Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 296: Snake swallow elephant

, The fastest update to take off the latest chapter of my aviation era!

At that time, there were definitely not a few people who criticized Zhuang Jianye for a broken head, but they were happy to see Tengfei factory backpacks. After all, if someone is willing to pay more, they will pay less. This foreign aviation giant has swarmed in. In the context of the current situation, any burden may become the last straw to crush the enterprise.

The main leaders of the ministries and commissions presided over the meeting were very moved. Companies that can help the ministries share the pressure at this time will be warmly praised by the ministries and commissions anyway.

So all kinds of unnutritious honors were piled on Tengfei Factory, besides that, it gave Tengfei Factory 40% more production tasks, and then there was nothing.

There is no way, the ministries and commissions do not have a lot of money now. In addition to the Yunshi production line, tooling equipment and some personnel eliminated by McDonnell Douglas, there are nearly one-third of the loss-making enterprises that need the help of the ministries and commissions.

Therefore, the ministries and commissions are really spared and lacking in energy. Seeing that Tengfei Plant took the initiative to stand up to help share the pressure, the ministries and commissions wished to package the eliminated Yunshi project as a whole to Tengfei Plant.

The problem is that the volume of the Ascendas plant is not large, and it can’t afford the project. Such unrealistic ideas can only be frustrated. So, the Ascendas Plant can only pick it by itself, and then the ministries and committees can add something to it. It also consumes one-fifth of the total number of Yunshi projects.

A part of the rest was taken away by the Northwest Factory, which specializes in the production of bombers and transport aircraft, and the rest was divided equally by ministries and commissions and divided equally among other factories.

One-fifth of the total, the size of the Ascendas plant today is also a typical snake swallowing elephant.

It is important to know that it is not only the production line of Yunshi that is eliminated, but also seven or eight parts and accessories factories, and the total amount is two or three times larger than the Yonghong factory.

One fifth is almost half of the Yonghong factory.

What's more, what Zhuang Jianye chooses is not the production equipment for aero engines, but the core manufacturing equipment for aircraft key parts.

There are not many personnel available, and there are less than two hundred people in total.

This is mainly because McDonnell Douglas also needs professional skilled workers to build factories in Shanghai, so most of them are left for appointment. The remaining part chooses to stay in Shanghai to make a living, and the other part obeys the local government's arrangement to switch to production. industry.

In fact, there are not many people left for resettlement by the ministries and commissions, only about 1,000. They are all those who came to the Shanghai stock market during the special period to participate in the Yun-10 project and did not have a registered permanent residence in the Shanghai stock market.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye selects people according to equipment, and the natural priority is to be able to operate skillfully. If you can’t, you should also look at the types of work done before. If it is useful for the future production of manned aircraft by the Ascendas plant, he will accept it. If not, he can only talk. regret.

Although it is cruel to do so, Zhuang Jianye has no choice but to give the entire Yun-10 project to the next. The problem is that nowadays there is no such ability at all. If you really want to do this, it will be awesome, and then... No more.

Because the Ascendas plant has been overwhelmed by this big project.

Snake Tunxiang is shocking the world, but without a strong stomach, the consequence of indigestion is complete death.

One-fifth of the whole is the current limit of the Ascendas plant, so what Zhuang Jianye can do is to maintain the genes of the Yun-10 project within the limited capacity.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye didn't need the grand and magnificent aircraft assembly line, nor did Zhuang Jianye, the shocking static test platform, nor did it need the fragmentary supporting facilities such as tires, decorations, and coatings.

Instead, it focuses on processing equipment for large-scale load-bearing structural frames; manufacturing equipment for wing beams; large-scale electron beam welding equipment, titanium alloy casting equipment, and almost a complete set of production and processing equipment for various parts of aero engines.

The transportation and hoisting of these things requires a lot of energy. This is not to say that after the equipment is in place, it is necessary to discuss with Huancheng the location of the new plant, subsequent construction, completion, equipment installation and commissioning, and the diversion through it. Placement of personnel and their families...

All of them are big things that can make people crazy.

As soon as Ascendas was involved in the assimilation of the Yun-10 project, the previous measures to deal with the big changes became impossible, so it was inevitable that it would become passive in the competition in the market.

Among them, the cliff-like decline in domestic orders is a concentrated manifestation of this passiveness. You must know that since Tengfei Factory built drones, there have been no fewer domestic orders.

But in 1986, a whole quarter passed. Except for a certain unit of the Sin Chew Air Force ordered two non-reconnaissance-8 weather reconnaissance aircraft, the entire domestic order was actually zero.

Although the Ascendas plant was mentally prepared for the grim situation, they did not expect it to be so serious. There were only two domestic orders in a quarter, a year-on-year decrease of 780%.

Thanks to the fact that H Company’s orders for UAV systems in the first quarter have tripled, coupled with the continuous output of the TY-2C and RY-1 UAV series since last year, this has allowed it to take off. The factory will not be hungry.

However, this phenomenon did not make Zhuang Jianye and other leaders of the Ascendas factory feel fortunate, but became more anxious, because it means that Ascendas is increasingly dependent on H Company.

And H Company seems to be consciously or unintentionally strengthening its control over Tengfei factory, such as the increasingly obvious rejection of domestic raw materials in raw materials; for example, the terminal sales are becoming more and more opaque; for example, the senior representatives stationed in Tengfei factory are becoming more and more conscious.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Ascendas plant has been roasted on the fire by H Company. If it cannot find a pillar in the domestic aviation field, it will be possible for Ascendas Plant to become the fat in H Company's mouth soon.

At that time, Zhuang Jianye has nothing to do except to spin off the various businesses of Tengfei Factory to barely keep the shelter.

But now the domestic aviation market is basically monopolized by foreign giants. The leaders of various aviation operating companies talk about Boeing and McDonnell Douglas. They can only talk about Airbus when they drink too much. There is no such thing as domestic production in their heads.

If you have to mention it, even if the leader is not anxious to you, he should politely ask: "Does your product really have good quality overseas?"

If this is put on ~lightnovelpub.net~, the leader of the questioning will definitely be put on short videos to teach people to behave, because at that time China was the world's factory and the leader of the global manufacturing industry, China Dare to say the first, the second can only be obedient.

But now it’s the mid-1980s, not to mention the world’s factories, even the production workshops are not even counted, plus the fake medicine cases in Fujian Province in recent years, the fake shoes case in Jiangzuo, and the fake wire cases in Kuaiji are endless. As a result, domestically-made things have been labeled by the Chinese people as synonymous with low quality and backward performance. Under this trend, it is not enough for imported goods to become people's first choice.

This is just like a certain deer milk powder exposed a problem decades later. Domestic parents bought out the milk powder in Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand. It is difficult to judge with simple right or wrong.

Ascendas Factory is so dying to encounter this kind of problem, let you have a lot of tricks, when you hear it is domestic, people don't even look at it, turn your face, French and German products, no matter how good or bad, are drooling over.

Zhuang Jianye was also helpless after learning about the situation. What can I do if people don't recognize the main product?

"It seems that we have to find another way!" Putting down the briefing in his hand, Zhuang Jianye leaned on the chair, rubbing his nose, and a bold plan began to take shape...