Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 238: what is that?

The army commander’s voice was loud and loud, and Zheng Quanli immediately replied without hesitation: "Please rest assured, the commander, and promise to bring out our airborne force.

   "Good!" The military commander said yes, and he hung up and ended the call.


At the same time, in the director’s department located on the south side of the Dabie Mountains, a huge exercise sand table is placed in the center. The staff will mark the red and blue arrangements on the sand table from time to time. The director of the director department who is responsible for coordinating is standing by the side. The situation of the sand table was introduced in detail by the head of the headquarters who came to observe the exercise.

   This is a red and blue confrontation exercise with live ammunition. The main group of a division of the N Military Region will act as the red side and be responsible for defending the imaginary city S.

   A certain regiment of the Airborne Corps commanded by Zheng Quanli was responsible for the offensive as the Blue Army.

   Although the Director Department complied with the headquarters’ intentions, nominally, there was no plan for the actual combat exercise, allowing the red and blue parties to play freely in the vast area of ​​the exercise.

But in fact, from the perspective of the composition of the arms of both sides, the Red Army is clearly dominant, because the main group of the Red Army is also the fist unit of the N Military Region. Since receiving the task of the Red Army, it has received various units from the army and the division. strengthen.

   not only has armored vehicles, but also has two tanks in his hand. As for the artillery, not to mention the artillery, not only has the M-howitzer transferred from the 24 divisions, but also has been strengthened by military-style howitzers.

   In addition, an antiaircraft artillery company directly under the N Military Region was also transferred to this regiment, and additional antiaircraft artillery was added. Together with the equal-caliber mortars that the regiment originally had, the total number of artillery pieces exceeded one hundred and two.

   What kind of concept is this? During the Korean War, one of the main divisions of our army had fewer than forty artillery pieces, and the number of light artillery in this so-called main group exceeded the level of the four main divisions of our army at that time.

   Coupled with the strengthening of tanks and armored vehicles, the size of this main force has already reached the brigade level.

   On the other hand, Zheng Quanli’s blue army has also been strengthened by airborne troops, but due to its own conditions, let alone hard-core armored troops, large-caliber artillery for fire support, there are not many airborne troops.

   I can only do my best to supplement Zheng Quanli’s troops with 107mm rocket launchers and 82mm mortars, and the rest is to equip some 56-type squad machine guns and 40-type rocket launchers to strengthen the firepower of the off-duty group.

A comparison between the two sides, as long as people who are not blind can see, although the headquarters allows the red and blue to play freely, one side is a heavy armored cluster armed to the teeth; the other side is a weak light infantry who is free to play, even if the rules are biased to blue On the other hand, it is impossible for the Blues to win the Reds because their strengths are not equal, OK!

   It is reasonable to say that the director department should correct this disparity in strength. However, due to the long-term concept of the Red Army, not only the director department did not make adjustments, but even the headquarters responsible for approving the exercise did not interfere too much.

   The only unsatisfied person is the chief of the airborne troops. Even if he is dragged to serve as a sparring partner, he has to be beaten and his face is bruised and swollen, and he will have to step on his face a few times.

   are all soldiers. If you have the ability, you can do it with a real sword. Why do you pull so many foreign aid?

So the head of the airborne troops went to the director’s department and took a picture of the table, but the director’s table was shot louder than his, and the commander of the army was stunned by a single sentence: "If you feel so terrified, don’t When it comes to replenishing artillery for the Blue Army, I will not stop it even if it replenishes the aircraft carrier. The exercise plan is clearly written. Each shows its strengths and uses its abilities. If you can't, the troops will come to me? What is the chief of your troops for so many years? How did you become it?"

   The director of the director's department has a higher position than the chief of the army. In addition, the exercise plan is clearly written. The director's department clearly states that "the two do not help each other," and the army chief really can't help it.

