20,000 US dollar tool of the same model.

There are 11,800 precision holes on each wing of the TNB-2E UAV, and the whole aircraft has no less than 1.2 million connection holes.

And 75% of the whole machine adopts composite material structure, 75% of 1.2 million is 900,000, 450 holes need to be replaced with a pair of special tools, think about 2,000 pairs of tools for 900,000 holes, and each pair of tools is 2 10,000 US dollars, 2,000 copies are 40 million US dollars.

This is just the tool consumption of a TNB-2E drone.

The key is that Saudi Arabia has worked so hard to get back the drone production line that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com almost broke the face with the current old king. How could it be possible to produce just one?

At least 100 have to be set up, otherwise how can it show Prince Salman's great choice.

The consumption of these 100 drones alone is $4 billion.

The problem is that the similar consumables of the entire production line are not limited to such special tools, such as regular upgrades of industrial control software, regular maintenance of machine tool equipment, consumption of auxiliary materials, plus the use of basic raw materials...

The sum of all kinds of miscellaneous things is the biggest profit of the production line.

In other words, once the production of this TNB-2E drone lands in Saudi Arabia, it will be like a leech lying on Saudi Arabia. It will never let go unless it **** the blood from Saudi Arabia's bone marrow.

Otherwise, Zhuang Jianye will do this business regardless of past suspicions?

You must know that the aircraft production line that is banned by developed countries is generally something that cannot be bought with money. How can Zhuang Heixin give up if he does not double his income?