So I could only go back with a sullen face, and immediately sent a report to the Air Force headquarters, or if he helped Zheng Quanli’s blue army get two sorties of helicopter landings, and six sorties of air-to-ground support, which was considered a slight relief. The problem of insufficient long-range military firepower.

But on the whole, the strength of the Blue Army is still too weak. If nothing else, it is only a matter of time before the Red Army rubs it on the ground. The commander of the army knows very well that in order to boost morale, he still radioed it before the start of the exercise. Zheng Quanli cheered up and hoped that even if he loses, he should not lose too ugly. It is best to bite a piece of the Red Army's flesh so that the head of the headquarters can see that even if their paratroopers have no heavy weapons, they are still the hard bones of Shangganling.

Perhaps he was really infected by his own tragic and vigorousness. When the army chief came out of the communication office, his face was very solemn. Several people who knew him came up to say hello, and he was not salty or indifferent, even if the headquarters chief came to ask. Then, he answered very coldly, as if a stranger shouldn't get close, making other colleagues far away from him.

On the other hand, the head of the Red Army has to be more friendly. Not only can he chat with acquaintances, but the leaders of other troops that he just met can also be taken care of by him. When he is received by the head of the headquarters, he is even more witty. Some praise.

   So many people in the director's department saw this scene, and they were all feeling that, judging from the performance of the red and blue leaders, even if the blue army loses, it is not wrong.

   "Okay, it's getting late, let's start!"

After understanding the deployment of the red and blue forces and general offensive and defensive plans, and talking with the military leaders of the red and blue sides, the head of the headquarters looked at his watch and explained to the head of the director next to him, he took the lead out of the bunker. To reach the center of the observation area, raise the telescope.

   At the same time, the head of the director’s department saw that the leaders of the troops who were observing the exercise were seated, he picked up the radio telephone set aside, and ordered loudly: "The acting begins!"

The words fell, three signal bombs shot directly into the sky, followed by a roar from the sky, and two strong 5s whizzed past, throwing bombs at the Red Army's preset positions, just listening to the sound of "boom~~", the hills in the distance Soot bursts up. At the same time, about two blue companies approached the Red Army's position. They first destroyed the barbed wire and minefield at the front of the Red Army with the barrier breaker~lightnovelpub.net~ After opening the passage, they immediately launched to the Red Army position. attack.

At this time, the aircraft responsible for supporting the Blue Army had already flown away after completing the ground support mission. If you want to continue to provide support to the Blue Army, you have to wait for half an hour. The Air Force gave two top fives to participate in the exercise and returned to the nearby airport. Refueling, hanging bombs, and checking for half an hour is fast.

   Therefore, taking advantage of this time, the Red Army artillery unit, which had prepared air defense and concealment in advance, finally tore off the camouflage, exposed its fangs, and began to carry out fire attacks on the offensive blue army.

   Seeing this, the head of the headquarters suddenly felt very bored.

He could predict the rest of the situation. It was nothing that the Blue Army saw the Red Army’s firepower and continued to call for air support to attack the Red Army’s artillery positions; the Red Army evaded and used artillery when the Blue Army’s six sorties of ground support were exhausted. The cover tanks and armored vehicles carried out an armored counterattack and crushed the blue army in one fell swoop. The blue army command organization used two sorties of helicopters to retreat, then gathered the remnants and returned to the starting position. The red army won and the exercise ended.

Such an old-fashioned drama, the head of the headquarters did not know how much he had watched these years, and he could guess the end after just a glance at the beginning. He was not even interested in complaining about this kind of exercise, so he planned to take a nap with his eyes closed, and was ready to lean in. The exercise is over.

But just as he was about to put down the telescope, several triangular aircraft suddenly rose up in the grass on the side of the Red Army's front position. They swayed in the air for a few times, and then rushed to an artillery position of the Red Army regardless of the fact that the head of the headquarters immediately opened up. Eyes, put down the binoculars and looked at the director of the director nearby, and asked: "What is that? A missile?"

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